Soups & Salads

Butternut Squash Soup

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A savory butternut squash soup with shredded chicken, white beans, sage and crispy bacon.

The weather is cold and yucky in a lot of the country probably because its January and I think its still 2020 in disguise as 2021. So what better way to way to warm up than to make a huge batch of Butternut Squash soup. I have said before that soup is an appetizer for boys, but this soup is really hearty with navy beans and shredded rotisserie chicken. Now, don’t get me wrong this would probably not be the only thing I would serve to my boys, but for me and my husband it is perfect and it’s even better for lunch the next day.

Whenever I make anything with butternut squash I always buy the pre-cut squash in the grocery store because why in the world would I risk my fingers trying to cut a whole squash. However, if you cannot find pre-cut then be very carful when cutting […]

2021-01-26T17:16:08+00:00January 26th, 2021|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Macho Salad

There is nothing like a really good salad, but making a really good salad is not as easy as it sounds which is why we all go out and pay $25 for $6 worth of ingredients. But, there is nothing better than a hearty, healthy salad (just watch the dressing calories). I have to admit I am not a huge fan of the Houstons/Hillstone/White House/Honor Bar/Bandera food chain only because I kinda feel like the staff is a bit rude and I really hate eating at 11am or 4:30pm or waiting 2 hours for a table, but I do love most of their dishes on the menu. One of my favorites is the Macho Salad at Honor Bar. It is filled with so many good things like roasted chicken, cornbread croutons, avocado, dates, goat cheese, corn… its just yummy!

So, one of the best things about this salad are the cornbread croutons. Do not let this turn you away from making this salad. They are not […]

2021-01-12T22:02:56+00:00January 12th, 2021|Soups & Salads, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Tortilla Soup

If you live in Texas you are very familiar with tortilla soup. It is on every Tex-Mex restaurant menu and there are many, many different versions. I have one version already on the blog, but this one is by far my boys FAVORITE. It is thick, creamy and perfectly balanced with spice.

My oldest son is in college and living in an apartment and has realized that eating fast food everyday gets old real fast so when he was home over break we made him about 10 freezable meals. One of the freezable dishes was this tortilla soup. He said he and his roommates plowed through the soup first and all said it was the best tortilla soup they have ever had! WOW! If you have boys you understand how big that is. Boy are not big “soup” eaters so for them to say it was the best and could I please make more…. big deal!

This recipe […]

2021-01-08T15:28:38+00:00January 8th, 2021|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Irish Beef Stew

Beef is the most requested meat in my house!  My boys would eat it everyday if I let them, but I try only make it a couple times a week. Since it is winter I made a Beef and Beer Stew today.  Who doesn’t love stew?  There are a million variations of stew and every culture has their version.  A stew is basically a tough cut of meat, think cheap, that has been cooked low and slow in a liquid (beer, wine, broth..).  You can add any vegetables you like, but normally they are hearty root vegetables such as parsnips, carrots, potatoes, turnips…

The good thing about stew is you can make it early in the day and let it go all day in a low oven or in a crock pot.  Just make sure you have enough liquid in the pot so that it doesn’t evaporate and become a burnt mess-I’ve done that before and it really sucks when you open the lid expecting a fabulous stew and find burnt pieces of meat.
Another note about stews or soups, do not […]
2021-01-06T17:24:23+00:00January 5th, 2021|Soups & Salads, Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Newporter Salad

Well it was a very different Thanksgiving, but I have to say it was kinda nice. I missed the big family, but it was very special to have just my little family of 5. With all our boys away at school I treasure every minute with them. Plus clean up was a breeze!!! Did y’all notice that? I mean 5 plates, 5 napkins, 5 glasses…. It took us about 20 minutes to clean the whole kitchen!!

Since there were only 5 of us we did have a lot of leftovers and we are not big leftovers people so I had to find a way to use them instead of just putting them in the freezer which means I just toss in the trash in 3 months. I first made Turkey Noodle Soup then I made Turkey Tetrazzini then I still had leftover turkey so I made a SALAD! I much needed SALAD! I love the R&D restaurant salad, but I do hate […]

2020-12-10T16:00:48+00:00November 30th, 2020|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Easy Chicken Pozole Verde

Easy Chicken Pozole Verde 1

If you are looking for an EASY, QUICK, dinner/lunch this is it! Easy Chicken Pozole Verde is so delicious and perfect during the cold winter or the hot summer.  It is a bit tangy with a tiny bit of heat (you can always add more) and it is filling and comforting. Its just so good!

