a Stefani Hood Blog

Homemade Buttermilk Biscuits


Biscuits 4Is there anything better than a warm buttermilk biscuit with melted butter or honey? I don’t think so! They are so decadent and have ZERO nutritional value, but they just make a Sunday morning so special.  My husband goes and picks up biscuits and gravy every single Sunday morning at a local fried chicken place and it takes everything I have to have not indulge and have one. So my boys eat them and love them and it has become a tradition in our family.

But, I started thinking how hard can making biscuits be??  So I started researching and found they are SUPER easy and they don’t even take that long to make. I mean lets face it, if I have to get up at 6:30am to make something for breakfast that takes an hour or two, I’m out! I want quick and easy, but it has to be delicious! So I promise these biscuits are easy! Serve them with some homemade gravy, honey, a slice of ham or just butter along with some bacon […]

2019-08-18T18:13:27+00:00August 18th, 2019|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Boozy Grapes

Boozy Grapes 1

It’s Friday! For a lot of you that have already started back to school I’m sure you are so excited for Friday-no yelling at kids to do homework or get up! And for those of us that haven’t started back to school it just means another night at yelling at kids to be home by curfew, lol!

So, either way you might as well celebrate that we made it to the weekend by making these EASY Boozy Grapes.  They are so refreshing and fun to munch on during happy hour and make any cheese plate look fancy!  I remember asking my wedding cake baker to drape sugared grapes on the grooms cake thinking they were so complicated to make, but they are SO easy.  I should get a refund for that mark-up!

There are only a few ingredients required to make these delicious little balls of happiness. Green Grapes, Prosecco and sugar. Thats it! Send me your pictures or thoughts on this recipe.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


2019-08-16T21:28:26+00:00August 16th, 2019|Starters, Wine|0 Comments

Summer Lentil Salad

Summer Lentil Salad

This is one of those “mom salads” as my kids call it.  It is healthy and not too appealing for kids, however my son had some friends over for dinner the other night and they all seemed to really like it, so…go figure! Summer Lentil Salad is liked by 14 year olds!

Lentils are high in fiber, and complex carbohydrates, while low in fat and calories. They are high in protein making lentils a perfect way to boost protein intake. They are naturally gluten-free, making them a delicious staple in a gluten-free kitchen. Plus, you can put lentils in almost anything- oatmeal, bolognese, soups, salads…

This salad is perfect for a side dish served with a piece of salmon or chicken.  It can be served hot, warm or cold so it is great to make the night before and take to work the next day-you don’t even need a protein served with it. You can add a handful of arugula or spinach and make this a true “salad”.

I used the vegetables I had on hand, but you […]

2019-08-15T15:37:00+00:00August 15th, 2019|Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

Corn Chowder

Corn Chowder 1

Summer is the peak season for corn and right now in August it is at its sweetest. I have been putting corn on the table every night! Boiled and brushed with a little bit of butter, cut off the cob and put into salads and of course made into Corn Chowder. Yes, I know its a 100 degrees outside but corn chowder just screams summer. It is rich, creamy, sweet and DELICIOUS!

Corn Cobs

So what is the difference between a chowder and a soup? A chowder is a thickened cream based soup that is generally chunky.  A smooth cream based soup is a bisque. And a soup is broth based. Chowder gets it name from the French word chaudiere which is a type of cooking vessel, such as a pot that the French fishermen used to put over an open flame to boil their catch with veggies and potatoes. However, chowder is an American creation which is given its rich creamy texture by using flour and pork fat […]

2019-08-14T19:49:09+00:00August 14th, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Black Beans and Rice

Black beans and rice

When I was in college there was a restaurant on my way to class that served rice, black beans with cheese, salsa and sour cream.  I loved it and ate it all the time!! It was filling, quick and cheap. I still make it for myself for lunch if there is nothing in the house to eat-so good! But most of the time I make this (a bit more fancy than college but not much) as a side dish.  Black Beans and Rice is an easy and delicious side dish for almost anything, but especially for Tequila Lime Chicken, Instant Pot Crispy Pork Carnitas, or Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas. Many times I will add Trader Joe’s Frozen Roasted Corn or if I am lazy and need to get dinner on the table I will make this and add in shredded rotisserie chicken and dinner is served! Everyone loves it!

