a Stefani Hood Blog

Basil Pesto

I mentioned earlier that I had planted a few herbs in a pot about a month ago.  Well, once I moved the pot out of reach from the precious little devil puppy the herbs really started to grow.  And grow, and grow!  I have so much basil that if I were a cupcake mom I would blanch it, strain it, freeze it in little ice cube trays and place it ever so pretty in my spacious organized freezer.  Yeah, well that is never going to happen so I am just going to enjoy the beautiful smell of basil on my porch and make as many dishes as I can before the plant either dies from heat, lack of watering or it just gives up.

Last night I made Basil Pesto Chicken with pesto that I made from my bushel of basil.  Pesto can be used for many, many things.  Spaghetti with Pesto, Pesto Grilled Cheese, Pesto Roasted Potatoes, Omelette with Pesto….
It is so easy to make and it smells SO good and fresh! I use walnuts in my pesto because they are easier to […]
2020-08-20T17:33:31+00:00June 14th, 2016|Meats & Fish, Pasta|0 Comments

Chicken and Waffles

This recipe is not quick and easy, but it is summer and I have a bit more time and my son begged for it.  I finally gave in and dang it is good! Once again it is not swimsuit friendly, but every now and then hey you just have to enjoy food!

Now, trust me you can do this!  It is not hard it just takes organization and about 45 minutes.  If you do not have a waffle maker then use the frozen Belgian Waffles. And here is another secret, shhhh…. if you just don’t have the time or are too tired from chasing kids around then buy frozen chicken tenders, frozen waffles and drizzle some of this magical syrup over top and voila Chicken and Waffles!!


Serves 4-6

5 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 lb. chicken tenders
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon Lowry’s seasoned salt
1 teaspoon black cracked pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs (whisked)
3 Tablespoons butter
3 Tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
3-4 dashes of Tabasco
Salt […]
2018-02-15T21:49:15+00:00June 12th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Weekday Migas

Summer, ah summer!  Lazy days of laying by the pool eating popsicles, drinking out of the hose, never getting out of your swimsuit, running around barefoot and playing with your friends. I remember those days fondly-I long for those days. Now, I am a mother and yes I lay by the pool, but I am sweating my ass off and picking up popsicle sticks and turning off the hose and not having a chance to get out of my spandex torture suit and running around barefoot trying to avoid dog poo.  But, hey its summer!!  And its much better than fighting over homework:) 
I am obviously being sarcastic, but there’s always a little bit of truth in everything you say, right:)  I do love having the boys around and getting to experience the fun of summer through their eyes. It is fun having all their friends over and constantly telling them not to dive into the pool or or don’t spray the dog with the water hose or include your brother. I recently read a blog post that made me laugh out loud.  Here it […]
2018-02-15T21:28:23+00:00June 12th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Beer Margarita

There is a secret among moms who have kids that play sports.  If at all possible and the timing is right we are drinking at our kids games.  I mean, come on, there are only so many flag football, lacrosse, basketball, baseball games you can get excited about your little darling playing. 

So, when my middle son was on a flag football team the games were always on a Thursday at about 5pm at a park down the street.  A good friend of mine, Pam Adams, would bring big pitchers of Beer Margaritas.  They were SO good! Now whenever I have one it brings back such good memories of friends, spring nights and my 4th grade pro athlete. 


Beer Margarita

Serves 4-6 or 1-2 depending on the day you have had

1 light beer (Corona)
1 can frozen limeade
1 can of tequila (use the limeade can)
1 can of water (use the limeade can)
1 lime, cut into slices or wedges

Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher.

Serve over ice with a lime wedge

2018-02-15T21:28:23+00:00May 24th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Blueberry Crisp

When the blueberries hit the grocery store I buy them almost everyday, because I am at the grocery store almost everyday. Lucky for me my neighborhood grocery store is small and close and has all the necessary staples. I honestly do not know how much I spend at the grocery store every week, but I am sure it is enough to sustain a small country.  