I have dumbed this recipe down so it can literally be made in about 20 minutes and I promise you will not know it did not take all day to make. Sometimes, most of the time, I just don’t have all day to make soup.

You know I looked and looked for years for a good, quick pozole and every recipe I came across had me making the tomatillo sauce from scratch, which is fabulous, but why waste all that time?  Plus finding tomatillos can be hard sometimes. They are the green looking tomatoes that have thin husk on them.  I am sure you have seen them in the grocery and wondered, “what the heck am I to do with those?”. […]

2020-10-30T20:46:22+00:00February 17th, 2020|Soups & Salads|2 Comments

Beef Bourguignon

Beef Bourguignon 1

Beef Bourguignon is a famous French recipe also known as Beef Burgundy because its beef braised in red wine (typically red Burgundy wine) and beef broth.  It is a go to recipe that everyone should know how to make. It is easy and DELICIOUS! The leftovers are just as good as the first round so be sure to double the recipe.  I serve this over mashed potatoes or noodles and with a huge hunk of fresh bread to soak up all the fabulous juices.

I love the Trader Joes frozen mashed potatoes.  They come out perfect every time.  Just add some milk and heat in the microwave.

Trader Joes Mashed Potatoes

This Beef Bourguignon recipe is not fast only because it takes hours to get the beef so tender, but it is easy in that there is very little hands on time. I will put this in the oven in the afternoon and by dinner everyone is so hungry from smelling it all day.  It is a dish that […]

2020-03-17T14:59:58+00:00January 29th, 2020|Soups & Salads, Meats & Fish|0 Comments

15 Bean Soup in the Slow Cooker

15 bean soup

This time of year I am gung ho to cook healthy for me and my family, but I am exhausted from the holidays.  January is just the month of rest not the month of exercise plans and planners, in my opinion.  I need EASY recipes that they will eat. So…here is a super easy one for you.  Now, if you live in Texas or the South the weather has been GORGEOUS and it seems like we should be eating spring salads, but its still January so soups and stews are on the menu.  And if you are like my sister and in-laws who live in the Northeast, god bless you and you need this recipe more than all of us! It is hearty, filling, healthy and I swear your kids will eat it because it has a ham hock in it so it makes it very savory and rich.

I am not a huge slower cooker fan only because the meat tends to be dry and bland when it comes time to serve, but I […]

2020-01-08T18:03:38+00:00January 8th, 2020|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Broccoli Cheese Soup 1

Is it cold where you are? I am so sorry if it is, but it ain’t in Texas, woohoo! It is gorgeous today and I am loving it!  I have the doors open, the music playing and I am in the kitchen. Even though it is sunny and 65 degrees I am still wanting soup because it is December and that is what you are supposed make, right? Well, luckily when I asked my son what he wanted for dinner and he said Broccoli Cheese Soup. Which works out great because I happen to have cream, broccoli and cheese left over from the holiday, so here it is…

If you like Panera’s Broccoli Cheese Soup then you will love this! I put a lot of broccoli in this recipe because A) I like broccoli and B) it is Broccoli Cheese Soup. Oh and I put a lot of cheese in this recipe also, because the name says you have to, duh.  A note about cheese for soups- grate your own off the big block. Don’t […]

2019-12-03T20:13:18+00:00December 3rd, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Miraval Vegetarian Chili

Miraval Veggie Chili 1

If you have never been to Miraval Spa in Arizona you must put it on your list of places to visit.  It is fabulous and every time I go I say I am going to come back sooner rather than later or stay longer the next time, but life gets in the way. I normally go with girlfriends, but the last time I went it was just me and my husband and it was wonderful!  It was a much needed couple days of quiet, rest, eating well and focus.

One of the things I like most about Miraval is the food.  It is healthy and delicious, but most of the recipes are very complicated or time consuming and as you know I don’t like those kind of recipes. I am most happy to eat them if a chef prepares them for me, but I just don’t have the time or inclination to spend 2 hours on one dish. So, when I came across this recipe for their amazing Vegetarian Chili and it seemed pretty easy […]

2019-10-30T23:37:04+00:00October 30th, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

French Lentil Soup

French Lentil Soup 1

Cool weather is FINALLY here in Texas and it is fabulous!  The weather in Texas is amazing about 9 months of the year, but I tell ya the summers are hard and we are so ready for the cool weather when it gets here. And when it gets here, I’m talking about 68 degrees, people break out the winterwear.  It’s hysterical!  But, I do love being able to make fall dishes and not feel like a fraud. So here come the fall/winter dishes!

