a Stefani Hood Blog

Strawberry Granola Yogurt Parfaits


Yogurt parfaits are my go to breakfast.  I do not love eggs so I eat a lot of yogurt to get my day going and when the berries are in season I try to mix in as many as I can.  Adding a handful of granola makes it feel like a full breakfast, kinda:) 

For these parfaits I used store bought granola because I just didn’t have the time to make my own.  I really like Kind Granola brand, but, if you want to make your own here is my recipe for delicious homemade granola.  
You can make these ahead of time, but I would only make them about 30 minutes to an hour ahead or the granola gets soggy.  They are easy enough to make at the last minute or you can just put all the ingredients in bowls and let your guests make their own.  Make those guests work for their meal!!!
Even if you are not hosting Easter this is a great “recipe” to have in your back pocket for future brunches […]
2022-04-15T17:29:55+00:00April 10th, 2017|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Boiled Shrimp with Spicy Cocktail Sauce

I don’t think I have been to one buffet where they don’t have boiled shrimp or crab claws and now I know why.  I have never really thought about until I began putting this menu together.  If you are cooking a large menu you need to have items that are easy and simple and don’t take up a lot of brain power.  Boiled shrimp is it!  Everyone loves it and it looks fancy and it takes about 4 minutes to prepare-I swear!!!

I buy the tail on, easy peel, raw, frozen shrimp 21-25.  Which means that when you buy 1 pound of shrimp you should get anywhere between 21-25 shrimp in that pound.  So, obviously the bigger the number the smaller the shrimps.  When you are serving boiled shrimp as a dish alone you want the largest shrimp you can find or afford.  And buying frozen means that you can buy in advance and thaw when you are ready. 
You can peel the shells off if you want or you can boil the shrimp with the shells on and let your […]
2018-02-15T21:28:14+00:00April 10th, 2017|Starters, Meats & Fish, Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Lemon Blueberry Monkey Bread

Monkey bread is so yummy, delicious, easy and a perfect make ahead dessert for a brunch.  You can serve it warm or at room temperature.  There are a lot of ways to make monkey bread, but you know me-I like to do things easy and simple, especially if I am making a menu with lots of dishes.  This is an EASY spring monkey bread recipe.

There are times where I like to tackle a complicated dish, but if I have a lot to make at one time I want simple!  You can make your own dough for this dish, but why in the hell would you want to:)  I use good ole’ fashioned grocery store canned biscuits.  With a lot of monkey bread recipes they will tell you to roll each individual piece of dough in the sugar mixture and then into the butter mixture, but I just put it all in a bowl and make sure everything is coated well, but  it is a lot quicker to just combine everything in a bowl.   Be sure and combine gently so […]
2020-05-01T16:32:15+00:00April 9th, 2017|Breakfast & Brunch, Desserts|0 Comments

Chopped Spring Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

This is a salad that takes very little effort! Seriously it is so easy and so good and so healthy.  I mean its not as simple as opening a bag of lettuce and pouring bottled dressing over it, but it’s pretty close.  You can make this the night before and take it to work and it will still be crunchy and fabulous. 

Use whatever vegetables you have on hand! And, if you have a rotisserie chicken then use that or you can use shrimp or salmon.  The is not  so much of a recipe as it is a guideline.  You can obviously use bottled salad dressing, but this dressing kinda makes the salad and its pretty easy.  If you have a jar or a tupperware container you can make this. 


Makes about 4 Servings

2 chicken breasts, grilled and cubed
1 avocado, diced
1 bunch radishes, quartered
1 small bag of mixed greens (arugula, radicchio, butter lettuce, spinach….)
1 cup grated carrots (you can buy them pre-shredded)
1/2 cup pistachios 
3 cups blanched vegetables (green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus…)
6-8 cherry tomatoes, halved
1 lemon juiced
3 Tablespoons olive […]
2018-02-15T21:28:14+00:00April 4th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Crispy Pork Milanese

The word “crispy” sells more food at restaurants and stores than any other adjective.  We love crispy food! People tend to like crispy food because crispy/crunchy foods are noisy to eat.  It is the “sixth sense” of eating.  We associate crunch, or noise, with freshness and quality, therefore we are drawn to foods that are crispy or that have crispy in the title. We have, in recent years, trained ourselves to stay away from “fried”, but we still order “crispy” even though it is the same concept of preparation.  

