a Stefani Hood Blog

Enchilada Casserole

You would think that I would have my act together since school has only been in session for about 3 weeks, but I can’t seem to get into a rhythm in the afternoons.  The other day I picked my son up from practice at 5:30pm and the first thing out of his mouth was, “what’s for dinner”? Uh……I said.  I had NO idea what was for dinner.  I know, I know I needed my weekly calendar, but that weekend had been crazy busy and I did not have time to plan ahead.  

As I was driving home from practice I swung by the grocery store and ran around like a chicken with my head off cut buying the ingredients for this recipe, Enchilada Casserole.  It was really good and my kids ate it all.  Home run in my book!


Makes about 6 servings

1 lb. ground beef
1 small can green chilies
1 packet taco seasoning
1/2 cup water
1 (16oz) can refried beans
18 corn tortillas
1 (12oz) can enchilada sauce
2 cups shredded cheese (Mexican blend or cheddar)
Preheat oven to 350°
In a large skillet, over […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 12th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Rosemary Beer Bread

I am going to try and not sound too cupcakey here, but I made bread this weekend!!!  Whatever, right? Well, it is SO easy and is So good.  I pulled this bread out of the oven and it was literally gone in about 12 minutes. 

A very dear family friend, Kristy gave me this recipe.  It has 5 ingredients and takes about 4 minutes hands on time. Give it a try and impress your family and friends.  I serve this bread (if there is any left when dinner is served) with soup, salad, or a huge tub of butter. Oh hush, butter is good for you!  I swear there is going to be study that comes out that says that all the butter bashers are going to die early and the butter eaters are going to live to be 104:)


Makes 1 loaf

3 cups Self Rising Flour
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 (12oz) can/bottle of beer (any kind will work) 
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-2 Tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped
2 Tablespoons butter, melted for basting
Preheat oven to 350°
In a large bowl, mix together the sugar, flour, […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 12th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Roasted Tomato Cognac Soup

They said that a cold front came through yesterday, but I guess you need to be in South Dakota to actually be feeling the effects of it.  It is still 90 degrees in Texas, but true Fall is getting close!  Fall weather calls for soup so thats what I made. In general soup does not fill my boys up- it’s kinda like the appetizer.  I need to have a meat following, unless it is a really hearty like Tortilla Soup or Chili.  So, the soup I made was really for me and my husband. It was so good!  My youngest son had friends over and I asked them to all try it and they loved it!  Slurped down three bowls. I knew it was good then!

I do think that everyone in the world has a tomato soup recipe.  It is a pretty basic soup, but I have added a small addition to mine with help from my Dad.  He made this soup a million years ago and I have made it this way ever since. I use an immersion blender to […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 12th, 2016|Soups & Salads|4 Comments

Chicken Picatta

Sauces used to scare me, but they are NO big deal and they make bland things like chicken and pork come to life. One of the best dishes in the world is chicken or veal picatta. I mean how could you not like lemon, wine and butter?? I think I could drink it, with a loaf of bread to round out the meal, but still I think I could drink the stuff.  There are a few tricks to making sauces and once you learn these tips you can play with ingredients.

First thing to remember when making a sauce is to start off with equal amounts of flour and fat (oil, butter, bacon fat, sausage fat…). Place equal amounts of flour and fat (typically 2-3 Tablespoons) into a pan or skillet and let the fat incorporate into the flour. The mixture will become a golden brown.  This is also known as roux. Once you have your roux made that is where the creativity comes into play. You can add wine or chicken stock or beef stock or cream…..
Second thing to remember when making a […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 7th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad

We eat a lot of salads in our house. I know that sounds strange with a house full of boys, but they all really love salad.  I should probably mention that they love steak salad the best (that is another entry to come), but they will eat almost any salad that I put in front of them.  
Salads are easy and normally do not take any time at all. And, if you think about it before the monsters get home from school and start demanding everything from a snack to needing graph paper to help with a salt map to driving them to basketball, you can make this salad ahead of time.  Just keep in the fridge and leave the dressing off until ready to serve. 
Of course, my boys drown their bowls in ranch dressing, but hey, whatever gets them to eat all the veggies I put in this salad, right? My philosophy has always been to let them put as much cheese or dressing on salads/veggies and as they get older start backing off on the dressing.  I think […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 6th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Wedge Salad

A really good blue cheese is something to be beholden, but cheap blue cheese is something that will make you gag.  I am sorry to say, but I think that most restaurants that serve wedge salads use jarred blue cheese dressing and frankly I I think it is awful.  I will soon write a post on amazing cheeses of the world that will include blue cheeses that will make you cry they are so good.  