This French Lentil Soup is a such a delicious, hearty, easy soup to make and your whole family will really love it.  I was kinda nervous to have my youngest try it when I served it for dinner, but he loved it and had two bowls!  It is just a rich, filling soup that guys like.  I serve it with a crusty loaf of bread and salad.  But, the other night my lettuce was kinda yuck so I made grilled cheeses and served along side and that was, of course, delicious!

Celery Root […]

2019-10-14T20:23:30+00:00October 14th, 2019|Soups & Salads|1 Comment

Thai Peanut Noodle Salad

Thai Noodle Salad 1

I don’t know about you, but lunches are hard for me. I don’t want to stop working and “cook” lunch. And since I work from home a lot of times I get working at my desk and forget to eat and then when I do remember to eat I go to the kitchen and rarely have much in the fridge except for a sandwich or a few leftovers and as you know I am not a huge fan of leftovers. Some things are great as leftovers, like pasta or chicken salad or soup or stew, but leftover fish or pork chops just don’t do it for me. This Thai Peanut Noodle Salad is the perfect salad for lunch! You can make it on Sunday and it will keep in the fridge for a few days and it is still delicious. You can obviously serve it for dinner, duh, but it just makes such great lunch.

Make a huge batch of this and portion it out and take it to work.  You can eat it cold, […]

2019-09-30T23:24:41+00:00September 30th, 2019|Soups & Salads, Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Cream of Mushroom Soup 4

So, they say it’s Fall, but in the South it’s still 98 degrees with 90% humidity and I am still walking around in my swimsuit trying not to break a sweat while I am running errands. It does not get “cool” down here in Texas until about the end of October and then the weather is divine until about July- then we start heating up again. But, in this awkward month it is hard not to get excited about all the Fall food! I am so ready for soups, stews, pies… so I have just said screw it and I am just going to make these awesome Fall foods even though we have to have the A/C on full blast and the fans on high speed to eat soup.

I made this Cream of Mushroom Soup the other night when the house was quiet because the boys had gone hunting. I realized about 7:30pm that I was hungry and I had really nothing to eat in the house and did not feel like ordering […]

2019-09-23T20:24:25+00:00September 23rd, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Spinach Artichoke Melts

Spinach Artichoke Melt 1

It’s Monday and if you are like me you are exhausted from the weekend.  I don’t know what it is about holiday weeks, but last week with having only 4 days because of Labor Day made this weekend extra crazy! So, I am really phoning it in tonight for dinner:).  I am doing a LAZY meal-Spinach and Artichoke Melts.  They are so delicious and decadent and SO easy to get on the table.  Serve with a simple mixed green salad and dinner is done in about 20 minutes!

I am trying to squeeze in a few meatless dinners, but if your family will have nothing of the sort then this is so easy to add in some rotisserie chicken, grilled chicken, sautéed ground turkey…. and make this even more hearty.

You can use any bread that you have on hand, but if you have the ability to buy a crusty loaf of French bread it makes this even more delicious. There is just something about a slice of French bread!

Enjoy and don’t worry I will get […]

2019-09-09T17:03:56+00:00September 9th, 2019|Starters, Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Summer Lentil Salad

Summer Lentil Salad

This is one of those “mom salads” as my kids call it.  It is healthy and not too appealing for kids, however my son had some friends over for dinner the other night and they all seemed to really like it, so…go figure! Summer Lentil Salad is liked by 14 year olds!

Lentils are high in fiber, and complex carbohydrates, while low in fat and calories. They are high in protein making lentils a perfect way to boost protein intake. They are naturally gluten-free, making them a delicious staple in a gluten-free kitchen. Plus, you can put lentils in almost anything- oatmeal, bolognese, soups, salads…

This salad is perfect for a side dish served with a piece of salmon or chicken.  It can be served hot, warm or cold so it is great to make the night before and take to work the next day-you don’t even need a protein served with it. You can add a handful of arugula or spinach and make this a true “salad”.