This theory is true in my house.  If I prepare Crispy Pork Milanese my family will gobble it up.  If I make a salad, but forget to put in the croutons you can guarantee I will hear about it! My kids want carrots, pretzels, apples…anything crunchy.  And frankly, so do I.  See that is why I have to eat that bag of Cheetos-I am wired that way-I just can’t change:) 
This recipe for Crispy Pork Milanese is so delicious! It is not as healthy as grilled chicken, but hell I get tired of grilled chicken […]
2018-02-15T21:28:14+00:00March 30th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Creamy Barley with Spring Vegetables and Sauteed Shrimp

As you all probably know by now I am not a “health nut”. But, if I can find a food that is good for you and tastes good I am all in.  I love to cook with barley! I put it in soups, salads and as a side dish. Whole grain barley is a great source of fiber, potassium, folate and B6. And… if you mix it with a ton of vegetables you have a healthy side dish or snack.

This recipe I served for dinner with sauted shrimp. The whole family loved it-even the most picky one!!! Trust me that is huge considering the kid would eat steak for EVERY meal. Occasionally he will ask for fish (which is even stranger), but every single day he asks for steak for dinner. Since he is my third boy I am kinda like, screw it, eat steak-its not worth the fight. I mean we put all our effort into the first two lets just experiment and see how the third one […]

2022-01-25T20:53:08+00:00March 29th, 2017|Meats & Fish, Sides|0 Comments

French Vinagrette

I have asked myself why do I like restaurant salads better than the salads I make at home?  Well, most of the time I use crappy bottled salad dressing. That is the difference. Restaurants, that are quality, use in-house dressings, meaning they make them daily. And I can tell.  There is nothing worse than ordering a wedge salad and having bottled blue cheese or bottled ranch dressing poured over it.  YICK! 

I have done several posts of dressings in the past, but the most versatile and basic is the vinaigrette.  Mastering the art of making a vinaigrette is really not hard.  I remember back in the 80’s when you could buy the packet of dressing mix and the bottle and make your very own homemade Italian dressing. It was awesome!! I think you can still buy it in some stores and it is not as fabulous now, but it is still better than the bottled stuff.  At least when you make it yourself you can control the amount of vinegar and oil.  
The basic vinaigrette recipe is a mixture of acid (vinegar, lemon juice), […]
2018-02-15T21:28:15+00:00March 28th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Mashed Turnips

I have said this before and I’ll say it again-side dishes are hard! They are hard to come up with ideas, hard to incorporate into whatever else you are making and they are hard to find recipes that are easy.  I feel like I spend a lot of time on the main course and I don’t have the energy to make a complicated side dish.  Plus, my kids hate all vegetables-except broccoli, go figure! 
So, I have tried to come up with some side dishes that are easy and tasty.  I think we all get stuck in the rut of steamed broccoli/cauliflower or mashed potatoes or green beans.  There has to be more!!!  Well there is! There are a lot of vegetables that we are not taking advantage of such as turnips.  I know, I know the bitter root vegetable.  Well, it doesn’t have to be bitter.  I made these the other night and everyone inhaled them.  Probably because they were so excited to have something other than green beans, but none the less they ate it! 
Try this instead of mashed potatoes […]
2018-02-15T21:34:54+00:00March 28th, 2017|Sides|0 Comments

Compound Butter

It’s Spring!  YAY!  The weather is warmer, the sun is shining and the bugs are out:). Yes, I got my first mosquito bite of the year on Saturday night.  Very sad, but it didn’t stop me from grilling out and enjoying the evening.  