But, today we are talking about avoiding the nasty jarred dressing. I always order my wedge salad with ranch dressing instead of blue.  A cold, crisp, salty, crunchy wedge salad is SO good.  It’s simple, basic and just good! Here is my version of a wedge salad.  I do not like raw tomatoes so I use red bell peppers for that sweet element.


Serves 4-6

1 head of iceberg lettuce
4 slices thick cut bacon
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
1-2 cups ranch dressing 
Cut off the very end of the core of the the iceberg. Cut into 4-6 equal wedges leaving the core intact.  
Cook bacon in a […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 5th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Ranch Dressing

I am not sure who invented ranch dressing, but that person should be put into the food hall of fame. Everything tastes better with ranch!  You can put it on pizza, burgers, carrots, tortilla chips and, oh yeah, salads. There are two things that gets kids, and frankly a lot of adults, to eat vegetables-cheese and ranch. So let’s take a moment to honor the ranch inventor. 

Now, with all that being said, good ranch is very hard to find.  There is something about the dressing that comes in the bottle that tastes plastic. It’s not bad in a pinch, but if you have time and you have ranch connoisseurs in your house try this recipe. It will last about a week in the fridge. 


Makes about 2 cups

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
3/4 cup buttermilk
1 Tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
1 Tablespoon fresh chives, chopped
1/2 teaspoon dried dill
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1 garlic clove, finely minced
1/2 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon rice wine vinegar
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Mix all ingredients in a mason jar and shake until well combined.  If you […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 5th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Apricot Bacon Bites

Sweet and Salty is the perfect flavor combination. Who does not like it? It’s seems like it shouldn’t work, but we just can’t get enough of it.  It’s addictive!  Think of salted caramels, chocolate covered pretzels or kettle corn. YUM! 

I have learned that if I give my kids fruit (sweet) along with pretzels (salty) they will eat more fruit. See I am a good mom I get nutrients in them without them even knowing:) I just hope a study doesn’t come out saying that those gummy vitamins cause them to go blind. 
This recipe is the perfect combination of sweet and salty.  It takes a bit more time, but it is not hard.  Be sure and make a lot of these because they will be gone in a flash.  I made these for a party this summer and they were the first appetizer gone!  


Makes 30 Pieces

4oz. goat cheese, let come to room temperature
1 Tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped
30 apricots
10 slices thin cut bacon, cut into thirds
Preheat oven to 350°
In a small bowl, mix together the goat cheese and […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 5th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Black Bean and Corn Salsa

Now that summer is officially over and you have to put away the linen, even though it is still 112 degrees outside,  the “party” season begins. Not the holiday season, but the tailgate, dinner club, football watching party season. I personally think Fall is the best time of the year.  The weather cools off and football is on, ALL the time, and everyone is looking forward to the holidays and the food.  It’s just an exciting time of year.

So, you get invited to a friend’s house for an event and you need to bring something so you don’t show up empty handed.  But, you do not have much time because you have been sitting at precious elementary or middle school football games, lacrosse games or cheer competitions ALL day.  What is a guest supposed to do?? You don’t want to bring onion dip in the plastic container from the grocery store, ick!  Bring this dip! Everyone will love it and it takes about 5 minutes to put it together.  And, if you want to make it in advance it only […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00September 5th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Tequila Lime Shrimp with Jalapeno Corn Cakes

Texans love their Mexican food, or should I say Tex-Mex food. We don’t like a lot of sauces like Cal-Mex. In Texas we eat tons of fajitas, nachos and grilled chicken.  And when I say a lot, I mean a lot!  You can ask anyone from Texas what is the first thing they eat when they get back into town from a vacation and their response will be Mexican food! It is just home, Texas home.  

Well, I cannot compete with the restaurants in Texas when it comes to fajitas or enchiladas, but I can make my own Tex-Mex dishes that are just as delicious.  This recipe is one of those. It sounds complicated and difficult, but it is really easy and looks very “restauant-ish” when it is served.