Trader Joes Frozen Corn

This recipe calls for uncooked rice, but there are many times that I […]

2019-08-08T17:51:54+00:00August 8th, 2019|Sides|0 Comments

Tequila Lime Chicken

Tequila Lime Chicken 4

This is what they call the dog days of summer here in Texas.  It is 150 degrees here in August and honestly the last thing I want to do is cook, but these little (I guess 6’3″ not so little anymore) people always want to eat.  So, I cook in August.  We have about 2 weeks left until school starts and that is when I will kick it into high gear. But, in the mean time I am trying to get a few family dinners in during the week just to get my kids off the damn x-box! It is so nice to just have a few minutes to see their beautiful faces without head phones on and to talk to them while they are looking me in the eye and not side-eye while they are looking at the screen.  Plus they need actual food in their growing bodies-Flaming Cheetos, gummy bears, yogurt, goldfish and Dr. Pepper aren’t exactly healthy:). But, we go back to the issue of its hot and I don’t want […]

2019-08-07T17:25:42+00:00August 7th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Hugo Cocktail

Hugo Cocktail

We were recently in Salzburg-one of the most gorgeous places I have ever been to! If you ever have a chance to visit I highly recommend.  The town is just breathtaking! The people are so friendly and the food is to die for!!  We met up with our niece, Bettina, who is from there and we were lucky enough to have her show us around and take us to some amazing spots. One of the spots was the       It was just gorgeous!!  And the one thing that my niece insisted on me ordering was the Hugo Cocktail.  I was very skeptical because it looks so “cocktaily”, but it was DELICIOUS!!!  I ordered it about 5 more times on our trip.  It is SO refreshing and gorgeous! It is the PERFECT drink for summer. My husband even loved it and he does not like cocktails other than a dry martini or a Meyers and Tonic so for him to order it,  it must be good:)

One of the staple ingredients in the cocktail is […]

2019-07-16T18:14:23+00:00July 16th, 2019|Starters, Wine|0 Comments

Instant Pot Crispy Pork Carnitas

IP Pork Carnitas Final

Ah the Instant Pot-the new kitchen appliance that is taking the cooking world by storm.  Is it worth it?  Well, yes and no.  If you like to play with new kitchen tools and like “crock-pot” dinners then this is for you! It is very easy to use and does move the cooking process along, but it does not go without some hands on time so if you are looking for a dump and walk appliance then this is probably not for you. It’s not a set it and forget it type appliance.  You do have to “cook”.  You have to sear and reduce liquid….But, with that being said I do use mine fairly often-I would say a few times a month and everything that I have tried has come out great.  I plan on trying homemade yogurt and I will post my results.

For today we are talking about Crispy Pork Carnitas! YUM!  This recipe turned out so delicious that I have made it several times in the last few weeks and all my sons […]

2019-07-15T17:03:51+00:00July 15th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Margarita Watermelon Slices

Margarita Watermelon Slices 1

It is July and it is HOT in Texas!  When I think of summer I think of pools, fresh cut grass and walking barefoot. But, the heat brings juicy, sweet Texas watermelon! Yes its hot, but the heat does not stop us from having outdoor get togethers and nothing says summer like a pool party! My kids are too old now and too cool to hang around the pool with the parents, but when they were little (and when I was little) the families would all gather at the house with the pool and let the kids swim and the parents would eat, drink, talk, laugh… so much fun! So if you are in that stage enjoy every minute of it.  It passes quickly! Now we just sit around and eat, drink, talk and laugh but we don’t have to watch little ones-still fun!

