Thanksgiving Menu

Valentines Day Menu
It’s Valentines Day this week-I cannot believe that we are in February already, but here we are. What are your plans? We are headed to Virginia to visit our son and take him to dinner-romantic, huh:) After 19 years of marriage the romance of Valentines Day is a bit lost or should I say the idea of going to an expensive, pre-made, crowded dinner is not very romantic. And this year it is on a Thursday, wha wha… which means work the next day. So, if you are planning on staying in, but want to make the night special here is a great menu.
I created this menu with the idea that after a long day at work you want to make a special dinner, but do not want to spend hours grocery shopping or hours making it. All of these recipes are super easy. They sound difficult and very restauranty, but I promise they are easy. Oh and the ingredients you can get at just about any grocery store. I would suggest going to the best store […]
Mothers Day

Easter Brunch

Easter is this weekend and I cannot believe it! How is it April already? If you are like me you are already looking towards summer and planning all the activities and trips for the family. At this point in the school year you just want to be done! Everyone is sick of homework and practices and games and charity events and we tend to skim past Easter. It is such a beautiful holiday and it is nice to just take a moment and celebrate the day, celebrate the beautiful spring weather and celebrate being with family.
July 4th Menu
July 4th is coming up and it is one of the most fun holidays of the year. There is no pressure to get your house ready for guests or cook for hours. It is a casual, laid back and easy holiday. Typically, the kids are running around in their swimsuits playing flashlight tag or swimming in the pool at night (don’t you remember how exciting it was to swim at night). The parents are usually sitting around in lawn chairs laughing, drinking and eating. It is just a fun night! And, then to top the whole night off there are fireworks in the sky. Or, if you are like our group of friends, the men are lighting off hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks trying not to set the boat dock on fire while the kids watch in amazement.
Regardless of if your husbands are acting like kids or if your kids have taken over the neighborhood running around like wild Indians, July 4th is a holiday of cooking out. Whether you are having hot […]