We love fruit at our house so when pears come out in the fall and blueberries come out in the summer I stock up.  I make blueberry smoothies, blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins and blueberry crisps.  I prefer crisps over cobblers because I like the crunch the crisp has.  And a bowl of blueberry crisp with a big ole scoop of Blue Bell Vanilla ice cream is just about as close to heaven as you can get.  
Oh and did I mention it is EASY and will take you about 10 minutes of hand on time.


Serves 6-8

4 cups fresh blueberries (you can use frozen)
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 Tablespoon white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 […]
2018-02-15T21:28:23+00:00May 24th, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Celery Root Slaw

Pulled Pork is a hands off summer BBQ dish.  It is so easy and usually makes a ton so if you are one of those leftover lovers then this is a great main course to make for a summer dinner, lunch, midnight snack…

Here in Texas we like our BBQ spicy and tangy so that is what this recipes makes.  But, if you are like my Mom, and like it more on the sweet side then just use a sweeter sauce.
Also, these measurements are just approximate amounts.  Adjust the amounts depending on your taste.

Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Celery Root Slaw

A classic BBQ pulled pork recipe, with a bit of w twist with the celery root slaw, that can be made in the oven or slow cooker. Make a large batch and freeze half to pull out when you have a really crazy day with no time to cook.

  • 1 bone in Boston Butt (6-10lbs)
  • 2 Tablespoons chili powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons dry […]
2020-04-08T17:43:16+00:00May 23rd, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Mac and Cheese

Mac and Cheese, who doesn’t like it?  If you raised your hand then I just don’t understand you.  It is such a fabulous “vegetable”.  If you call it a vegetable side dish then you don’t feel as guilty when you inhale the entire bowl.  It goes with anything and everything and no one ever gets tired of it.  Even fancy, elegant, chefy restaurants are serving mac and cheese.  So come on and give it a try!

Ok, you by now know that I am not one of those vegan, low fat, low calorie, no dairy, paleo people. But…if I can make something at home that eliminates strange ingredients, like yellow dye #4,  from my kids meals I will make it.  As long as it is easy.  I mean I am not going to make my own yogurt. My kids do need a healthy dose of sucralose in order to fit into society.
I promise this mac and cheese is super easy.  It is not low calorie, but hell it’s easy.  Let’s keep our priorities straight!! 


6-8 Servings

1lb. large macaroni noodles, […]
2018-02-15T21:28:23+00:00May 23rd, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Pickled Cucumbers

Growing up I can remember my parents going to the Farmer’s Market during the spring or summer and coming home and declaring that, “Tonight we only eat veggies”!  Ick I remember thinking.  What kid wants only vegetables for dinner? Well, of course the older you get the more you like your vegetables and I am no exception.  One of the dishes I remember my mom making was pickled cucumbers.  I know, you are saying, Pickles.  Well, yes, but not really.  These are quick pickled cucumbers and they are so fresh and tangy and light.   They go perfect with any spring/summer BBQ you might be having or attending.

You need to slice the cucumbers thin so they “pickle” quickly. You either a very sharp paring knife or a mandolin. I have linked a mandolin I like.  It is one of those tools you will use over and over again. They are not expensive and so worth it!

Pickled Cucumbers

A light and tangy side dish that is perfect with a BBQ pulled pork sandwich or grilled chicken

2020-04-10T19:10:33+00:00May 23rd, 2016|Sides|0 Comments


Well, I think we made it!  I don’t want to celebrate too soon, but we only have 5 days left of school.  My kids, me, the dogs… are so ready for school to get out for summer.  Now, because I am a woman I reserve the right to change my excitement to counting down days until school starts… that will begin in about 2 weeks. But for now we are fired up about sleeping in and not “requesting” that homework gets done.  Frankly, after this year I do not care if my kid’s brains turn to mush this summer just as long as I don’t have to fight about, “read your book”, “study for Spanish” or “go to BED”. Can you hear my voice? Just imagine Charlie Brown’s teacher, “Wah, Wah” and that is what my kids hear.