If you are headed to one of these summer get togethers or you are hosting one bring/serve these fabulous little adult treats-Margarita Watermelon Slices.  This is the time of the year […]

2019-07-13T16:26:09+00:00July 13th, 2019|Starters|0 Comments

Pickled Jalapeños

Pickled Jalapeños 1

Growing up in Texas a staple in your weekly diet is Tex-Mex-I’m not kidding! There are a million Mexican restaurants to choose from and the first thing everyone does when they get back from vacation is hit one of these to get their fix. The week before school starts you cannot get into a Tex-Mex restaurant in Dallas without a 2 hour wait and yes people wait 2 hours to get a table.  The trick is to get a seat in the bar and a BIG margarita and WAIT. But, oh its so good and after a week away at the beach or in the mountains a big ole plate of enchiladas or fajitas is just the thing. And the one condiment that is served is pickled jalapeños.

In my house we eat pickled jalapeños on EVERYTHING! For breakfast on Green Chili Breakfast Casserole , Mini Sausage and Cheese Burrito Bowls , Weekday Migas … For lunch in Tortilla Soup , on a BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger, ….For Dinner on Mexican Lime Chicken , on […]

2019-07-10T22:39:30+00:00July 10th, 2019|Sides|0 Comments

Summer Dip

Summer Dip

So on Sunday a massive shitstorm hit Dallas and we have all been without power for 3 days.  And let me tell you not having power with 3 teenage boys that love Wi-fi it was a struggle. And not having AC for this mamma was a struggle! We are back up and running, but I did have to empty out my ENTIRE fridge and freezer-you have no idea how heartbreaking that was especially after I had just gone to the grocery to stock up for out of town guests.

Last night as we were sitting in the living room enjoying the cool air one of the boys stated he was hungry, shocking! I had NOTHING! We were going out to dinner, but they wanted a snack so I threw together this dip with items I had in my pantry. This dip has a lot of memories associated with it.  Our very good friend and my childhood neighbor, Jan, used to make this dip all the time and serve it by the pool. We would swim all day […]

2019-06-12T16:03:57+00:00June 12th, 2019|Starters|2 Comments

Blackberry and Basil Fizz Cocktail

Blackberry and Basil Fizz Cocktail

I don’t drink a lot, but when I do I always go for the same ole, same ole-dirty martini, old fashioned or wine. And I am kinda tired of those drinks so I have tried to come up with a few new summer cocktails that are EASY and do not require you to go buy the entire liquor store.  I mean what am I going to do with a whole bottle of blue curaçao? So this Blackberry and Basil Fizz Cocktail is simple, delicious and uses all the bounties of summer-basil and blackberries!  I made it with both Gin and Whiskey and they both are fabulous!

The only tools you really need are a cocktail shaker and muddler and if you are an adult and have a bar you should have those tools! They are cheap and you will use them all the time!


Simple Syrup Bottle

2019-06-09T16:56:17+00:00June 9th, 2019|Starters|0 Comments

Grilled Tuscan Tuna Steaks

Tuscan Tuna Steaks 4

It is grill season! Living in Texas we can pretty much grill all year, but something about summer just screams it’s time for easy, light, quick grilled dinners. There is usually very little or no clean up with grilled dinners and everything tends to be rather light and healthy with the exception of ribs. Last night we had two of our three boys home for dinner-during the summer I let night family dinners slide and only require Wednesdays and Sundays for full family sit down dinners.  I found some beautiful tuna steaks at Central Market and decided to use a bright flavorful summery Tuscan rub on them and throw them on the grill. I served them with Trader Joe’s mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli. Easy summer dinner!

If you don’t have a grill you need to get one, but if you aren’t able to have a grill you can absolutely place the tuna steaks in a cast iron skillet or baking sheet and bake in oven at 450 degrees for about 8-12 minutes depending on […]

2019-06-08T20:29:07+00:00June 8th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Watermelon Martini

Watermelon Martini 1

Its Summer!!!  I have been MIA for a couple weeks, but I am back! Getting kids home from school, finishing finals, which by the way I feel like I took 7th grade finals-good lord, it has just been a busy couple of weeks.  But I am going to get back at it and my first post for you guys is a summery and REALLY refreshing Watermelon Martini.  This thing is DELICIOUS and DANGEROUS!

