Our weekends are insane!  I know most people have busy schedules, but the weekends used to be for relaxation.  Well, I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted come Sunday night. This past weekend we had 5 games, 3 practices, 2 birthday parties and a dinner party.  And I only have 3 kids!!! I can barely deal with my three-I have no idea how all you people do it with more than three kids. God Bless you!
Even though our Saturdays and Sundays are busy, many times we have a couple hours in the morning to just lay around as a family, if the older two get out of bed.  My youngest is still up at 7am and on the weekends he always demands, oh I’m sorry, requests politely (I don’t want to look like I am one of those moms that allows the hooligans to run the asylum) for me to make biscuits and gravy.
Of course I give in to his demands because I love biscuits and gravy as well. Oh, did I say that? What I meant to say is that I make it for the boys and I eat quinoa and wheatgrass, in my Lululemon.


Biscuits and Gravy

3-6 Servings

1 lb. bulk breakfast sausage 

¼ cup all-purpose flour

3 cups milk-whole or 2%

1 Teaspoon seasoning salt (Lowry's)

6 warm biscuits (canned or frozen work just fine!)

Bake biscuits according to package directions.

In a straight-sided sauté pan, over medium heat, cook the sausage until it is cooked through and crumbles. Sprinkle flour over sausage. Cook sausage for about 1 more minute or just until you can’t see the flour anymore.

Gradually add the milk stirring constantly with a whisk.

Lower the heat to medium-low and let simmer for about 5 minutes (keep stirring).

Stir in seasoning salt. 

The gravy should be a thick sauce-if you need to thin out add more milk.

Pour gravy over split biscuits and serve immediately.


1- You can make your biscuits from scratch, but who has time for that!!

2- Gravy is an "adjust as you go" recipe.  Just adjust the amounts to get it to the right taste and consistency.