a Stefani Hood Blog


Hummus is one of those things we always have in the fridge at my house because it is a great snack with raw veggies or crackers. I typically buy the pre-made hummus at the grocery store, but it always has this metal taste or mass produced taste that just kinda bugs me.  SO…I started messing around with recipes to see if I could make my own and I came up with a perfect, quick, EASY recipe for homemade hummus.  

As I have said before, I am not one of those moms that makes everything from scratch because it is better for my precious babies. NO, I make stuff from scratch because it tastes better-forget the kids! 🙂 BUT,  I am not going to raise my own chickens to have fresh eggs or make my own yogurt.  I draw the line at ease.  It must be easy for me to make it from scratch.  Very rarely do I tackle a complicated recipe so you can rest assure that this hummus recipe is easy and will take you about 4 minutes to make and it tastes […]
2018-02-15T21:28:11+00:00October 29th, 2017|Starters|0 Comments

Bacon Bourbon Fig Jam

Figs are one of those things I see in the grocery store and they look so exotic and sophisticated and delicious and I have no idea what to do with them.  I love figs when I order them in restaurants, but when I buy them they seem to always go bad on the counter because I don’t know what to do with them at home.  So, I decided to figure out a recipe that is easy and would use up those beautiful figs! 

A couple fun facts about figs-they have a ton of healthy benefits in addition to be delicious! They are an excellent source of fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, B12…. and they have more antioxidants than red wine! They truly are the perfect fruit! 
This recipe is the perfect compliment to a cheese platter, especially with brie or blue cheese.  It is also great spread over toast in the morning or added into yogurt. Another great thing about this recipe is you can use your figs even if […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00October 28th, 2017|Sides, Breakfast & Brunch|4 Comments

Black Bean Soup

I feel the schedule getting fuller and fuller at this time of year.  We are in the thick of it with homework, games, practices, parents weekend travel, book clubs, business dinners….. and the holidays are just around the corner. I love this time of year because it is so busy and happy and the weather is fabulous, but it is hard to get it all done in the day. I find myself saying screw it at the end of the day when dinner rolls around and we order in or go out.  If your house is like mine then no one likes to eat out, but sometimes mama is tired!  So, since I can’t solve all the worlds problems I will try to solve the family dinner problem and post a few fall comfort foods that are easy, freezable or make-ahead.

This recipe is super easy and very yummy, but as I have said in the past, soup does not count as a meal in my boy house.  They need something to go with it so I normally serve a salad or grilled cheese […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00October 24th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Apple Crisp

My family does not eat a lot of desserts, but there are a few that they cannot resist and Apple Crisp is one of them.  We are lucky because now days we can get fabulous apples all year round, but they are especially good in the fall.  Of course my family’s favorite apple is the Honeycrisp and they are the most expensive down here in Texas, but I buy them at Costco (yes angels are singing) and I can get 16 in a bunch!  We eat a lot of apples!  

So, what to do with all these apples?  I serve them for after school snacks with cheese or put them in salads or bake them with cinnamon or make apple crisps! This apple crisp recipe is super easy and this is a great dessert to take to a pot luck or a holiday dinner because you can serve it at room temperature or heat it up with ice cream-either way it is delicious! 
The hardest part of this recipe is peeling the apples, seriously it is very easy to throw together.  Use a tart/firm […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00October 18th, 2017|Desserts|0 Comments

White Beans with Rosemary and Garlic

It has been a long week and its only Thursday! We have not been home one night for a family dinner so I am excited to have everyone around the table tonight to talk about their day and week and of course answer trivia questions:)  Yes, my family plays trivia every night at the table.  It helps the conversation and keeps them at the table longer because once dinner is over everyone goes to their rooms to do homework or more importantly answer snapchats! So the longer I can keep them the longer we can hang out with them without them really thinking we are having family time. 

This is a recipe that I make all year round, but it is so comforting especially in the fall and winter.  It is easy to make and it reheats beautifully, although it does not freeze well.  I think that white beans turn gritty when they are frozen and thawed.  This is obviously a side dish, but you can take this to a party and serve it with toasted baguette slices or crackers […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00October 12th, 2017|Starters, Sides|0 Comments

Winter Kale Salad

With Fall approaching we all tend to eat heavier meals.  We are drawn towards comfort foods like stews, chilis, pastas, desserts….. but there is nothing worse than looking in the mirror in March and realizing that you have put on 10 pounds of stews, chili, pastas and desserts.  So I try to add in a few healthy dinners along the winter way.  Fortunately my boys like salads and I am so grateful-take your wins where you can get them!

