a Stefani Hood Blog

Bourbon Meatballs

This Bourbon Meatball recipe is a combination of several recipes I have found over the last couple of years.  My discerning taste testers have given me their feedback and this is the final recipe.

I mean it has bourbon, bacon, beef, BBQ sauce.  Who doesn’t like all of that?  I served these at a party recently and everyone loved them.  I admit I had plied them with lots of wine and booze, but never the less they liked them.  See, the secret to a good party is having really good booze and music then your guests will love your jokes and especially the food!
But on a more serious note, if cooking can be considered serious, these meatballs are great without the sauce served over mashed potatoes for dinner.  I will work on a more “formal” recipe for that one.

Bourbon Meatballs

An old fashioned appetizer with a twist of Bourbon to give it a hint of smoke and sweet.

  • 6 Strips uncooked bacon
  • 1 lb Ground beef
  • 1/2 Onion, chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Breadcrumbs
  • 1 teaspoon Chili […]
2021-02-05T15:50:52+00:00April 7th, 2016|Starters, Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Taco Seasoning

So they say that opposites attract and that is true in a lot of cases except for me and my best friend.  She and I are about 90% alike and the other 10% we are totally opposite.  I like quiet and calm and she can deal, God bless her, in mass chaos; I can smell anything and she is completely nose-blind;  I love to cook and she has no desire!! But, she does cook tacos so this recipe is for you BFF.
Tacos are a national weeknight dinner staple, am I right? They are easy and everyone likes them.  Well, tacos were on the menu one night a few years back and I reached for one of those taco seasoning packets and saw MSG on the ingredient list.  Now, you should know by now I am not a huge “organic, vegan, juicing” kinda gal, but the MSG does cause most people to feel shaky and icky.  So, I decided to come up with my own taco seasoning.  And hot damn it was so easy!
Here is our family’s taco […]
2021-02-05T16:04:37+00:00April 7th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Chinese Chicken Salad

I know this will sound strange and I have said it before, but my boys love salads.  So, I try to make a couple meals a week a salad. I have made this salad for years and years and have given the recipe to a million people.  It is just a good go-to easy weeknight salad that is healthy and filling.  

It is also a great way to “empty out” your refrigerator and sneak in some veggies for your family.  Use whatever you have on hand-do not make a special trip to the grocery store if you realize you forgot something. There really is nothing worse than the grocery store at 5pm. 
Here is the Broccoli Slaw I use


Serve 4-5

1 bag of coleslaw (omit the dressing packet)
1 bag of shredded broccoli mix
1/2 bag shredded carrots
1 bag sugar snap peas, blanched or steamed in the microwave in one of those fancy steam bags.  
1/2 bag bean sprouts
1 packet Chicken flavored Ramen noodles, crushed (hold on to seasoning for dressing)
3 Tablespoons sesame seeds
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 rotisserie chicken, […]
2018-02-15T21:28:26+00:00April 6th, 2016|Soups & Salads, Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Beer Brats

I know its spring, but the Northeast has snow and the South has 87° so I have no idea what season it is. But, since it felt like summer today I decided to make a summer dish.  But…I was lazy and did not want to grill, not that grilling is that hard, but it was just one more thing I needed to think about so I did this on the stove.  

There is nothing better than the smell of onions sautéing.  It just makes the house smell like you have been working for hours on some amazingly complex meal, ha!!  Well, this meal is anything but complex, but it is really good and gets on the table in a flash.
Here’s to the start of winter/summer/spring?? 