I love using the grill! We have a gas grill and a green egg.  They are both fabulous for different reasons.  The gas grill takes about 10 minutes to heat up and I can control the temperature.  And the green egg or charcoal grill is fabulous because you get the wonderful wood-fired taste.  
Because we live in Texas we use our grill almost year round. It makes cooking so much easier and there is very little clean up-my favorite part!  If you don’t have a grill-go get one!  You can get a Weber charcoal grill for about $90.  It will change your life.  But, if you can’t have a grill because you live in an apartment or the tundra then go get yourself a cast iron stove-top grill pan. You can grab a Lodge grill pan for about $50.  You […]
2018-02-15T21:28:15+00:00March 20th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Easter Brunch

Easter Brunch

Easter is this weekend and I cannot believe it! How is it April already?  If you are like me you are already looking towards summer and planning all the activities and trips for the family.  At this point in the school year you just want to be done! Everyone is sick of homework and practices and games and charity events and we tend to skim past Easter.  It is such a beautiful holiday and it is nice to just take a moment and celebrate the day, celebrate the beautiful spring weather and celebrate being with family.

It is easy to go out for brunch, but you will always feel crowded and hurried and eat a huge buffet that was prepared a week ago by a team of chefs. There is just something nice about being at home.  It does not have to be a big fancy brunch and you don’t have to exhaust yourself making elaborate dishes.  Its just about being together as a family with good homemade food.  Set your table with your finest […]
2022-04-06T15:38:58+00:00March 8th, 2017|Menus|0 Comments

Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

Ok so I made a healthy dinner last night so tonight we are going not so healthy.  The weather is just so yucky and I felt like soup, but my kids don’t really consider soup to be a meal so I have to make it very hearty.  This soup is VERY hearty and rich and delicious.  Just run an extra mile tomorrow:) 

Serve this with a crusty loaf of bread and side salad and its the perfect winter dish. 


Makes about 6 servings

1 cup uncooked wild rice
1 lb. boneless, skinless  chicken breast, cubed
1 cup onion, chopped
1 cup carrots, chopped (about 2 large carrots)
1 cup celery, chopped (about 1 large stalk)
4 garlic cloves, minced
4 Tablespoons butter
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup flour
1 Bay leaf
4 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 Tablespoon fresh herbs, minced (rosemary, tarragon, thyme, parsley…)
In a large stock pot, over medium heat, melt the butter and oil.  Add the onions, carrots, celery and garlic to the pot. Saute until soft, about 3-5 minutes.
Add the uncooked rice […]
2018-02-15T21:28:15+00:00February 28th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Kale and Apple Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette

I heard the stories for years about once you have teenagers you go back to the babysitting stage and I did not believe my friends.  Well…. it’s true!  We have two teenage boys and one boy that is 11 and thinks he is 15 so it makes it very hard to leave them on a weekend night without worrying about what they are getting into.  

My husband and I have worked very hard to make our house the “fun” house with a pool, basketball, big tvs, xbox, ping pong, food, drinks…. and we love that our kids want to be at our home with their friends on the weekends-It makes it much easier to keep an eye on them, but it really sucks for us!  My husband and I have gone out every Saturday night for a “date night” since our first son was born.  We always felt that we needed a night away to be adults.  When the boys were babies and we had our standing Saturday night sitter there were many times we would go to […]
2018-02-15T21:28:15+00:00February 27th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Salted Caramel Pot de Creme

As you can probably tell from my posts, I am not and my family is not big dessert eaters. It has just never been apart of my cooking routine and my husband doesn’t like sweets so I don’t make them.  Now, don’t get me wrong, my kids eat plenty of sugar from Twizzlers, Skittles, Girl Scout cookies…which is another reason I don’t need to make desserts.  But, every now and then I will make something sweet for a birthday or special event.  It was my husband’s birthday last week and I made these AMAZING little sweet treats.  