It is SO easy to make and even easier if you can find pre-made watermelon juice like I can at Central Market. I bet you could find it at Wegmans (East Coast), Draegers (West Coast) or any high end grocery store.  But if you can’t find watermelon juice you can make it very easily. All you do it take 5-6 cups of cut up seedless watermelon and put in a blender and puree.  Then strain through a fine mesh strainer and voila you have watermelon juice.

Another ingredient you need is Simple Syrup.  And as the name suggests it is very simple.  You can […]

2019-06-07T23:07:44+00:00June 7th, 2019|Starters|0 Comments

Oven Fried Pickles

Oven Fried Pickles 5

Bring an appetizer! I know you hear that all the time when you are invited to a party or get together, but, what can you bring that is fun, different and healthy? Well, not kale healthy, but semi healthy? Make these Oven Fried Pickles, they are DELICIOUS!  They are easy and your guests or family will devour them.  I made these this weekend while the boys, and I, were watching the National Lacrosse semi-finals and they ate the whole batch in 5 minutes. Yes, lax is a HUGE sport in our family! My husband and his 3 brothers all played in college and my 3 boys have played since they were in 1st grade and I love watching it! A quick shout out to my friend Megan‘s son, Cade who plays for UVA and who made it to the final four!! (BTW she has an AWESOME lifestyle blog, Truly Megan-check it out! ) My husband was super bummed that his alma mater, Penn, lost but we will root for the other […]

2019-05-21T21:15:51+00:00May 21st, 2019|Starters|1 Comment

Balsamic Roasted Grapes on Blue Cheese Crostini

Balsamic roasted Grapes 4

A couple weeks ago I asked you guys what you wanted to see more of on the blog and the overwhelming response was APPETIZERS! I get it appetizers are hard! You want to serve something special and delicious but you do not want to spend all day in the kitchen making individual mini tacos-that for the caterers!  And you are also tired of serving a bowl of salsa and chips. So I have come up with several easy-to-make appetizers for parties or just happy hour get togethers. This one, Balsamic Roasted Grapes on Blue Cheese Crostini is very easy, even though it is individual pieces. It takes about 30 minutes from start to finish and that is the oven time included. I have to admit that I did not create this amazing little bites-I got the recipe from Southern Living, but I have no idea what issue I pulled it out of. I do that, I tear recipes out of magazines then they sit only desk for years. You should see my desk!!!

Ok, back […]

2019-12-31T20:57:58+00:00May 18th, 2019|Starters|1 Comment

Whipped Avocado Dip

Whipped Avocado Dip 3

It’s that time of year when the sun starts to come out, the weather is warmer and the mosquitos are not in full rage mode, so that means patio parties, happy hours, spring outdoor birthday parties and that means APPETIZERS! I hear all the time when invited to a party, “just bring an app”.  What does that mean? Chips and salsa? Yes, but let’s be a bit more creative-you host or guests will appreciate it.  Over the next few weeks I am going to be posting delicious appetizers. I have collected these recipes over the years from God knows where, but I have a ton. And you know I like easy so they are going to be easy, delicious and perfect for spring and summer get togethers.

The first one is a Whipped Avocado Dip-creamy, cool, spicy, delicious!  This is inspired by a local restaurant’s avocado dip and it is no doubt the first thing people order when they sit down at a table at this restaurant. They serve it with house-made potato chips or […]

2019-05-13T16:21:10+00:00May 13th, 2019|Starters|0 Comments

Creamy Sun-dried Tomato and Shrimp Pasta

Creamy Sun-dried tomato and shrimp pasta

Being the end of the school year means that EVERYONE is done! We are all tired of school, even Mom! And I am so tempted to order in dinner every night until summer break, but I just can’t find enough healthy places to order from and I cannot feed my family pizza for the next three weeks, or can I???  hummm… No, I can do this!  I can make dinner for just a few more weeks.  Not that I don’t cook in the summer , but it just seems more relaxed and we only get about 2-3 nights a week that we have family dinner in the summer so the pressure is off.