One of the reasons I like cooking vs baking is that there are no rules.  I don’t have to measure exactly and I don’t have to worry about the science of food when I am cooking. If I see a recipe and I don’t like something about it then I will just omit an ingredient or add an ingredient and no one is the wiser.  Salad “recipes” are a great dish to make it your own.  The only “recipe” when it comes to the salad is the dressing and even then you can tweak it to your liking.  My family prefers more of a […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00October 6th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Asian Five Spice Short Ribs

On the nights that I am not cooking or the nights that my husband and I go out and the kids are on their own they always ask for either pizza or Asian food.  I think that they are drawn to the salty element of both of those foods.  But every time I order pizza or Asian take out I feel guilty and bloated, because of course I have to taste their food and the salt content is off the charts.

Now, I think you all know, if you have been reading my blog, that I am not one of those vegan, vegetarian, only eat organic, never eat fast food kind of moms.  Hell yes we eat In and Out Burger and hell yes we eat Goldfish crackers and Hagen Daz (sometimes together), but I do try and serve my kids, and me,  as much healthy food as possible.
This recipe is not exactly “healthy”, but it is a hell of a lot healthier than ordering take out. I got this recipe from a friend of mine who got it from […]
2023-10-25T14:44:58+00:00September 28th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Granola Energy Bites

Well, we have hit the time of the school year where we are over the excitement of school starting, not ready for summer yet, but exhausted with all the activities and appointments EVERYDAY! This is the time when we all start saying screw it and pick up a pre-made casserole for dinner and open a box of pop tarts for breakfast.  It is a slippery slope! I have slipped down it many times.  

Hang in there with me and I will try to give you some yummy, easy, healthy (mostly) recipes.  This recipe is one of those that is super easy-it just takes the effort to get organized and DO IT.  That is the hardest part of cooking-doing it!  
I have made this recipe about 4 times and every time I vary the ingredients and we (I) have eaten them all.  You can make a batch on Sunday (it takes about 15-20 minutes) and put them in the freezer or fridge and just snack on them all week.  I can’t say that your kids will love them, but they taste like a […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00September 28th, 2017|Breakfast & Brunch|1 Comment

Pan Fried Trout with Lemon

We do not eat a lot of fish in my house for 2 reasons, 1-my kids don’t like it and 2- I don’t like it 🙂  I don’t typically like the taste of most fish (there are exceptions), but what I hate most about eating fish is that you are hungry 30 minutes after you finish eating.  It never fails when I order fish or make fish I eat the entire plate, but by the time I get home or finish cleaning up the kitchen I am starving again and then I just say screw its and eat a tray of brownies.  Now how is that helping me loose weight?  See, I really do blame fish for making me gain weight, yep, that is the problem! So, I just don’t cook it very often:)

However, my youngest son loves trout!  Go figure-the kid that hates everything loves trout and orders it at every restaurant that has it on the menu.  So… every now and then I will make trout and it actually is one of the fish dishes that I like, but […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00September 25th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Mushroom Stuffed Zucchini

I seem to remember when I was growing up that we always had 2-3 side dishes with each meal.  Which I find crazy!   I don’t remember the side dishes being elaborate, but we had them.  My mom cooked every night of the week and we always sat down as a family to eat. I cook almost every night of the week, but I cook 1 side dish at most for 2 reasons-1- I don’t have time to come up with or make 2 side dishes and a main course and 2- my kids won’t eat that many vegetables, ha!  So I generally spend time on my main course and then add a very simple side dish like steamed broccoli or steamed green green beans or roasted potatoes, simple. 

On occasion I will make a fun, yummy side like Mushroom Stuffed Zucchini and my kids love it and I love it and it fills me up on good veggies so I don’t stuff my face with Cheez-Its at 10:30 at night. 
This recipe for zucchini is easy and does not take much time so […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00September 25th, 2017|Sides|0 Comments

Balsamic Braised Chicken

It’s MONDAY!  Yay! Not really, but it is what it is. Let’s go!!