Makes 4 Servings

Tequila Lime Shrimp
1 lb. peeled and deveined shrimp
1/2 teaspoon cumin
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Juice from one lime (about 2 Tablespoons)
2 Tablespoons Tequila
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and let sit for 30 minutes to an […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00September 2nd, 2016|Meats & Fish|2 Comments

Pasta Primavera with Alfredo Sauce

This is for all the moms who are a couple weeks into the school year.  I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted! The first few weeks are a chaotic race to getting into a routine and getting organized.  The parent meetings to tell you what your kids are going to be learning (really?), how to use the carpool lane (double really?), the endless time changes to sports practice (come on coaches!)…. it is draining and makes you want to drink, but you can’t because you must drive the monsters all over town to get to their enriching activities that you sold a kidney to afford. And, for those of us who have dropped their first born off at school doing all this without breaking down and bawling is a true miracle.  
Right now dinner, very much less breakfast, is not something I want to think about, but I make myself. First, because food calms the beasts and second, family dinner forces you to get into an evening routine. So, how do you bring yourself to get in […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00August 31st, 2016|Pasta|0 Comments

Oven Roasted Texas Brisket

I have to be honest about my cooking style.  I am LAZY when it comes to cooking, seriously!  I love to cook, but I hate to stand in the kitchen all day making one recipe.  I mean if I work for 6 hours and the monsters eat for 10 minutes where is the joy in that?  I guess it would be different if I was cooking for people that sat and savored every bite, but let’s face it, my family just wants to eat and move on to their phones, eh em, I mean their homework and books. Even though I love to cook I really don’t love standing around all day making an intensely complicated dish. So, with that said, all my recipes are EASY, I promise! And, if you can find a short cut with the same results then by all means let me in on the secret. 

Texas smoked brisket is one of life’s great pleasures. There really is nothing better than a perfectly mesquite smoked, spicy brisket. But, to achieve that beautiful smoke ring you have to put in the time. […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00August 25th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad

I don’t know about you, but this for me summer was full of bad, bad things, like queso, chips, pizza, tacos, hamburgers… There is just something about vacation that makes you throw all your good eating habits out the window. And let’s face it that once June 1 hits we all think we are on “vacation” until September 1, or until school starts for the little ones. 

Well, school has started! And yesterday was not a “good” day for the Hood family.  It was the first day of school and everyone was half asleep during breakfast.  I literally gave my kids a few slices of bacon and a smoothie and shoved them out the door. And, for dinner I was even a better mom!  We had study group and parent meetings and my husband had a business dinner so my family, lovingly, got Chic-Fil-A for dinner.  Can I get a woo hoo! I really do hope and promise to do better this week. But, hell we can only do so much.
Back to eating healthy (I’ll have you know I got a salad at […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00August 23rd, 2016|Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole

The word casserole brings visions of tuna mixed with cornflakes or chicken spaghetti. Ick! I understand that casseroles are easy and feed a lot, but who really likes them? Needless to say, no one in my family likes casseroles and I am no exception. So, this dish is not really a casserole-it is just a easier version of the classic French dish, Chicken Cordon Bleu, which takes much more time and effort than I have. 

When I made this recipe today it literally took me 9 minutes to assemble and I was not rushing. It is just that easy and my family really does love it.  Another side note is that I use cream of mushroom soup in this recipe. As you can expect, I am not a fan of condensed soups, double ick! But, by using a can of it in this recipe it cuts down on time and it does not taste like a canned sauce, I promise!  
If you have kids going back to school and your evenings are turning into a barrage of carpools, homework, meetings, nagging, pleading… […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00August 18th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Cashew Chicken

What is it with Asian food and kids?  They love it!  I guess its the salty, umami flavors.  My kids are no exception-they beg for broccoli beef, sesame chicken and cashew chicken all the time! The good thing about these dinners is that they are super easy to make and you know exactly what is going into the dish. Sometime I will tell you my Hong Kong dinner story:) Yep, I don’t think I am going back to Hong Kong anytime soon, if you know what I mean.

So, back to my point about knowing exactly what is in your food.  When you make Asian food at home there is no MSG or sugar or tons of cornstarch.  It’s actually kinda healthy, especially if you can sneak a ton of veggies into the recipe.
This recipe for Cashew Chicken takes me literally 15-20 minutes, depending on how many times I get interrupted by dogs, homework questions, breaking up fights, kids falling down the stairs, lamps breaking…  Yes, my house is a ZOO and I only have 3 boys.
I use chicken breasts or chicken thighs […]
2022-07-06T17:36:23+00:00August 17th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Stuffed Shells

Sometimes I am feeling organized, it is rare, but it does happen just like a blue moon.  And, when I am feeling organized I will cook a couple things at a time.  One thing that saves well in the fridge is Stuffed Shells. So, if I am making dinner and I have a bit more time I will throw this dish together and pop it in the fridge and that is dinner later in the week.