Serves 5

5 Sausages (Johnsonville Brats or any other german sausage you like)
5 Hoagie rolls
1 onion, sliced thin
1 bell pepper, sliced thin (red, green or yellow)
1 Tablespoon butter
1 bottle beer (Ale or dark German beer)
Preheat oven to 300°
Wrap Hoagie rolls in foil and place in oven to warm.
In a large straight sided skillet melt butter […]
2018-02-15T21:28:26+00:00April 6th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Biscuits and Gravy

Our weekends are insane!  I know most people have busy schedules, but the weekends used to be for relaxation.  Well, I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted come Sunday night. This past weekend we had 5 games, 3 practices, 2 birthday parties and a dinner party.  And I only have 3 kids!!! I can barely deal with my three-I have no idea how all you people do it with more than three kids. God Bless you!
Even though our Saturdays and Sundays are busy, many times we have a couple hours in the morning to just lay around as a family, if the older two get out of bed.  My youngest is still up at 7am and on the weekends he always demands, oh I’m sorry, requests politely (I don’t want to look like I am one of those moms that allows the hooligans to run the asylum) for me to make biscuits and gravy.
Of course I give in to his demands because I love biscuits and gravy as well. Oh, did I say that? What […]
2019-09-12T22:20:14+00:00April 5th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

BBQ Chicken Pizza

I really hate to say this word, but I had LEFTOVER BBQ chicken from the other night.  I just hated to throw it out so while I was at Central Market I was thinking of ways to use it.  My son was having a few boys over to hang out and I knew I had to have food ready.  So I bought two frozen plain pizza crusts and made BBQ Chicken Pizza.  They were gone in about 45 seconds.  I did get a small sliver to taste and it was pretty darn good!!
I just happened to have BBQ chicken, but if you don’t then just use rotisserie chicken or you can bake/grill a boneless, skinless breast and use that.
Serve this as a snack or put a garden salad next to it and in my book that is DINNER!
Here is the crust that I bought.  


Makes 1 (12″) Pizza

1 cup cooked chicken shredded (use rotisserie or bake one boneless, skinless chicken breast at 400° for 20 minutes)
2 Tablespoons BBQ sauce
1/2 onion, sliced
1 cup Mozzarella, shredded
2018-02-15T21:28:26+00:00April 5th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

BBQ Chicken

For anyone that likes BBQ, but does not want to wait for the SLOW cooking methods of BBQ, this chicken is perfect for a busy weeknight. Before you start your day, if you think about it, season the chicken with the dry rub and let it sit all day.  But if you are barely getting the kids out the door for school then just season the chicken right before you cook them. 

When you get ready for dinner just heat the oven and bake these suckers for about 45 minutes.  Then pop them on the grill for that traditional BBQ flavor. 
Serve this with roasted asparagus or corn on the cob or just a salad. 


4-5 Servings

2-3 large bone-in chicken breasts

1/2 cup BBQ seasoning rub (we like Stubbs)
Olive Oil
1 cup BBQ sauce (we like Stubbs)
Preheat oven to 375°
Preheat grill to medium high (you do not want the grill blazing hot)
Rub seasoning all over the chicken.  You can do this in advance if you have time.  It can sit in the refrigerator for up to a day.
Place the chicken on a foil […]
2018-02-15T21:28:26+00:00April 4th, 2016|Meats & Fish|2 Comments

Ahi Tuna Dip

Ahi Tuna is not something my kids ask for or even eat, but Ray and I enjoy it and since we are older and pay the bills we win, ha! 
We actually had an unexpected night in last night and it was really nice.  I was able to put on my “mom” clothes as my kids say (translation, muumuu). We opened a nice bottle of wine, turned on some music and enjoyed the beautiful spring weather (translation-no bugs),
I had not been to the grocery store and I wasn’t going in my muumuu so I made what I could find the fridge.  I felt ambitious on Friday and thought I would be able to make this Ahi Tuna dip, but it didn’t happen so I made it for an appetizer last night. That sounds fancy, but the rest of the dinner was BBQ chicken and roasted asparagus because that is what I had in the fridge.  
When making this dip there are two things to remember. One, use only FRESH sushi grade ahi tuna and two, act like it was very difficult to make […]
2018-02-15T21:28:27+00:00April 3rd, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Sauteed Mushrooms

Mushrooms are one of those side dishes that you either love or hate. I happen to love them!  There is nothing better than a great steak and sautéed mushrooms poured on top.  They give an earthy flavor that nothing else can duplicate. It’s called Umami (oo-MAH-mee), the fifth taste-salty, sweet, bitter, sour, umami.  It is a deep, meaty, savory taste. Think of soy sauce, Parmesan cheese, black olives, blue cheese they all have that hearty umami flavor. 