I woke my son up this morning and he said, “I am not going to school today.”  I said, “I know you are tired, but you have to go.”  He said, “Mom, I am standing my ground!”  I had to laugh. Getting up on Mondays is never fun for kids and getting ready for the week for moms is never fun.  I feel like my to-do list is a mile long on Mondays-how does stuff just appear on my list over the weekend? And, why do the grocery stores not stock until Tuesday???  Drives me NUTS! I go to the grocery on Mondays because the entire neighborhood ate all my food over the weekend and I need to re-stock for the week, but the shelves are empty on Monday.  I may start a petition for grocery stores to stock on Sunday night. Stay tuned!
Anyway, back to cooking.  Normally on Sunday afternoons I will come up with a list of 4-5 recipes for the week.  I know that we will most […]
2018-02-15T21:28:12+00:00September 18th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Tarragon Chicken Patties with Mashed Potatoes

Tarragon Chicken Patties 2

Well…its the middle of September and I’m not sure if it is fall, summer, spring or the second coming.  The weather has been insane for the entire country for the last few weeks.  I am waiting for locusts to start falling from the sky soon!

I try to cook seasonally, but it has been so hard recently that I have just said screw it and I am making what sounds good that day.  Over the last week we have had summer BBQ ribs, winter beef stew, spring roasted chicken and last night we had these amazing Tarragon Chicken Patties with Mashed Potatoes.
Now, you know my recipes are super easy, unless I specify otherwise, and these chicken patties are easy, quick and delicious.  And, to make the meal even easier I used pre-made, store bought mashed potatoes, GASP! I know, I know, for the most part I hate the mass produced, pre-made stuff in the store only because it normally tastes like crap! But, mashed potatoes is something that they have perfected and if you choose the […]
2020-08-03T20:48:25+00:00September 15th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Mini Sausage and Cheese Burrito Bowls

It’s about to be week two of school for us and that means that the routine has really started, boo hoo! This last week was especially hard down here in Texas.  Typically back to school means mom gets a break! It’s the week that grocery shopping gets done, laundry gets done, the house gets in order, hair gets cut, hair gets colored, nails get done…. it’s the week of back to normalcy, except this past week we as Texans, and the gracious people from Louisiana, stopped everything to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. People began food drives, clothing drives, animal rescue drives…we as a state dropped everything to drive down to Houston to deliver collected items, loan boats and manpower.  It was an amazing thing and showed the true Texan way of helping your neighbor! 

This horrible event showed how much love, acceptance, and humanity there is in this country.  In my personal opinion, I feel that we give the news media too much attention on the small amount of hate that exists in this country.  Hate seems to sell and that is […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00September 3rd, 2017|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know the first few of weeks of back to school means Mom is going to make dinner every night, have big healthy breakfasts ready, come up with fabulous after school snacks and generally be the best mom in the world. Then May comes around and Mom is making a phone call to Pizza Hut, passing out pop tarts and driving through Sonic for an afternoon snack.  But, while we are all still feeling ambitious here is a recipe for amazing homemade chocolate chip cookies.  I made this batch and they were gone within about 10 minutes and I am not kidding.  These are such a great way to make a boring weekday special.

I do not bake much, but one thing I have learned is that I always use parchment paper when I am baking.  I have tried those silpats and they get greasy and are difficult to clean.  Parchment paper is easy and disposable.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

A classic chocolate chip cookie! Thin and crispy yet chewy. These are so […]

2020-10-30T20:47:52+00:00August 29th, 2017|Desserts|0 Comments

Tuscan Chicken with Rosemary and White Wine

And so it begins-the endless search for meals that little people will eat. It is always a challenge to make everyone happy without going out to dinner every night.  My kids actually hate going out to eat and I get tired of the same 5 restaurants to choose from so I cook most nights, but it is hard to stay creative. Don’t get me wrong, there are many nights where I just give up and order from door dash or we run out and a grab a quick unhealthy meal. But, if I can get it together and write out a weekly meal plan it makes it so much easier to just whip up something in my kitchen because I have all the ingredients waiting for me. 