So…dinner recipes that are quick, tasty, easy and the whole family will eat. That is a tall order, but I have a recipe that I know you will love.  Creamy Sun-dried Tomato and Shrimp Pasta.  It is not low fat or vegan, but it is so good and will be eaten and in my book that is a successful […]

2019-05-09T00:50:11+00:00May 9th, 2019|Meats & Fish, Pasta|0 Comments

Mexican Lime Chicken

Mexican Lime Chicken

Being a Texan means we eat A LOT of Tex-Mex food! Its just in our blood to crave a margarita, chips, hot sauce (that’s what we call salsa), fajitas on a Friday evening… And we like it spicy, but not Cajun spicy! It has to have a tang of lime along with the heat of the jalapeños.  To give you an example of what I mean when I say “in our blood”, my oldest son would sit in his high chair starting when he was about 9 months old and eat, with a spoon, a bowl of “hot sauce” at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Mi Cocina. It was the damnedest thing! He still to this day LOVES spicy- I ship him jars and jars of his favorite salsa, chips and pickled jalapeños to school. Thank God for Amazon!

So what does this have to do with the following recipe?? Well, when we have a busy weeknight and don’t have time to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant I make Mexican Lime Chicken with warm tortillas (we […]

2019-04-29T18:41:19+00:00April 29th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Chicken Pot Pie Soup

Chicken Pot Pie Soup 3

I know, I know its Spring and we are wanting light, fresh recipes, but the weather has been so rainy and yucky that I have been wanting comfort food, especially soup.  Not a heavy chili or stew but soup-warm and comforting.  We love Chicken Pot Pie so I thought about how good would a Chicken Pot Pie Soup be?? Well..its pretty damn good! And really easy! You can make this more complicated by making your own biscuits but why? Just use the store bought biscuits in a can or the frozen biscuits.  They are just as good in a recipe like this and are super easy to make-preheat oven and bake 12 minutes.  Can’t get much easier than that!

I used heavy cream in this recipe but only because I had it in the fridge.  You can absolutely use milk in place of the cream and lighten this up even more.

I know I say all the time that this or that recipe is easy, but this one is really easy. On the night I […]

2019-04-23T16:40:48+00:00April 23rd, 2019|Soups & Salads|1 Comment

Healthy Cajun Jambalaya


Happy Monday! The sun is finally shining here in Texas! And when the sun is shining in Texas in the Spring that means pollen, ugh!!!  I don’t know about you but I am dying!  My car is green and I cannot stop sneezing, but the sun is shining!!  So let’s get cooking!

I am back in the kitchen after a lot of travel and I have a fantastic healthy, quick weeknight dinner for you, Healthy Cajun Jambalaya!  YUM!  It is a little spicy and very flavorful and I serve it over Trader Joe’s cauliflower rice. Now, you can definitely serve this over traditional rice, but I thought I would give this a try and you know what the family LOVED it! My youngest son did ask, “What is this kind of rice is this?”, but I just said its rice that I toasted in the oven and he said “oh, ok I like it!”  Who said you are not supposed to lie to your kids? Had I told him it was cauliflower I can guarantee he would have […]

2019-04-15T19:29:53+00:00April 15th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Sloppy Joes

Sloppy Joe 1

This recipe is what I call a cheat dinner! It is SUPER easy and very comforting and takes about 20 minutes to get on the table. And it can sit on the stove until everyone is ready or you can serve it in shifts for those busy sports nights.  I remember my mom making this when I was a child and I always loved Sloppy Joe nights (and chip beef on toast, but that is another topic).  It just meant it was a casual, easy, quick dinner night. It didn’t mean we didn’t have placemats and napkins, but it was just a casual night. Not many dishes to clean up and it was yummy and filling. And as a mom now yummy and filling are what I am needing for 3 teenage boys!