Ok enough education lets eat! 


2 lb. Crimini mushrooms, whole or cut into 1/4 with ends trimmed

1/2 stick butter
1 shallot, minced (or use an onion if that is all you have)
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 teaspoon fresh rosemary, chopped
3/4 cup red wine
1/2 cup beef broth
2 Tablespoons parsley, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Clean the mushrooms and trim the ends.
Melt the  butter in a small saucepan.  Add shallots and cook over medium heat until soft.  Add the garlic and sauté another minute.  
Add rosemary, mushrooms, wine and broth.  Cook over medium to medium low heat until the mushrooms are tender and the liquid has reduced, about 25 […]
2018-02-15T21:49:36+00:00April 1st, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Flank Steak

There is nothing my kids request more than Flank Steak.  They are carnivores!  I really do try and limit the amount of red meat they eat, but its hard. Beef is just so good-sorry vegetarians.  

I have tried to explain to them that red meat is not good for them every night. That we need to mix it up with chicken, pork or fish.  But when I serve “the other meats” they don’t always clean their plates and ask for seconds like they do with beef. But, my kids have learned not to complain about what I cook.  Ray will kick their A** if they moan that they don’t like something.  I’m not saying that they love everything I serve, but they do not complain. When they were toddlers the rule was, if you don’t like what I am serving then you may go get a hot dog out of the refrigerator.  After hot dogs for days they began to appreciate what I made.  And good grief what I am making is “normal” food-I’m not making them eat curried goat for heaven’s […]
2018-02-15T21:28:27+00:00April 1st, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are not rocket science, but I thought what the heck I am making them for dinner tonight so I might as well post it.  Because I know you are all waiting on the edge of your seat for me to post something.  

It’s 5:45 and my kiddos are all vegging on the couch. Don’t worry they have been to practice and one has done his homework.  One out of three is not bad, right?  So….I have opened a bottle of wine, got most of dinner prepared, set the table, turned on some music and waiting for my husband, Ward Cleaver, to get home.  No, don’t start thinking life is always this calm.  This is a rare moment-even the damn dogs are napping.  It will be mass chaos in about 10 minutes when everyone realizes the house is too quiet. 
Back on topic… mashed potatoes! Yes we do eat carbs, gasp! They are so good and go with just about anything, oh and they are so easy.  Below is my recipe for homemade mashed potatoes.  
But first I need to confess something. On […]
2018-02-15T21:28:27+00:00March 31st, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Radishes with Butter and Salt

Ok, I know you all see those beautiful red bulbs in the grocery store and think, who eats those?  Or, what do you do with radishes?  Don’t walk past this vegetable again!!  Just don’t do it!  Grab a bunch and give them a try.  

You can sauté them, roast them, pickle them or eat them raw.  One of the ways I like to eat or serve radishes is VERY simple.  Are you getting the idea that I like simple?  The next time you are needing to bring an appetizer to a get together bring this.  Or just put it out before dinner and munch on them with a crisp glass of champagne while you are cooking. There doesn’t have to be a special occasion to have a glass of champagne on Tuesday.  Life is too short to not make everyday special.  
I’ll get off my soapbox now. But seriously try radishes-you will love them!
Here is the salt I prefer in a dish like this where the taste is very prominent.


1 bunch of radishes-there are many varieties so buy […]

2018-02-15T21:28:27+00:00March 31st, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Frozen Dessert

I know this will sound strange, but a sweet tooth is not a Hood thing, so I don’t have a ton of dessert recipes. This does not mean that my kids don’t eat candy and suck down a Dr. Pepper every chance they get, but I generally do not serve dessert unless it’s a holiday or at a dinner party.  But this dessert is a childhood favorite of mine.  
My grandmother used to make this and we, the grandkids, would sneak into the laundry room where this old refrigerator from, literally 1942, sat.  We would use all our strength to open the door and hope there was frozen dessert in a pyrex dish in there.  Many times all we would find was frozen chicken spaghetti casserole or fruit punch in a tupperware bowl with masking tape dating it back like 15 years. Seriously, my grandmother never threw out any food. God Bless her soul, but maybe that is why I don’t like leftovers, hummm? I’ll save that one for the therapist. 
Frozen Dessert is nothing fancy, even the name is not fancy, but […]
2018-02-15T21:28:27+00:00March 31st, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Cucumber Carpaccio