If I am making stuffed shells while I am making another recipe you know it is easy! I NEVER make homemade sauce for this dish.  It just takes too much time, but if you have homemade sauce on hand then give yourself a hand and use it! I use whatever jarred sauce I have in the pantry.  Many times I will doctor up the jarred sauce by adding sauted onions and garlic and 1/2 cup of beef broth.  This makes the sauce taste homemade without all the time and ingredients! Another addition is Italian sausage or ground beef to the sauce to make it more hearty.
I am […]
2020-04-01T21:56:17+00:00August 17th, 2016|Pasta|0 Comments


I am not a huge breakfast eater.  I just don’t like most breakfast dishes-eggs, milk, carb loaded pancakes… But I try to eat something every morning before I get too busy and forget and then become ravenous at 11:30am. I love yogurt, cottage cheese, cereal and granola.  There are a ton of granolas on the market, but if you ever look at the sugar content it is crazy! Not to mention that a bag about 7oz is normally around $8!

So, I have come up with a granola that everyone in the family eats either for breakfast, with yogurt or milk, or for a snack after school.  And, if I am feeling really organized and cupcakey, some days I will send some in their lacrosse or football bag for a snack after practice. But, lets face it, that is rare, but it sounds really good!
Keep in mind, as with most of my recipes, just adjust the ingredients to your liking.  This is not rocket science-its granola. And, hell I guess you could order pizza for breakfast if you mess up.  Didn’t we all eat pizza […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00August 9th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

BBQ Stuffed Potato Skins

I love to cook, but I have become a permanent resident in the kitchen this summer.  My 13 year old is eating EVERYTHING!  The other day we met some friends for family happy hour at a restaurant near a park.  All the kids were playing at the park throwing the football and having a blast.  And, all the adults were having cocktails and ordering small snacks to nibble on, but my son ordered a 12oz. steak, instead of playing football.  He ate the entire thing then ordered fried calamari!  He was at the other end of the table from me so I had no idea this was going on.  So, I apologize to the other guests who split the tab with us…I owe ya!
After we got home from happy hour my son asked me to make him a sandwich-can you say puberty!!! I am at the grocery store every day.  I love the grocery store, but this is getting ridiculous.  But, since we are still up in Colorado I have had some time to try some new recipes in between […]
2018-02-15T21:28:21+00:00July 31st, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Quinoa with Summer Vegetables

I am up in Colorado with the family for some cool weather and relaxation.  But, of course having three boys, two of which are teenagers, relaxation is hard to come by.  My oldest broke his elbow and had to have surgery, while on vacation.  Needless to say, it has put a bit of a kink in our plans.  I am basically in the house playing nurse.  But, my sweet husband did most of the heavy lifting and took him to the hospital, which was 2 hours away, for the surgery and I stayed back with the other two boys. So, while I was going crazy waiting for updates on the surgery, I cooked!  It took my mind off of the idea of my son having 3 screws put in his elbow.  

I had a ton of vegetables in the fridge and I found some, dare I say, quinoa, in the pantry.  So, I came up with a side dish or a main meatless dish.  It would be great for lunch.  


Makes 6-8 side servings

1 cup cooked […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00July 23rd, 2016|Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

July 4th Menu

July 4th is coming up and it is one of the most fun holidays of the year.  There is no pressure to get your house ready for guests or cook for hours.  It is a casual, laid back and easy holiday. Typically, the kids are running around in their swimsuits playing flashlight tag or swimming in the pool at night (don’t you remember how exciting it was to swim at night). The parents are usually sitting around in lawn chairs laughing, drinking and eating.  It is just a fun night!  And, then to top the whole night off there are fireworks in the sky. Or, if you are like our group of friends, the men are lighting off hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks trying not to set the boat dock on fire while the kids watch in amazement. 

Regardless of if your husbands are acting like kids or if your kids have taken over the neighborhood running around like wild Indians, July 4th is a holiday of cooking out. Whether you are having hot […]

2018-10-22T03:42:02+00:00July 1st, 2016|Menus|0 Comments

Jalapeno Poppers

They say that eating spicy foods during hot summer months helps cool you down.  I am not sure about that, but it does explain why a lot of spicy foods comes from the Caribbean and Mexico. Regardless, I think the reason spicy food cools you down is because your normally guzzle an ice cold beer or cocktail after a spicy meal.  I like a little bit of spice-not too much.  I want to be able to taste the food I am eating, not just the heat.  