I used the vegetables I had on hand, but you […]

2019-08-15T15:37:00+00:00August 15th, 2019|Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

Corn Chowder

Corn Chowder 1

Summer is the peak season for corn and right now in August it is at its sweetest. I have been putting corn on the table every night! Boiled and brushed with a little bit of butter, cut off the cob and put into salads and of course made into Corn Chowder. Yes, I know its a 100 degrees outside but corn chowder just screams summer. It is rich, creamy, sweet and DELICIOUS!

Corn Cobs

So what is the difference between a chowder and a soup? A chowder is a thickened cream based soup that is generally chunky.  A smooth cream based soup is a bisque. And a soup is broth based. Chowder gets it name from the French word chaudiere which is a type of cooking vessel, such as a pot that the French fishermen used to put over an open flame to boil their catch with veggies and potatoes. However, chowder is an American creation which is given its rich creamy texture by using flour and pork fat […]

2019-08-14T19:49:09+00:00August 14th, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Chicken Pot Pie Soup

Chicken Pot Pie Soup 3

I know, I know its Spring and we are wanting light, fresh recipes, but the weather has been so rainy and yucky that I have been wanting comfort food, especially soup.  Not a heavy chili or stew but soup-warm and comforting.  We love Chicken Pot Pie so I thought about how good would a Chicken Pot Pie Soup be?? Well..its pretty damn good! And really easy! You can make this more complicated by making your own biscuits but why? Just use the store bought biscuits in a can or the frozen biscuits.  They are just as good in a recipe like this and are super easy to make-preheat oven and bake 12 minutes.  Can’t get much easier than that!

I used heavy cream in this recipe but only because I had it in the fridge.  You can absolutely use milk in place of the cream and lighten this up even more.

I know I say all the time that this or that recipe is easy, but this one is really easy. On the night I […]

2019-04-23T16:40:48+00:00April 23rd, 2019|Soups & Salads|1 Comment

Pesto Chicken Salad

Pesto Chicken Salad

I was at Costco yesterday and grabbed a jar of their basil pesto.  It is SO good!!  It tastes so fresh and is not too oily.  It is delicious over pasta or in scrambled eggs or just slathered on a toasted baguette. But, I was thinking about what I could do with it that was a bit different and I thought of chicken salad-one because I had a fresh rotisserie chicken sitting on my counter and two I LOVE chicken salad.  Side note-If any of you live in Dallas and are chicken salad aficionados, Kubys has the best in the world! So, back to the recipe…I decided to come up with a quick chicken salad recipe using basil pesto and this is what I came up with.  It is simple, has few ingredients and is quick to make! 3 wins in my book.

You can always make your own pesto-I have a great recipe, but if you don’t have the basil on hand or just don’t want that extra step then store bought pesto is […]

2019-04-01T20:00:43+00:00April 1st, 2019|Soups & Salads, Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Rotisserie Chicken Panzanella

A classic Italian salad made with day-old bread, tomatoes, cucumbers and other veggies with addition of store bought rotisserie chicken makes this a perfect weeknight, light dinner.

This is a great dish to use up your not so ripe or over ripe tomatoes.  By letting the tomatoes sit in a bowl sprinkled with salt a beautiful juice forms that adds a sweetness to the dressing that screams summer! Now, I know its not summer yet, but I feel like we are all SO ready for some warm weather and some sunny days so lets just pretend!

The “recipe” for panzanella has been around for centuries, but the addition of tomatoes was not until the 20th century so this is an ever evolving recipe.  My point being add whatever you have on hand to this salad.  There is no recipe. If you have avocado or corn or squash add it! Grilled chicken, shrimp, steak, salmon…add it.  There are no rules and you can’t mess it up!

With my “recipe” I used what I had in my fridge-tomato, arugula, watercress, day-old bread, […]

2019-03-22T17:31:21+00:00March 22nd, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Citrus Salad with Fennel and Avocado

It is citrus season and I love it! There is nothing better than a juicy orange on a winter day.  It just makes you feel happy and hopeful that spring is around the corner. We always have tons of oranges, grapefruits, lemons in the fridge but especially in the winter months. In fact, I was at the grocery store this morning and came home with about 15 oranges and grapefruits so I better get cooking or peeling.