It has been a long, crazy summer! With kids going in all directions and curfews getting later and later I am exhausted and fat!  And, now with my kids starting at 3 different schools I have not even gotten my act together for the beginning of the school year, but I am starting tonight! 
I am working on […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00August 28th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Skillet Pork Chops with Sun Dried Tomatoes

Well, it has begun-the insane kid schedule.  School has only started for one of my kids, but already I am being pulled in a million directions. And everything starts and ends at the same time so it makes it impossible to be in every place. Between football practice, lacrosse practice, orthodontist appointments, air conditioning repair men, Latin tutor, buying school supplies, buying ANOTHER mouthguard and packing my older son for school I’m already losing my mind and the school year hasn’t even started.  

But, one thing I do love about the school year is that we sit down together every night for dinner.  It is a non-negotiable event in my house-my kids know we are having dinner at the table every night and they must have a shirt on and hats must be off. So, I am excited to get that started again even though it adds one more chore to my day.  
Since we have one kid away at school when he is home it is even more special if I can trap him, duct tape him […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00August 24th, 2017|Meats & Fish|3 Comments

Cauliflower Mash

I put this recipe separate from the Turkey Meatloaf because it is so good and can go with any main course you serve and it takes about 10 minutes to make. It is so good and your kids will not know it is cauliflower. My middle son who hates EVERYTHING ate this and loved it! I nearly fell over when I got a “yum Mom”!

You can add so many things to this recipe to make it fabulous and different so just experiment.  You can add Parmesan cheese, roasted garlic, rosemary, basil….
A quick note- you might need to play with the amount of milk you use to get the right consistency depending on how big your cauliflower head is or how much water it absorbs during the cooking process. 
PS- I have linked necessary items below the recipe-just click to purchase


Makes about 4-6 servings

1 large head of cauliflower, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup milk
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 small garlic clove, minced
parsley for garnish
salt and pepper to taste
Bring a large pot of water to […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00August 24th, 2017|Sides|0 Comments

Turkey Meatloaf with Cauliflower Mash

Ok, I have to admit that my family does not like meatloaf!  I do not know what is wrong with them.  If I could I would eat meatloaf every night of the week, along side any pasta of any kind:) So…what is a girl to do when the fam does not want to eat what I want to make?  Make it anyway, dammit!  I’m cooking and they aren’t so every now and then they just have to eat what I want for dinner! And, honestly once they sit down and do the obligatory moan and groan about the meal they eat it and they do actually kinda like it.  Now, this recipe was pushing it, but my husband and I loved it and my kids had no idea the “mashed potatoes” were mashed cauliflower. So, I my book the meal was a success. 

This meatloaf is a healthier version of the typical three meat (pork, beef, veal) meatloaf, but I truly did not miss the traditional recipe.  This is DELICIOUS! You can make this ahead of time and keep in the fridge until you […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00August 24th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Creamy Cavatappi Pasta with Chicken Mushrooms and Peas

Well, its that time of year-back to school!  I always feel torn about this time of year, now that my kids are potty trained and sleep through the night.  When my kids were babies I could not wait for school to start back so that I could get a break and a nap! And, now that my kids stay out until 11pm, sleep until noon, eat all day and use an ungodly amount of pool towels daily I am ready for school to start so that my house is clean.  But, since my kids do sleep until noon and I can sleep until a normal waking hour I am dreading the weekly 5:30am alarm. Really!  Why in the world do 14 year olds need to be at football practice at 6am??? Its insane! These poor kids are so exhausted, but thats a whole other blog on our country’s school system.  So, I am dreading the start of school not to mention the constant battle of homework and carpools all over town for practices.  But, this is […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00August 22nd, 2017|Meats & Fish, Pasta|0 Comments

Sweet Corn Soup with Basil Chili Oil

Since I already made the basil chili oil for the watermelon salad I thought about how I could use it in another recipe.  I had a ton of corn in my fridge that I needed to use so I decided to make a soup.  Since we have been traveling so much I have very little in my fridge or pantry so I did not go to the grocery store for any of the ingredients in this soup.  Thats how easy it is.  And you can serve this soup cold or hot. If you do serve it cold I recommend that you strain it through a mesh strainer before you serve it to take out all the little bits of corn. 
Corn is at its peak right now and it is so sweet that this soup needs no added sugar to make its sweetness come out. On that note, if you are making this in the winter you might need to add a 1/4 teaspoon of sugar to the soup to make it taste more corny (is that […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00July 15th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Watermelon and Tomato Salad with Basil Chili Oil

It has been a really busy summer and it is only half way over! The second half is going to be just as busy so while I have a few minutes at home I wanted to try a few new recipes that use all the delicious summer produce that is available right now.  