I just don’t think there is anything better than sweet and salty and this dessert is just that.  It is super easy, well I mean anyone can make this, but it does take some focus for about 15 minutes.  I know you can focus for 15 minutes!!  The hardest part is finding small oven safe cups.  You can use creme brulee dishes or small ramekins.  I found the cups I used at World Market for about $3 each.  
I know you have all […]
2018-02-15T21:28:15+00:00February 23rd, 2017|Desserts|0 Comments

Skinny Fettuccine Alfredo

Skinny Fettuccine Alfredo 2

Trying to find healthful dishes that don’t compromise the taste is almost impossible.  It is very hard to convince a teenage boy to eat quinoa because it is healthy.  All they care about is, how does it taste?? And, being a self proclaimed foodie myself it is hard to convince me to substitute spaghetti squash for the real thing.  I like spaghetti squash and I think it is a fine side dish, but you cannot put turkey meatballs and pasta sauce on squash and expect me to think it is real Italian pasta.  It just doesn’t work.  I would rather have a small portion of real pasta than a tub full for “fake” spaghetti.

BUT, with that being said, if I can find a substitution for an ingredient and it does not change the integrity of the dish I am sold!  Well, I found one! I found this on The Food Network (Katie Lee) so I cannot take credit for this amazing recipe, but I had to pass it on to you, my readers.  I […]
2020-01-10T18:46:24+00:00February 22nd, 2017|Pasta|0 Comments

Buffalo Chicken Dip

I have been waiting all year to make this dip.  It truly is one of the best dips on the planet! Ask anyone that has ever tried it and they will say “it’s addicting”.  There are absolutely no redeeming qualities about it-it is calorie laden, cholesterol laden and I am certain one day they will find that buffalo sauce causes some form of cancer.  But, it is soooo good!

On Super Bowl Sunday there will be 1.33 BILLION wings eaten. I have to say that I love the flavor, spice and blue cheese of buffalo wings, but I really, really hate eating the wing.  I don’t love the fatty skin or eating around the bones. I seem to be in the minority of this discussion, but I know there are others out there that feel the way I do???  Well, if you are like me then this is the buffalo wing for you!  It tastes just like a pile of wings, but is much easier to eat.
There really are no measurements to this recipe-just as much or as little as you like. […]
2022-07-26T19:51:55+00:00February 4th, 2017|Starters|2 Comments

Beer Cheese Dip

It’s here! The day we have all been waiting for since Thanksgiving.  Yes, it’s Super Bowl Sunday!  The second most fattening day of the year. I have been told that calories don’t count on Thanksgiving and Super Bowl Sunday.  Man, I hope they are right!  

Just to give you an idea of the food consumption on the big day-Dominos Pizza sells approximately 11 million slices of pizza, 100 million pounds of guacamole will be consumed and $1.2 billion will be spent on BEER. That is a crap ton of beer!  If you are like me and you prefer wine then us wine drinkers will only spend about $590 million on wine. Mere chump change:) 
So, if you are attending a party or throwing one you are probably looking for some things to bring or serve. The following recipe is really easy and everyone loves it. I suggest putting it on the buffet table in a crock pot so that it stays warm and you don’t have to keep re-heating it.  
And… by making this dip you are contributing to the $1.2 billion in […]
2018-02-15T21:28:15+00:00February 4th, 2017|Starters|0 Comments

Ravioli Lasagna

If it is 4:30 in the afternoon and you just popped on my site to get an idea for dinner this is the perfect recipe for a last minute dinner.  Ravioli Lasagna is the lazyman’s lasagna, but no one will ever know.  In between activity drop offs, run into the grocery store and grab a couple ingredients and pull off a meal that looks like it took a lot of planning. 

