Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire Pudding is a traditional English side dish that is very similar to a popover. They are basically like a biscuit here in the states or a piece of a warm, crusty loaf of bread in France. Just something your serve along side the meal. I make these ALL the time because they are so easy! I promise they are pretty fool proof.
These amazing warm little treats are typically served with standing rib roast or Sunday Roast so you have beef drippings that collect in the bottom of the roasting pan that you use for the fat in the recipe. The beef drippings make it a very rich and delicious side dish, but I truly make these all the time and although I do make a lot of beef for the boys I do not make standing rib roast but just once a year at Christmas, so I use butter in place of beef drippings and they are just as fabulous!
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