I love traveling, but I do miss cooking in my kitchen so today I spent all day cooking!  Not that my kids are going to eat any of what I made-they are too busy with their friends to eat my food:( I never see my kids in the summer.  They are all over the place and hanging with mom and dad is just not cool.  Which is why I insist on family dinners during the school year so I can spend some time with them around the dinner table.
So…its just me and my husband the dog, of course, eating tonight.  The recipe below is not anything mind blowing or new, but it is so delicious and easy to make.  You can add cheese to this […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00July 15th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Celery Soup

This soup is, surprisingly, one of the most requested soups by my kids.  Stunning, I know!  For my child that will only eat beef he actually loves this soup.  It is creamy, yet light and springy. It tastes very rich, but it really is not.  

I got this recipe from a dear friend of mine, Lindsay.  She made this for a lunch about 3 years ago and I fell in love it with it instantly.  It is so good! I promise!  Don’t pay attention to the name and just try it.  Tell your family it is potato soup and see what they say:) 
You can serve this cold, hot, as an appetizer, or light main course.  Tonight I am serving this with a side salad, grilled asparagus and a TALL glass of wine-for the whole family:)  Everyone needs to go to sleep early tonight! 
PS- I have linked necessary items below the recipe-just click to purchase


Makes 4 Servings

2 cups (about 12 stalks) celery, chopped
1/2 small onion, chopped
1 medium size Russet potato, peeled […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00May 15th, 2017|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Mothers Day

Ah Mother’s Day.  The day your child brings home one of those glittery cards cut into the shape of their precious little hand.  It makes me sad to say it, but my kids are past that stage.  I’m not sure how I have a 14 year old because I am only 25:), but I do.  And they do not bring home glittery things anymore.
Being a mom to boys is a very special role.  You will always be the one they come to when they need to cry or talk. They will always come up and give you a big hug even if they have to bend down to do it. They will always say “I love You” before they hang up the phone.  And, most importantly you will be the one they compare their future wife to. No pressure there! I hope my boys find a beautiful, skinny, potty mouth wife that likes to cook:)
I was so sad when I found out that our third child was going to be another boy, but it was the best thing in the […]
2018-10-22T03:37:47+00:00May 8th, 2017|Menus|0 Comments

Herbed Ricotta Crostini with Radishes

I was about to type that I think spring is my favorite time of year for food, but then I realized that I love all the seasons for different reasons.  When every season arrives I am ready for the change of flavors.  And right now with spring in full swing I am loving all that it has to offer.  I love the herbs, the vegetables, the colors, the fruit…. Its all so happy and bright and delicious! 

I could never be one of those people that eats to just put fuel in their bodies.  I love the textures, colors, smells, and even the memories that food brings to life.  I cannot live on protein bars and egg whites.  I just can’t do it. And I guess the means that I will always be 10 pounds over weight:) Oh well!  
I do try and eat as healthy as possible, but I am not going to deprive myself of good food, especially if I am at a fabulous restaurant.  But, one of the benefits of cooking at home is that you get to see […]
2018-02-15T21:28:13+00:00May 4th, 2017|Starters, Sides|0 Comments

Lemon Roasted Chicken with Spring Vegetables

Chicken!!! It is the most boring thing on the planet to eat, UNLESS you have ever had really good roasted chicken and then it is divine, but, it is so hard to create restaurant quality chicken. There are a few tricks to making really good, juicy chicken.

First, start with good quality chicken. I know this sounds obvious, but the grocery stores normally carry mediocre quality chicken.  You have to search! You want to look for words like “air-chilled” or “antibiotic free” on the packaging.  The words “natural” or “hormone free” mean nothing because natural means that no preservatives were added, duh! And in America companies are not allowed to inject chickens with hormones so that claim is pointless.
Second, if you are cooking chicken that is not going to be crusted or covered in a sauce then you need to use skin-on, bone-in chicken. GASP! I know-the skin!!!  Oh my gawd, “I might ingest calories”. An entire skin-on chicken breast contains only 50 calories and thats if you eat the skin.  Most of the time I remove the skin […]
2024-04-23T23:31:40+00:00April 28th, 2017|Meats & Fish|2 Comments

Zucchini Noodles with Parmesan

Spring is here and so are all the beautiful vegetables. The grocery store is full of gorgeous colors and amazing aromas. I bought so many vegetables just to annoy my kids:) They, like most kids, do not love veggies.  They will eat what I make, but under duress. But, I am not giving up! I figure eventually they will come around to like a few. 