I try to make meal plans for the week, but lets be honest, life gets in the way sometimes.  Travel comes up, someone gets sick, you have to stand in line for 5 hours to get your license renewed or stand in line for 5 hours to get your iphone fixed… and your fabulous plan falls by the way side.  When that happens there are many times I just say “We are going out to dinner”, but going out to dinner on a school night is hard so I try to have a few “lazyman” recipes in my back pocket.  This is one of those recipes. 
This is not a fancy dinner, but my […]
2018-02-15T21:28:16+00:00January 31st, 2017|Pasta|0 Comments


Having three boys means we go through a lot of food in my house.  They have never eaten a ton in one sitting, but they eat all day!  It is funny though, my oldest son who is 6’1″ eats the least and my middle son who hates everything eats the most.  I have learned over the years to have food accessible all the time. I try to have fruit or some frozen snack heated when they get home from school.  When have time I will make a big snack or the “meal” before dinner.  This recipe is one of those snacks I will make, but it is a great dinner as well.  Just serve a salad and you have a great, easy weeknight meal.

If you buy frozen pizza dough you need to think ahead and let it thaw in the fridge for about 6 hours.  If you are wanting to make this tonight then buy the pizza dough that comes in the pop can that is over by the pie crusts in the grocery store. There are no exact measurements or correct ingredients. […]
2021-01-04T21:28:29+00:00January 25th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments


Last night was another one of those nights that I just had no idea what to make for dinner and I didn’t feel like fighting with the boys about what restaurant to go to.  I found a flank steak in the freezer, of course, and thawed that.  I made the boys favorite, Steak Caesar Salad.  I found some old bread on the counter (can you tell that I haven’t been to the grocery in a while), so I decided to make some croutons. They are super easy and so much better than the bag kind. Don’t get me wrong, I have several of those bags in my pantry, but homemade are really so much better and it’s not rocket science-I really do think a monkey could do this.

I was not feeling fancy last night so this batch of croutons just got olive oil, salt and pepper.  The whole process takes about 10 minutes, but be sure and set a timer so you don’t forget them in the oven.  I have done that many times and burnt bread really makes the house smell awful.


2018-02-15T21:28:16+00:00January 24th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Teriyaki Salmon

There is something about sweet and salty that everyone loves.  I think that is why my kids LOVE to go to Benihana. They are drawn to the salty fried rice and the teriyaki chicken and frankly so am I. So how do you recreate that taste at home without all the salt and calories? You make your own teriyaki sauce! I know that sounds very chefy, but it’s very easy and a whole lot less sodium. You can use this sauce to marinate chicken, shrimp, vegetables…. I use it to marinate salmon which has a very strong flavor and can hold up to the teriyaki.  

This recipe takes about 15 minutes from start to finish.  I serve it with steamed rice and either bok choy or green beans. 


Serves 4

4 (3-6oz) skinless salmon filets
Olive oil
1/3 cup water
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon ginger, minced
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 Tablespoon rice wine vinegar
1 teaspoon corn starch
In a small combine water, sesame oil, brown sugar, garlic, ginger, soy sauce and vinegar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
In […]
2018-02-15T21:28:16+00:00January 19th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Loaded Baked Potato Casserole

When I need to make dinner in advance, because I will not be around the kitchen at 6pm, I try to think of recipes I can make in the morning or early afternoon-that still taste good at dinner time. It’s hard!!! This is a great recipe that is a no brainer and can be made a day or two in advance if needed.  It is great to serve at a casual dinner party as well.  
I don’t really have measurements for this recipe it is just how you like it.  I typically use the store bought pre-made mashed potatoes (Hormel, Country Crock, Simply Potatoes). No one can tell the difference and it is a HUGE time saver. If I am feeling really Julia Childish then I will peel, boil and mash Russet potatoes. But, honestly I love to cook, but I have other things to do in my day than spend hours in the kitchen making dinner.  I want to serve a homemade meal to my family, but if I can find a shortcut that does not compromise the taste […]
2018-02-15T21:28:16+00:00January 19th, 2017|Sides|0 Comments

Oven Baked Ribs

The spring semester is in full swing and that means that our schedule is crazy!  During the weekdays starting at 3pm I am in the car until about 9pm.  And on the weekends we have games or practices or some event that we have to drive our kids to the ends of the earth to attend. I know I am not alone and if you are in my shoes then you know how hard it is to drive and cook. So, if I can find a way to put dinner in the oven in the morning or afternoon and have it ready at dinner time then I am one happy mom. 