While we were in San Diego for a lacrosse tournament last year, my husband and I snuck away and had a wonderful glass of wine and a dish similar to this at a restaurant on the beach. I’ll have you know we did not miss one game-this was during a practice time.  I am sure the atmosphere made this exceptionally delicious, but none the less I wanted to make it at home. 

There are many variations of this, but this is the one that we like.   


Cucumber Carpaccio

1 cucumber, peeled and sliced very thin
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
1 Tablespoon olive oil

If you have a mandolin then put it on the second thinnest setting and slice the cucumber.  Arrange on a plate.  If you are doing this in advance then stop at this point and place the plate in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

When ready to serve, drizzle lemon juice, oil, salt and chili powder on cucumber slices. If you do this ahead of time the cucumber will get soggy.

2018-02-15T21:28:27+00:00March 31st, 2016|Starters, Sides|0 Comments

Fennel with Lemon Salad

I used to hate fennel, but a friend of ours came to stay with us many years back when I was pregnant with one of the little people, I can’t remember who, and introduced me to raw fennel.  It actually has a less anise flavor than cooked.  I have learned to really love cooked fennel and I have been trying to recreate a baked fennel dish I had in North Carolina, but I can’t seem to get it right so stay tuned…
The recipe below, if you can call it a recipe, is light, crisp and pairs perfect with that bottle of wine that is so necessary at the end of the day.  I don’t think I would sit down to a bowl of this, but it is really good as a side dish. And bonus it has practically NO calories.  Don’t be afraid of that funky looking vegetable in the grocery-give it a try.

Fennel with Lemon Salad

I great way to use this unsual vegetable. So tangy and delicious and […]

2020-11-18T21:01:50+00:00March 31st, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Caprese Skewers

I hosted a cocktail party a few weeks back and served this appetizer.  They were gone in a flash. One of my friends even dribbled some of the oil on her gorgeous outfit, but said it was worth it because those things were amazing.  Now that is a compliment, whether she was just drunk and being nice or was serious.  I take all compliments about my food to heart.  See that is a lesson in serving your guests lots of cocktails so they will love anything you put in front of them:)
But seriously, aren’t cocktail parties so fun?  There is no pressure to serve dinner and typically people help out the hostess and bring delicious dips or wine.  I feel like we, as a generation, have lost the art of casual get togethers.  It’s kinda nice to gather at someone’s house and just talk, no phones, just talking and catching up.  We have a group of friends that gets together for game night every now and then. It’s relaxed, casual, silly and fun.  
This is a great appetizer to bring to a party […]
2018-02-15T21:28:27+00:00March 30th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Grilled Caesar Salad

I know you are thinking grilled caesar salad?  It sounds very, uck, but I promise it is wonderful. Every summer we go to Colorado for as long as we can.  The days have turned into weeks and now months. It’s just so beautiful and cool. And when it’s 110° in Texas the 75° in Colorado is fabulous.  Anyway, there is a restaurant we eat at several times every summer.  They have an amazing view, great wines, buffalo steaks that my middle son begs for and they have this grilled caesar salad that I love.  So when I am home I try and recreate it.  

Grilling the romaine gives it a smokey flavor and warms it up so it’s not so cold and crisp.  It’s just different and so good.  You can add grilled chicken or flank steak or shrimp if you want to make it more hearty.
There really isn’t a recipe for this dish. But here goes.