This jalapeño appetizer is very easy, but looks and tastes complicated. Serve these fabulous little bites with a cold beer or a Berry Mojito.  I put these out while I was finishing up the burgers I was making and they were gone in about 5 minutes.  So be sure and make a lot! 


Makes 24 pieces

12 small jalapeños
8oz cream cheese, softened
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon garlic powder
12 slices bacon
Preheat oven to 400°
Cut jalapeños in half and remove the seeds and veins.
In a medium bowl, mix together cream cheese, shredded cheese and garlic […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 28th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger

Who doesn’t love BBQ and who doesn’t love hamburgers? If you raised your hand then we must talk privately!  But, for the majority that love both of those food groups this is the burger for you. The BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger! And, yes tastes as good as it sounds, I promise! 

This is the perfect American dish. It has bacon, hamburger, cheese, BBQ sauce…I  mean come on how much more American can you get? Ok, well if you are eating a hot dog at a baseball game, maybe, but this burger says “Its July 4th and I am an American!”
The BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger! Do you hear angels singing??


Makes 4 Burgers

8 slices bacon, cooked
1lb. ground beef (80%/20% or 90%/10%)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup BBQ sauce (use your favorite, but I like Stubbs)
1 teaspoon Montreal Seasoning
4 Slices of cheddar cheese
4 hamburger buns
Chop 4 of the 8 pieces of bacon.
In a bowl, combine beef, chopped bacon, shredded cheese, 1/4 cup BBQ sauce and Montreal Seasoning.  Mix well without over mixing. Over mixing creates tough burgers. 
Divide the mixture into 4 patties.  Make […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 27th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Confetti Corn

I think side dishes are so hard to come up with.  We all kinda get stuck in a rut when it comes to veggies-steamed broccoli, green beans, blah, blah…  And, lets face it the kids don’t like veggies and I know a lot of adults that don’t like veggies which makes it even harder to get those greens down.  I will make it my mission to come up with some new, healthy side dishes this summer.  I’ll keep ya posted! Send me your thoughts!!!

Now the dish of the hour is not “healthy”, but it is so good.  I will work on a “healthy” version of this dish and post it. But, in the meantime this side dish goes perfectly with BBQ, grilled chicken, shrimp, pork… Put it with anything and it makes whatever you are serving better:)


6-8 Servings

8 slices bacon, chopped
2- 12oz. packages of frozen corn kernels, white or yellow
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1- 2.5oz can mild green chilies (use canned diced jalapenos for spicier)
1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped (about 1/2 of a large bell pepper)
4oz. cream cheese, […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 27th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Watermelon Basil Salad

There are a few things that scream summer like the smell of fresh cut grass, corn on the cob, ripe tomatoes, watermelon, wet screaming kids in pool towels… I know a lot of you have your house full of kids and are trying to feed them ALL day. And peanut butter and jelly, hot dogs, pizza, turkey sandwiches gets old, for you that is. 

So, if you noticed I said “a lot of you have a house full of kids” because my house is QUIET!!! HAHA! I only have one kid at home right now. The two younger ones are at camp and my teenager doesn’t get up before 11:30am and then is roaming the neighborhood all day. So my house is quiet and clean.  It only lasts for three weeks, but man is it heavenly. I mean, I miss my babies so much (tears rolling down my face).
Back to feeding the kids… keep feeding them peanut butter and jelly and hot dogs!!  But, for you adults here is a salad that is light, summery, different and delicious!  Serve this with a piece […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 26th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Smore Brownies

When I was a little girl my Dad and I were in Indian Princesses. It was so much fun! We got to spend time with our Dad and our friends and do really cool things like camp outs, making leather vests to wear to campfires or carving walking sticks. How fun is that for little girls?  Honestly, I think the Dads had more fun than the girls on the camp outs and I am certain there was no alcohol involved in their fun.

One month we had a “camp out” at my friends house and we made S’mores on the grill because the responsible dads did not want to build a bonfire in the backyard, seriously?  But…the s’mores were SO, SO good! I love the idea of s’mores on a summer night, but sometimes you don’t have a fire going or you have little people around and you don’t want to spill your drink while helping them turn the marshmallows into flame throwers. So..what is a drink holding, partying parent supposed to do so their little precious children can enjoy summer s’mores?? That’s […]

2021-07-19T21:55:03+00:00June 25th, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Berry Mojito

Start the weekend off with a cool, light, refreshing cocktail.  I promise even the guys will like this drink.  It is not too sweet and not pink so most guys will be ok holding this in their hand at a party:) 
This cocktail uses all the beautiful berries that are in season right now. It is not your traditional mojito because of the obvious addition of berries, but it also uses less mint, which I like.  Plus, it is just so summery and goes down oh so easy!