This recipe for Oven Baked Ribs is a favorite of my family and I can make this way ahead of time if I need to.  I used St. Louis Style ribs this time, but you can use Baby Back Ribs as well.

A little trivia about the difference between St. Louis and Baby Back…. St. Louis ribs are the meatier cut of ribs that are taken from closer to the breastbone.  Baby Back […]

2018-02-15T21:28:16+00:00January 19th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Cedar Wrapped Salmon

Cedar Wrapped Salmon

The winter blues have definitely set in! Or maybe its the spring blues or fall blues?  The weather can’t seem to decide what season it is so I am going to quit trying to cook for the season.  I am just going to cook what the little people will eat.  And, surprisingly, two out of my three boys will eat salmon-the third will just have to forage for himself:) Just kidding l feed him also.  I normally just bake a chicken breast for the kid that HATES fish.  I wish he would eat it, because it is so good for you and it balances out all the cheese-its, ice cream and Girl Scout Cookies, but I am going to pick my battles!

Cooking fish used to scare me, but once I started experimenting I found out it is really easy and always quick.  I was at the grocery store the other day and had the thought of grilling salmon on a cedar board, but then I realized it was 40 degrees and raining and maybe grilling […]
2020-01-09T00:07:12+00:00January 19th, 2017|Meats & Fish|1 Comment

Hassleback Potatoes

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, side dishes are HARD. It seems like they take so much time and have so little impact on the meal, especially a rushed weeknight meal.  If your family is like mine then they just want to eat, they barely notice the side dish, and get the hell on with their evening.  Since I make my boys wear a shirt and take off their hats at the table the faster they can inhale the meal the better.  My husband and I do try to engage them in trivia or riddles and that typically keeps them in their seats for about 20 minutes.  Hey, baby steps, right?  But, my point is I don’t spend a lot of energy on side dishes.  The easier they are the better.  

These potatoes are so easy and everyone loves them because they are crispy and salty like french fries, but they are not fried.  All you need to make these are a wooden spoon, sharp knife and an oven.
You want to use Yukon Gold potatoes because they hold up to […]
2018-02-15T21:28:17+00:00January 10th, 2017|Sides|0 Comments

Arugula Salad

I love arugula!  Not everyone does because it has a very strong flavor, but hey its not stronger than the it’s hip kale counterpart.  You can put arugula in everything!  Wilt it in a soup, serve it raw with lemon and olive oil, put it on a sandwich.  It’s just so good! It’s peppery and kinda lemony.  Give it a try.

I don’t know about you, but if I get the main course cooked I feel like I won a prize! I can barely think about sides and salads, especially if they take any brain power.  This salad is an awesome no brainer salad.  It literally takes about 4 minutes.  And, you can make it while you are preparing the main course and yelling at your kids to help set the table or feed the dog or do their homework, is that only my house? Anyway, you can put this salad together and because the arugula is so hearty it can sit with the dressing on it for 20-30 minutes and it won’t affect the taste.  I have to do things […]
2018-02-15T21:28:17+00:00January 9th, 2017|Starters, Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

Citrus Salad with Honey Lime Drizzle

During the winter I crave fruit, especially citrus fruit. We go through a lot of oranges, grapefruits and tangerines and I peel every one! Because my precious offspring just cannot do it.  They can whip a lacrosse ball 75 miles an hour into a goal, but they cannot peel an orange. Go figure! But, I guess that is why they keep me around:) 

This is a great salad to serve with dinner or for a snack after school.  My kids love it!  It’s tangy and sweet and so refreshing. 
When making this salad you are going to peel the fruit with a paring knife.  Make sure your knife is sharp and cut off the ends off first.  Set the orange on the cutting board with the flat cut off end on the board. Using your knife cut the peel and pith (the white layer between the fruit and the peel) off in strips.  Once all the peel is off, cut the orange into rings. Do not worry about it looking perfect.  Just do your best to get off all the white parts […]
2018-02-15T21:28:17+00:00January 9th, 2017|Starters, Sides|0 Comments