This Citrus Salad with Fennel and Avocado is a classic restaurant salad probably because it is delicious but also because it is really easy to put together and in a restaurant they can charge about $18 and get away with it. So, why not make this at home and save money and have it all the time?!

If you are not familiar with fennel you need to get to know it.  It is a delicious vegetable and that goes in so many dishes and can also be eaten raw. I used to hate fennel, but we had a friend come to our […]

2019-02-11T22:02:04+00:00February 11th, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Instant Pot Senate Bean Soup

Yes here is another Instant Pot recipe!! I’m just as shocked as you are that I have been using it.  I have found that I really like the IP for soups, rice and a few meat dishes that would other wise take me hours to make.  I am still not going to use it for all my meats only because I don’t love shredded meats except for a few recipes.  And I am not going to use it for recipes that I can make in the same amount of time on my stove or oven-whats the point?  But, I can promise you that if I post a recipe on here it has been tested, tested, tested and family approved and trust me my little one hates EVERYTHING! So if I post it that means that the beast ate it:)

I’m sure you have all been in the US Senate dining room, right? No of course not, neither have I, so I cannot testify to how this compares to the original, but I have done a lot of research […]

2019-01-24T20:34:51+00:00January 24th, 2019|Soups & Salads|9 Comments

Winter Arugula Salad

Salad, Salad, Salad it is what I am craving right now. Over the holidays we did a lot of eating and while we were in New York City we ate even more, but how can you not eat fabulous food while in NYC?  Next to Paris it is the best eating city in the world, in my opinion.  So needless to say I need to eat some salads, but I think that homemade salads are hard to make.  Why??  Im not sure.  I go out to restaurants and pay $18 for a salad that is just kale, rotisserie chicken with some almonds thrown in there and it seems to taste better.  So, I am on a mission to come up with some delicious salads that are easy, satisfying and filling and this is my first one.

This salad is a great base for any protein or by itself as a light lunch or side dish.  My husband LOVES salmon so I buy a piece for him and throw it on this salad or I will sauté some shrimp or shred a rotisserie […]
2018-03-01T15:13:24+00:00January 11th, 2018|Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

Chopped Detox Salad

Ok its the new year!!!  We made it through the holidays happy and healthy and little bit heavier 🙁 So now its time to get in shape for spring break. I need to shed a few of these pounds because we always go to the beach for spring break because its warm, sunny and we can have a true family break.  When March rolls around we are all in desperate need of a relaxing, calm vacation as a family.  Spring break is one of those holidays I truly cherish and protect. It is an opportunity for us as a family to spend quality time together without distractions or schedules.  Since my boys are now teens 🙁 time with them is more precious now than it has ever been and I do my best to carve out time with all of us together.  These vacations will end soon so for the time being spring break vacation is not an option to miss-sorry school and coaches my kids will miss whatever ridiculous thing/game/tournament scheduled to spend time with family and catch up on sleep.

Back […]
2020-10-27T16:03:28+00:00January 9th, 2018|Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

Homemade Chicken Stock

Homemade Chicken Stock is not something I make all the time.  My freezer does not look like Martha Stewert’s! But, if I have time I will make a batch and freeze to use later.  The one thing I have learned about frozen chicken stock is that is never thawed when you need it (I think about dinner about 5pm and I need my ingredients ready!), but you can freeze the stock in a way that you can use it quickly.  Pour cooled stock into ice cube trays and once they are frozen cubes just pop them out of the tray and place in a zip top bag so you can grab one or two when needed.  They thaw much quicker than a huge tub.   I like to use those big cocktail ice cube trays, its about 1/4 cup in each cube-perfect to add to a sauce. However, this time I did freeze in large tubs because I knew I was going to use it for Thanksgiving and I will be prepared for that dinner-hopefully!

I am a HUGE believer […]
2019-12-03T23:02:00+00:00November 7th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Harvest Salad

Yep its here! The holiday season, which means gaining 10 pounds of Halloween candy, pies, cakes, cocktails, party food…. I love this season, but every January I am so sick of eating and drinking not to mention fat!  So, I am going to try and incorporate more salads, vegetables and generally good for you foods into the jean busting season.  