My mom always used the canned sloppy joe sauce and it was delicious, but I thought I would try to recreate it without using the can. It turned out pretty darn good!  And it really was just as easy. This is one of those […]

2020-10-30T20:46:52+00:00April 9th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Chicken Caprese

Caprese Chicken

Can you tell I am on a spring kick?!  For some reason I am just wanting fresh and light dinners and lunches.  Don’t worry I will get back to the fattening, yummy dishes soon enough:) But, in the meantime here is another delicious, quick and easy recipe that you can have on the table in 30 minutes with about 10 minutes hands on time! Caprese Chicken is all the fabulous flavors of the traditional Italian salad of mozzarella, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and olive oil, but stuffed into a chicken breast then roasted in the oven until the chicken browns and the mozzarella becomes ooey and gooey. YUM!

This is a great recipe for using your tomatoes that aren’t quite ripe or your basil that is not quite in full bloom. Since they are going to be cooked their natural sweetness will come out in the roasting.  And this is also a great recipe for using the standard grocery store mozzarella.  You want low moisture mozzarella so that it melts gently when cooking. So dont waste your money […]

2019-04-02T17:12:09+00:00April 2nd, 2019|Meats & Fish|2 Comments

Pesto Chicken Salad

Pesto Chicken Salad

I was at Costco yesterday and grabbed a jar of their basil pesto.  It is SO good!!  It tastes so fresh and is not too oily.  It is delicious over pasta or in scrambled eggs or just slathered on a toasted baguette. But, I was thinking about what I could do with it that was a bit different and I thought of chicken salad-one because I had a fresh rotisserie chicken sitting on my counter and two I LOVE chicken salad.  Side note-If any of you live in Dallas and are chicken salad aficionados, Kubys has the best in the world! So, back to the recipe…I decided to come up with a quick chicken salad recipe using basil pesto and this is what I came up with.  It is simple, has few ingredients and is quick to make! 3 wins in my book.

You can always make your own pesto-I have a great recipe, but if you don’t have the basil on hand or just don’t want that extra step then store bought pesto is […]

2019-04-01T20:00:43+00:00April 1st, 2019|Soups & Salads, Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Coconut Cream Pie Overnight Oats

Coconut Cream Pie overnight Oats

Its April! And that means we have 2 months until summer-woo hoo!!  But, that means that we have 2 months of breakfasts and dinners to figure out-ugh! By this time everyone is tired of getting up and tired of the routine and is looking for something different.  I make my youngest son the same thing every morning- omelet with cheese, toast, berries and milk. He is SICK of that breakfast by April. So, I am shaking things up this week with a delicious Coconut Cream Pie Overnight Oats. I made a batch last night that will last all week and it was SO easy this morning when I stumbled downstairs to “make” breakfast.  I scooped out a bowlful of oats and topped it with fresh blueberries and breakfast was served!

It took me a few tries to get this recipe right, but there really is no “recipe”. Just adjust the amounts to what you prefer.  I used So Delicious Coconut Milk-it comes in a box and is either next to the milk or in […]

2019-04-01T15:58:59+00:00April 1st, 2019|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Teriyaki Quinoa Chicken Bowl

Teriyaki Quinoa Bowl

Ok this Teriyaki Quinoa Bowl is another copycat of the fabulous True Foods recipe. I used to get this dish every single time I went to True Foods until I branched out and started ordering other things off the menu.  It is so good and so filling and honestly most of the time I get it without chicken, but my family likes protein so I put it in it when I am making it at home.