Makes 1 Cocktail

1 Tablespoon Fresh Blueberries
2 Fresh Strawberries, diced
2 large mint leaves, torn into small pieces (save a few leaves for garnish)
1 Tablespoon lime juice (about 1/2 a lime)
1 teaspoon simple syrup 
2 oz. white rum
Club Soda
In a cocktail glass muddle the berries and mint.  Add simple syrup, lime juice and rum.
Fill the glass with ice and add club soda.
Garnish with mint leaves and a lime wedge.
Simple syrup can be bought in the liquor store or grocery store. Or you can easily make your own- in a medium sauce pan bring to […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 24th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Spinach Strawberry Salad

Everyone wants a salad in the summer, but good salads are hard to find.  And, while I am on salads… can we please let the Kale trend go?? I mean how many ways can you eat kale?  I know, I know it is good for you and you definitely look very healthy eating a cold kale salad in Lululemon, but honestly I think it tastes like vegetable leather-you know like fruit leather? I am so happy to eat a nice kale salad every now and then, but it seems like every menu has kale on it. Food, just like clothes go through trends and I really think the kale trend needs to move on.  But, thats just me. I will now get off my soapbox:)

We eat a lot of salads in my house-my boys actually love salad.  And… if I put a big piece of steak on the salad they are even happier.  But, I cannot in good conscience serve steak every meal. First, it is not good for them and second, they need to learn to eat all kinds of […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 23rd, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Perfect Iced Tea

In the South or in Texas-you know we are our own entity:) But anyway, in the summer in the South it is HOT and we drink a lot of iced tea.  There is even a restaurant you can drive thru and pick up a large iced tea, in a styrofoam cup, of course, for $1.46! 
I remember my grandmother would make a pot of regular iced tea and a pot of sweet iced tea every morning. When I would visit I would drink that entire pot of sweet tea. I say pot because she would make it in an old coffee pot. And, every night with dinner my mom would give us a large glass of iced tea. Looking back I am not sure how I went to sleep at night. 
Even though my brother in law is from Philadelphia he drinks iced tea ALL day! When he comes to visit he goes through pitchers and pitchers of the stuff.  And can you blame him? It is the perfect summer cool drink with a kick of caffeine. But, but… there is a trick or […]
2018-02-15T21:36:03+00:00June 15th, 2016|Starters|2 Comments


Panzanella is a traditional Tuscan salad that uses day old bread and ripe tomatoes.  It is a great way to use leftover vegetables and all those tomatoes that you have growing in your back yard.  But, I don’t like raw tomatoes…I know, I know how can I not like tomatoes???  I so wish I did, but I hate them!  So I have come up with a “Panzanella” ish salad. It’s a bit more hearty and if you want you can add chicken to it for a full meal.


About 6 Servings

1 loaf crusty French bread-leftover from the night before is great, cubed
3 Tablespoons olive oil
Salt and Pepper
1 English cucumber (they are the cucumbers wrapped in cellophane), cut into half moons
1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into cubes
1 yellow bell pepper, seeded and cut into cubes
1 can Cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
20 mini Bocconcini mozzarella balls
6 basil leaves, chiffonade (cut into strips)
1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
3 Tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon shallot, finely minced
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Preheat oven to 350°
Toss cubed bread with olive oil and […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 15th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Pesto Chicken

I think someone told me it was summer, but I have not had 5 minutes of being lazy and drinking my summer margarita.  These kids are so much work!! Why didn’t someone tell me that…like 15 years ago??! Anyway, yesterday afternoon I looked up from ironing on labels for camp and realized that everyone was hungry and I needed to feed them.  So, I looked in my fridge and found chicken and half a bag of mozzarella.  Hot damn-dinner! Then I thought I could make this dinner look really fancy if I used some of that basil taking over the back yard and I made some pesto.  

Now, this dish, Pesto Chicken, is nothing new, but it is so easy! And, I guess if you wanted to save a few calories you could leave off the cheese, but who hell would do that?  If you use low fat, skim mozzarella it is not that many calories and it makes this dish so decadent even though it is chicken.


Serves 4-6

4 boneless chicken breasts
1 cup basil pesto (store bought-I love […]
2018-02-15T21:28:22+00:00June 14th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments
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