4 Romaine bunches, cut in half lengthwise

Olive oil
Homemade croutons (recipe to follow)
Parmesan Cheese, grated or shredded
Caesar Salad dressing (recipe in salad […]
2018-02-15T21:28:28+00:00March 30th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Caesar Salad Dressing

It is spring, yay!  Actually I’m not sure we had a winter this year.  I think I wore my winter, hide the fat, clothes twice. Spring is a double edged sword. You look forward to it, but then you realize that you have not worked out and that you are no where near ready for swimsuits.  
So…we all try to eat more salads, right?? Well, in my house my boys really do like salads and they ask for them all the time.  Don’t get me wrong, there has to be a crap load of meat on them, but they do like salads.  And Caesar Salad is an all time favorite.  
After many, many, many failed attempts at making a homemade Caesar dressing the monsters would eat I have landed on this one.  It is creamy, yet has more of a vinaigrette quality.  In other words, tangy.  


Makes about 1 1/2 cups

1 garlic clove, minced 
2 Tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 Tablespoons mayonaise (you can use light or no fat or full fat)
1 large lemon, juiced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2018-02-15T21:28:28+00:00March 30th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Green Beans with Lemon Cream Vinaigrette

If you are like me then you think that side dishes are the hardest part of a meal.  I mean come on, there are only so many vegetables available without trying to cook cactus to shake things up.  And since apparently eating carbs will kill you, we have to have only “greens” on your plate.  I’m not saying I subscribe to that theory, but incase you do this green bean dish is perfect.  

If you are needing a side dish to take to a dinner party or baby shower or just need to get a green veggie on your kids plate these are fantastic. They are served cold and the vinaigrette can be used on just about any vegetable (including cactus) or salad.


1 lb. green beans, ends trimmed (I like hericot vert-they are skinnier and more delicate)

3 Tablespoons lemon juice, about 2 small lemons
2 Tablespoons heavy cream
1 Tablespoon minced shallot (about 1/2 of a shallot)
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 of a red bell pepper, finely minced
In a small bowl or a mason […]
2018-02-15T21:28:28+00:00March 29th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas

Everyone in the world knows that Texas is the best at Tex-Mex and Smoked BBQ. These two delicacies are almost religions in the Lone Star State.  And having grown up with family in West Texas the green chilies made their way in to almost everything, including Tex-Mex and BBQ.  I wouldn’t say that green chilies are as prominent in Texas as New Mexico, but it is close.  They give dishes a mild heat with a hint of smoke.  
Now, most of the peppers used when referring to “green chilies” are the Anaheim pepper from New Mexico.  They are a large, deep green pepper and are almost always roasted before using or canning. Roasting gives them a smoky flavor that goes perfect with Tex-Mex dishes.  
This recipe is a family favorite and I have taken it to SO many people when dinner is needed.  It is quick, easy and perfect for making ahead and keeping in the fridge until ready to reheat.  So all my friends who have had this dish chime in with your thoughts.  


Serves 4-6

8-10 […]
2018-02-15T21:28:28+00:00March 29th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Garlic Bread

This could be the very best garlic bread you have even eaten.  I promise!  It took me awhile to figure out this recipe.  It takes no time and only a few ingredients that everyone has in their kitchen.

Serve this with Spaghetti and Meatballs, Bolognese, salad…

Garlic Bread

Delicious gralic bread that goes perfect with any dish!


  • 1 large Baguette, sliced length ways
  • 6 Tablespoons Butter, softened (I put it in the microwave for 7 seconds)
  • 1 Tablespoon Olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon Dried oregano
  • 1 Garlic clove, minced (using a garlic press makes this much easier)
  • Pinch of Salt and a few turns of the pepper grinder
  • 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1 Tablespoon Fresh Parsley, chopped


  1. Heat oven to 400°

  2. Place baguette cut side up on a foil lined cookie sheet.

  3. In a small bowl, mix together butter, oil, oregano, garlic, salt and pepper.  It should look like a paste.

  4. Spread evenly over both pieces of bread.  

  5. Sprinkle with Parmesan.

  6. Bake until golden, about 5-7 minutes.  

  7. Sprinkle with parsley. Cut into 2" pieces.

2021-07-17T23:18:59+00:00March 29th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Pepper Pasta

Pepper Pasta 3
Is anyone else ready for summer?  I used to dread summer when my kids were little because the days were so long and I always ran out of things to do with them in 110° days in Texas.  But, now that my boys are older and they can find things to do with their friends I look forward to slower days and afternoons with less carpooling or fighting about getting homework done. Yes, my kids hate doing homework!!  They cry, I cry, we all cry and I drink.  I swear if we make it through Spanish it will be a true miracle.