Once of my favorite vegetables is zucchini.  I make it often and normally sauté it with parmesan and lemon-easy!  Well, now the cool new trend in food is to make your food look like something other than it is.  And spiraling your vegetables is one of those trends.  You can buy a very cool attachment for your Kitchen Aid mixer or you can find a counter top gadget that will spiralize your veggies.  I found a great brand that has all the work already done for you, Veggie Noodle Company.  
So, this recipe can be made with cool zucchini noodles or you can just cut the zucchini into chunks. Whatever will get your family to eat […]
2018-02-15T21:28:14+00:00April 26th, 2017|Sides|0 Comments

Berry Galette

What is a Galette? It is a French term for a freeform cake or pie.  In my words it is a lazy man’s pie.  It’s super easy and fast and you do not have to worry about making the crust look pretty or getting it into a pie plate.  Just roll out the pastry dough and place it on a cookie sheet.

You can make a galette with anything you want-berries, apples, pears or you can go savory and fill it with chicken, vegetables, ricotta…. there are a million things you can put into a pastry dough. For this recipe I made a sweet galette as a treat for the boys when they got home from school.  I don’t make desserts for normal family dinner.  First, I don’t have time and second we don’t need the extra sugar!

I had a ton of berries in my fridge and they were about to go bad so I mixed them with some sugar and vanilla and voila I had a pie!  No one needs to know it takes about 6 minutes to assemble! Serve with a dollop […]
2020-10-30T20:48:18+00:00April 25th, 2017|Desserts|0 Comments

Balsamic Pork Chops

Easter is over and it’s the end of the school year and frankly I am DONE!  I know I will be saying the same thing come August when I am ready for my kids to go back to school and get the hell out of my house, but right now I am so over homework, bedtimes, practices, games….dinner!  Yes, I am over dinner right now.  I love to cook, but it’s hard to come up with something to make for dinner every night.  Sometimes I wish my kids were like plants and I only had to feed them every few days:) But, my kids like to eat EVERY day! 

So, even though we are in the home stretch and are ready to quit we still need to make sure that we are feeding our families.  There will be plenty of nights this summer where good ole Chic Fit A will work just fine. But, for now the best thing to do is to make a weekly meal plan.  I know this sounds very cupcakey, but it does not have to be overly detailed […]
2018-02-15T21:28:14+00:00April 19th, 2017|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Rosemary Greyhound Cocktail

You always need to have a cocktail at a brunch, especially if there is family there!  The typical drink is a Bloody Mary, but I thought I would try something new this year.  A Rosemary Greyhound is so springy and light and is perfect for an Easter brunch.  
The only thing that takes a bit of time is making the rosemary simple syrup.  It only takes about 5 minutes to make, but you need to let it cool for about an hour.  If you know me then you know I look for shortcuts and I would typically say buy the premade simple syrup-you can find it in any grocery store or liquor store, but, with this recipe the simple syrup IS the recipe so take the time to make it.  If you are running late in preparations then make the syrup and put it in a jar and place the jar in an ice bath to cool quickly.  
This is a great thing to make the day before that way it is cooled and ready […]
2022-04-15T17:16:52+00:00April 10th, 2017|Starters, Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Asparagus and Mushroom Quiche with Hash Brown Crust


The main course of any holiday meal should be the star! For a brunch the main course is typically a quiche.  It is easy to make ahead of time, you can serve it warm or at room temperature, it serves a lot of people, easily, and its an egg dish. Its the perfect brunch dish!

There really aren’t a lot of rules with quiches.  You can put whatever you want into them-vegetables, meats, cheeses… Anything that you like.  This recipe has a little bit of a twist in that the crust is not the typical pastry crust.  This crust is HASH BROWNS!  And it is SO good!

There are a couple tips I want to mention when making this dish.  First, start by using pre-shredded potatoes.  You can shred your own, but why??  The ones that are pre-shredded for you in the grocery store are great!  Just be sure and dry them thoroughly.  Wring them in a towel or lay them out and let them air dry.  If they are soggy they will not crisp up […]

2022-04-15T17:37:09+00:00April 10th, 2017|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments
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