This recipe is a delicious salad that can be served at a party, as a side salad or made into a meal by adding sliced or shredded chicken, sliced steak or a nice piece of salmon. It is a rich salad because of the blue cheese, but just put as little or as much as you like.  And the dressing can be used in other salads or or as a marinade for chicken.  Just save it in a jar in the fridge for about a week.  But, wait theres more…. the pecans used in this salad are a fabulous neighbor gift for the holidays.  Just make a large batch and put in mason jars with a nice big red bow and holiday gifts […]
2018-02-15T21:28:11+00:00October 31st, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Italian Tortellini Soup with Sausage and Kale

You know those nights that it is crazy busy with kids activities it is freezing cold, rainy and generally yucky outside and you do not have the energy to make dinner?  Uh yeah-most nights! Well, this is a recipe that everyone will love and it takes literally 15-17 minutes to make.  It is such a comforting and hearty dish that is perfect for a cold day.

I know I have preached this before, but if you can find 10 minutes to jot down 4 dinner ideas for the week and run to the grocery store to get those ingredients it will be a breeze making dinner all week.  The hardest part about dinner time is not being prepared or not having an idea of what to make.  But, if you have it written down that you are having Italian Tortellini Soup for dinner on Tuesday night then you don’t have to think about it.  You know that you are going to walk in the door at 6:15 and dinner will be on the table by 6:45. Use the printable weekly calendar I have […]
2018-02-15T21:28:11+00:00October 29th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Black Bean Soup

I feel the schedule getting fuller and fuller at this time of year.  We are in the thick of it with homework, games, practices, parents weekend travel, book clubs, business dinners….. and the holidays are just around the corner. I love this time of year because it is so busy and happy and the weather is fabulous, but it is hard to get it all done in the day. I find myself saying screw it at the end of the day when dinner rolls around and we order in or go out.  If your house is like mine then no one likes to eat out, but sometimes mama is tired!  So, since I can’t solve all the worlds problems I will try to solve the family dinner problem and post a few fall comfort foods that are easy, freezable or make-ahead.

This recipe is super easy and very yummy, but as I have said in the past, soup does not count as a meal in my boy house.  They need something to go with it so I normally serve a salad or grilled cheese […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00October 24th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Winter Kale Salad

With Fall approaching we all tend to eat heavier meals.  We are drawn towards comfort foods like stews, chilis, pastas, desserts….. but there is nothing worse than looking in the mirror in March and realizing that you have put on 10 pounds of stews, chili, pastas and desserts.  So I try to add in a few healthy dinners along the winter way.  Fortunately my boys like salads and I am so grateful-take your wins where you can get them!

One of the reasons I like cooking vs baking is that there are no rules.  I don’t have to measure exactly and I don’t have to worry about the science of food when I am cooking. If I see a recipe and I don’t like something about it then I will just omit an ingredient or add an ingredient and no one is the wiser.  Salad “recipes” are a great dish to make it your own.  The only “recipe” when it comes to the salad is the dressing and even then you can tweak it to your liking.  My family prefers more of a […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00October 6th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Sweet Corn Soup with Basil Chili Oil

Since I already made the basil chili oil for the watermelon salad I thought about how I could use it in another recipe.  I had a ton of corn in my fridge that I needed to use so I decided to make a soup.  Since we have been traveling so much I have very little in my fridge or pantry so I did not go to the grocery store for any of the ingredients in this soup.  Thats how easy it is.  And you can serve this soup cold or hot. If you do serve it cold I recommend that you strain it through a mesh strainer before you serve it to take out all the little bits of corn. 
Corn is at its peak right now and it is so sweet that this soup needs no added sugar to make its sweetness come out. On that note, if you are making this in the winter you might need to add a 1/4 teaspoon of sugar to the soup to make it taste more corny (is that […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00July 15th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Watermelon and Tomato Salad with Basil Chili Oil

It has been a really busy summer and it is only half way over! The second half is going to be just as busy so while I have a few minutes at home I wanted to try a few new recipes that use all the delicious summer produce that is available right now.  

I love traveling, but I do miss cooking in my kitchen so today I spent all day cooking!  Not that my kids are going to eat any of what I made-they are too busy with their friends to eat my food:( I never see my kids in the summer.  They are all over the place and hanging with mom and dad is just not cool.  Which is why I insist on family dinners during the school year so I can spend some time with them around the dinner table.
So…its just me and my husband the dog, of course, eating tonight.  The recipe below is not anything mind blowing or new, but it is so delicious and easy to make.  You can add cheese to this […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00July 15th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments
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