So, tonight was one of those nights where everyone was going in a million directions and my husband was headed to the airport.  I had about 5 minutes to make dinner.  I knew we were not going to be able to sit down tonight as a family and this recipe is perfect to just wait on the stove until someone is ready to eat.

This is a go to recipe when I have NO time […]
2020-08-04T18:14:16+00:00March 29th, 2016|Pasta|0 Comments

Lemon Baked Cod

The Hood family is not big fish eaters, except for my husband who eats salmon every single day.  I know, I know it is healthy and will help you loose weight, blah, blah, blah.  Me and my kiddos just don’t love it. However, that being said this is one of the best fish dishes I have ever come up with.  You can now clap:) 
I like fish and chips and that is usually made with cod, which is a firm, flaky fish that is not very “fishy”.  But, I did not want to fry fish in my house-can you imagine the smell?  So… I tried baking the fish fillets.  Everything goes better with butter and lemon so….  Now, if you cook often you know that dredging meat/fish in flour before cooking will create a fabulous sauce with the drippings.  The flour acts as a thickener. I did not want to dredge the fish in egg before the flour because that would essentially create a coating like fried fish has.  So here is my creation of a buttery fabulous fillet of cod.


2018-02-15T21:28:29+00:00March 28th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Crabcakes with Spicy Avocado Sauce

I started a tradition when my husband and I got married and we began hosting Thanksgiving at our house.  It’s kind of unusual, but now everyone requests it every year.
Before dinner, yes we have dinner at my house on Thanksgiving-I have never understood the 2pm Thanksgiving.  I don’t eat lunch at 2pm and I don’t eat dinner at 2pm so why would I eat Thanksgiving at 2pm?  In my house we watch football, hang out and have dinner at 7pm and the crash into dreamland with full bellies.
Anyway, I digress…. before we sit down to dinner, I make crab cakes topped with caviar and serve a glass of champagne to toast to the holiday season. Even the kids get a glass of kid champagne.  It is something that we all look forward to all year.  But, my son Jack LOVES crab and begs me to make crab cakes all the time.  I did not want to take away from the tradition that we look forward to so I came up with an alternative way to serve crab cakes.  Here is my […]
2023-07-10T22:01:57+00:00March 28th, 2016|Meats & Fish|2 Comments

Kung Pao Macadamia Nuts

I am always looking for things to serve at parties that are easy to make, shocking I know.  I have no idea where I came up with this idea, but it seems to work.  Let me know your thoughts!

This recipe is SO easy I really can’t call it a recipe.  It’s just that easy.  Serve these nuts with beer, wine, champagne, cocktails….


Kung Pao Macadamia Nuts

1 (6oz) jar Macadamia Nuts
1/3 cup Kung Pao Sauce (you can find this in jar in the Asian food section of any grocery store)

Preheat oven to 350°.

In a small bowl, mix nuts and sauce.  Make sure all the nuts are coated in the fabulous sweet/spicy, sticky sauce.

Line a baking sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray.  Pour the coated nuts on the sheet and spread them out in a single layer.  

Bake for 15 minutes.  Remove from oven and let cool.


It's really that easy.  But shhhh don't tell when you are serving these at a dinner party. 

2018-02-15T21:28:29+00:00March 25th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Tortilla Soup

I love tortilla soup, but there are MANY variations and finding the one that you like can take years of hard work:)  I like a more broth based soup with lots of vegetables.  

I was picking up my son at my friend Brittany’s house and walked in and smelled this amazing soup simmering on the stove.  I asked her what it was and demanded the recipe!  I made it for the family and they LOVED it and now ask for it all the time.  It is so easy and healthy.  