Rosemary and Olive No Knead Bread

Bread Rosemary

Happy New Year!  The holidays are over and everyone is on their gym/juicing resolution. How long do your resolutions last? I personally am not into the detox, juicing, fasting thing.  Many, many of my friends are and more power to them, but, I just can’t. The other day I went and bought $50 worth of cold-presssed, fresh juice. I tried, I promise I tried, but I just couldn’t do it.  They are SO gross!  I would rather have 5-10 pounds to loose than drink that stuff.  But, to each his own! In the Hood house we try to strike a balance of healthy and bad-80% good and 20% bad.  I don’t want my kids to worry about food/calories their whole lives.  I want them to enjoy food sitting around the table and forming relationships over a fabulous long dinner.  I feel like if they exercise and eat reasonably well then thats all I can ask for.  Life is way too short to not eat the dessert or the steak.

Now, with all that being said… I do […]
2022-06-16T17:46:12+00:00January 9th, 2017|Starters, Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Beef Tenderloin

It’s here!!!  I hope all your shopping is done, because it is a zoo out on the roads and in the stores.  People have forgotten how to drive, how to be nice and are generally acting like morons out there. So, if you are like me (pat, pat, pat on the back:) and you are done with all the shopping then you can stay at home and enjoy your moody teenagers. Or your moody toddlers-there really is not much difference.

I am in my kitchen preparing for the big dinner tomorrow night.  We have a big Christmas Eve dinner.  We go to church, open our white elephant gifts, while drinking festive holiday drinks and then eat a fabulous dinner.
I normally make a standing rib roast, but this year I decided to make a tenderloin. Both are pretty pricy cuts of beef, especially at this time of year, but hey it’s the holidays and aren’t you supposed to go in debt? You might as well add on to that debt with a delicious meal! I do try and buy my rib roast at Costco […]
2020-12-17T16:37:03+00:00December 23rd, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Eggnog Martini

It’s Saturday and it’s almost Christmas so that means parties and more parties.  If you are hosting one of these festive occasions this is a great drink to get your guests in the holiday spirit.  Now, I know a lot of people don’t like eggnog, mostly because of the texture. But, if you mix store-bought eggnog (I mean who in the world has time to make their own eggnog??) with vodka and a few other yummy ingredients then you get the hint of eggnog without the thick calorie laden drink you are thinking of.

This recipe is not some new innovative drink I created-it has been around for many, many years, but I do tweak the traditional recipes, because why not? I add Frangelico instead of Amaretto, but if you prefer almond flavor over hazelnut then by all means use Amaretto.  Also, I like to garnish the rims with sugar and cinnamon, but you can also garnish with sugar and nutmeg or nutmeg and cinnamon….
This drink is easy to make in large batches and just leave in a carafe in an ice bowl during […]
2020-10-27T15:53:53+00:00December 17th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

European Hot Chocolate

Baby its cold outside!  Its pretty cold in Texas, but I know a lot of the country is bracing for an extreme arctic freeze. Since this cold front is coming over the weekend it is going to hinder a lot of plans and parties.  So, if you are stuck inside and you have little kids, I am sorry:) There is nothing worse than being stuck in the house with little ones that are bored. My solution is to just drink! 

But, seriously if you are going to be spending a lot of time by the fire the next few days here is an amazing recipe for a European style hot chocolate.  European style means a very concentrated cup of liquid chocolate.  This is not your SwissMiss hot chocolate that comes in the powder form.  This is a decadent, thick, chocolaty slice of heaven.  Think of a flourless chocolate cake in drink form.  You only need a little bit of this so serve it in small coffee cups or even espresso cups.  
I have given you the basic recipe, but you can adjust it […]
2018-02-15T21:35:19+00:00December 15th, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments
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