This is not a complicated recipe, but it does take a few pots which kinda drives me nuts (I hate to clean pots), but it is worth it.  It doesn’t take much time so that is pretty much all I am looking for on a weeknight. And I always put my pots in the dishwasher anyway (not my cast iron or non-stick) because I am lazy and ready to watch whatever show I am in the middle of after dinner. I tell ya now that I have a teen driver my carpool days are over at night and we have […]

2019-03-25T16:55:46+00:00March 25th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Rotisserie Chicken Panzanella

A classic Italian salad made with day-old bread, tomatoes, cucumbers and other veggies with addition of store bought rotisserie chicken makes this a perfect weeknight, light dinner.

This is a great dish to use up your not so ripe or over ripe tomatoes.  By letting the tomatoes sit in a bowl sprinkled with salt a beautiful juice forms that adds a sweetness to the dressing that screams summer! Now, I know its not summer yet, but I feel like we are all SO ready for some warm weather and some sunny days so lets just pretend!

The “recipe” for panzanella has been around for centuries, but the addition of tomatoes was not until the 20th century so this is an ever evolving recipe.  My point being add whatever you have on hand to this salad.  There is no recipe. If you have avocado or corn or squash add it! Grilled chicken, shrimp, steak, salmon…add it.  There are no rules and you can’t mess it up!

With my “recipe” I used what I had in my fridge-tomato, arugula, watercress, day-old bread, […]

2019-03-22T17:31:21+00:00March 22nd, 2019|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Rosemary Meatballs with Mashed Potatoes

Rosemary Meatballs

Meatballs are one of those very versatile recipes that everyone should have in their repertoire. Once you learn the basic recipe you can change up the ingredients to make Italian, Asian, spicy, turkey, chicken…. the combinations are endless. These are my Rosemary Meatballs that are super easy. They are baked in the oven and can be frozen raw or cooked.  They go great with mashed potatoes, in tomato sauce, in a hoagie roll, or on a platter with toothpicks… They make a great weeknight dinner or dinner party appetizer.

These meatballs are a combination of pork and beef which is pretty traditional for Italian meatballs, but the addition of rosemary takes it in a different direction. You can still serve these with pasta and tomato sauce and it will be AMAZING, but they are amazing on their own as well. Another benefit of making this recipe is it calls for a lot of garlic so your house will smell amazing while it is cooking. There are a few things that make people come running to the kitchen, […]

2019-03-06T20:10:45+00:00March 6th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Southern Dirty Rice

Southern Dirty Rice

Side dishes, ugh!  I have said this before, but side dishes are hard! Why? I don’t know, but maybe because we spend so much time on the main course that we are tired by the time we remember the lowly side dish?? At least that is my answer and plus I have boys and they basically want MEAT so I make the side dish and the little farts don’t eat it.  So, I have to work very hard to get a good list of side dishes they will eat so I know my time is not wasted.

This Southern Dirty Rice is one of those dishes that everyone eats. It’s probably because it has NO redeeming healthy qualities, lol! It uses a stick of butter for heavens sake, but damn it is SO good.  I mean SO good! It is salty, savory, creamy…all the things you look for in a recipe:).  Oh and lets not forget it is SUPER easy-you open a few cans. This is not my typical recipe I post because it does […]

2019-03-05T17:28:15+00:00March 5th, 2019|Sides|0 Comments

Shepherd’s Pie

Ah the comfort food classic, Shepherd’s Pie! This is one of those casseroles that I used to love as a kid. It is meaty, savory and just delicious! And as a mom I now serve it because it is meaty, savory and EASY:) And my boys love it!

The traditional Shepherd’s Pie originates in the UK and Ireland and is made with lamb and vegetables and topped with mashed potatoes or a pie crust. However, since beef is eaten more than lamb in America we have altered the dish to be made with ground beef.  In Europe a Shepherd’s Pie made with beef is called a Cottage Pie so why do we in America call it a Shepherd’s Pie? Who the hell knows, but I believe it has to do with a mistaken cookbook translation in the late 1860s.

Anyway, it is a classic, hearty, easy, delicious recipe that your family will love, especially if you love casseroles. If you […]

2019-04-12T00:59:08+00:00March 4th, 2019|Meats & Fish|0 Comments
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