1/4 cup vegetable oil

4 yellow corn tortillas, chopped very small
2 large garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
1 medium onion, roughly chopped
1 can (28oz.) diced tomatoes
1 1/2 Tablespoons cumin
1 Tablespoon chili powder
1 bay leaf
3/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
4 cups chicken broth
3 cups water
2 large chicken breasts, cut into small bite sized pieces
1 large zucchini, diced
1 cup corn (fresh off the cob or from a can, drained and rinsed)
1 teaspoon salt
Shredded Cheddar Cheese, for garnish
Sour Cream, for garnish
1 Avocado, chopped, for garnish
In a food processor or blender, puree onion and […]
2018-02-15T21:28:29+00:00March 25th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Breakfast Burritos

The kiddos are out of school today and shockingly we have nothing going on!  I almost don’t know what to do with all three kids at home.  Little one got up about 7:30am so that means that I was up at 7:30AM!, but the other two are still asleep and it’s 10:15am. Yay Lord!  I truly never thought we would get to the day where the kids slept past 5 o’clock.  I have to say it is heavenly.  There is nothing better than having all your chickens in the house and yet have it quiet.  So since I was up at the crack of dawn with my youngest and the two dogs-Lord have mercy on my soul-that is another topic for another day.  But, anyway we got another dog (picture me opening a bottle of wine and not using a glass) so I was up with Jack and the dogs and he asked me to make him breakfast. 
I have not been to the store in a few days so I used what I had in the fridge and made breakfast burritos. I […]
2018-02-15T21:28:29+00:00March 25th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments


This recipe was given to me by a very sweet lady I met during a trip to Hawaii.  I know you don’t expect to find great Italian food in Hawaii, but this stuff was amazing!  I have tweaked it over the years to make it easier and more home cook friendly.
Now, you need time to make this recipe.  Not hands on time, but it needs to simmer for a few hours to bring out all the fabulous flavors.  Just make it in the morning and let it simmer on low all day.  Or if you are one of those weekend organized cooks then by all means make us all look bad and make it on the weekend and pop it in the freezer or fridge until you are ready to use it.


A classic Bolognese sauce

  • 1 (16oz) Cans crushed tomatoes
  • 4 Tablespoons Olive oil
  • 1/2 medium Onion
  • 3 Stems celery
  • 2 Large carrots
  • 4 Garlic cloves
  • 2 lb. Ground meat (can be 100% beef, or or 50% of any two or 1/3 of each of […]
2021-07-17T23:21:14+00:00March 22nd, 2016|Pasta|0 Comments

Savory Breakfast Waffles

I don’t make much in advance, but I do make these savory waffles.  I am not the kind of cook that can make 25 freezer crock pot meals. I just don’t have it in me and I frankly forget what is in the freezer.  I know it would probably make life easier, but like I said in my bio I am not a cupcake mom-I am lazy!
But, with all that being said, when I make these waffles there are always enough to save for breakfasts during the week. I have to say it does make mornings easy when all I have to do is pop one of these in the toaster and pour syrup over it. Because sometimes walking to the pantry and grabbing a box of cereal and pouring it in a bowl and then hiking over to the fridge to get the milk is just too much! 
So here is the recipe for the all in one breakfast waffle-yum!


Makes about 12 waffles

6 oz. breakfast sausage (such as Jimmy Dean)
1/2 bag hash browns (such as Simply Potatoes)
4 Tablespoons […]
2018-02-15T21:28:30+00:00March 22nd, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Hominy Casserole

Hominy Casserole 1
This was the second side dish I made this weekend to go along with the baked beans and brisket.  It is a casserole we would eat at family gatherings in Lubbock, Texas with my Mom’s family when we went to visit.  It’s one of those dishes that I assume was in a church cookbook and it is very representative of West Texas with the green chilis.
I used canned white hominy that you can find in almost any grocery store, except Trader Joes. If you can’t find white them use the golden.  No biggie!  Another thing to keep in mind is pre-shredded cheese comes with an anti caking agent on it (that’s all the white flecks on the cheese in the bag).  It will melt so much better if you can grate a block of cheddar by hand or using your food processor. Trust me!  you know I like short cuts, but this is one you need to take the time.  It will make a difference!
I didn’t have […]
2022-04-11T22:50:59+00:00March 22nd, 2016|Sides|2 Comments
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