Back to the topic at hand-food!  This week we have a lot of “end-of-the-year” parties and I hate showing up empty handed so this is a good go-to recipe.  Bruschetta is a perfect summer appetizer because the tomatoes are ripe and the basil is growing like […]
2020-08-06T16:51:15+00:00May 23rd, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Meyer Lemon and Lavender Creme Brulee

I love herbs!  I wish I had a fabulous herb garden, but I don’t.  But I do have a fabulous pot with as many herbs as I can squeeze in there.  This year I planted basil, chives, oregano, parsley and lavender.  After I planted them and stood back and admired my very green thumb handy work I smiled.  The pot looked beautiful-a yellow Italian ceramic pot filled with beautiful spring things.  I walked in the house to wash my hands and turned around and the damn new dog had dug them all up.  So you judge me for drinking at 3pm, but seriously doesn’t that deserve a big olé glass of wine? The herbs were planted a grand total of 5 minutes.  But, don’t worry I replanted them and hoisted the massive pot onto the counter outside and that is where it has lived. And I use my herbs everyday!!
So lavender is a new herb for me, but I love it!!  The smell is just heavenly and I wanted to come up with some uses for the purple buds in recipes. I […]
2018-02-15T21:28:23+00:00May 13th, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Apricot Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

I thought I would post something that was a little more complex than pot roast!  Not that pot roast doesn’t take all my energy on some days, but last night I made my family Apricot Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. Two things to keep in mind, first, I do not like sweet with my meat so this is not sweet!  And second, this is not that complicated.  I actually made this entire dish while on the phone helping my best friend solve a major world problem. Thank goodness we solved it! Please call with any issues you need advice on:) 

Anyway, back on track… Apricot Pork Stuffed Pork Tenderloin is such a great dish for a weeknight or a dinner party. You can do everything, except roasting it, in advance.  And the roasting takes about 35 minutes and you are done!
Go ahead and give this one a try and hell if it doesn’t work out then order pizza!


4-6 Servings

8 dried apricots, chopped
1 Tablespoon butter
2 shallots, minced or 1 small onion, minced
1 Tablespoon fresh sage, chopped
3 Tablespoons pine nuts
1 8oz. […]
2018-02-15T21:28:24+00:00May 12th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Roasted Carrots and Potatoes

This is a side dish that could be the easiest dish I make.  And if you prefer your veggies a bit more crunchy than soft then you might want to cook them this way when making pot roast.  

Seriously a monkey could do this!


Roasted Carrots and Potatoes

Serves 4-6

1lb. bag of yukon gold potatoes, cut in half
1lb. bag of baby carrots or 5-6 large carrots peeled and cut into 1" chunks
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

Preheat oven to 400°

In a large bowl toss all ingredients together. Pour onto a foil lined baking sheet.

Roast for about 30-40 minutes or until the vegetables are a tender as you like them. 

You can add any herb you like-rosemary, thyme, oregano, lavender... You can also add any root vegetable you like-parsnips, celery root, sliced onions...

2018-02-15T21:28:24+00:00May 11th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Pot Roast

I think most of the country has been dealing with Spring showers, storms, tornados, frogs falling from the sky, locusts… It just seems to be a very violent spring and we Texans have not been spared.  And to add to the fun of wet clothes, frizzy hair, ruined shoes and hail damaged cars, it is the last month of school. Do you remember when you were a kid how long May took to come to an end?  Well, my kids are there!  It is almost impossible to get them out of bed in the morning. Even my annoying singing does not do the trick.  They have lost all interest in school-not sure they had much in September, but what little they did have is GONE. 

But, thank the Lord our sports have come to an end and our nights are a bit more calm.  Translation, my teenager is asleep on the couch the minute he gets home from school.  My middle son is snap chatting and my youngest is walking around with his lacrosse stick in his hand complaining he is bored. SO with […]
2018-02-15T21:28:24+00:00May 11th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments


Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE champagne.  And yes there is a difference in champagne, not all are created equal.  Most people only open a bottle for a celebration and if thats you then splurge and buy the good stuff.  DO NOT buy that crappy Andre or Cooks stuff.  Don’t waste your money or the calories.  Throw down $30-$50 and buy a nice bottle of champagne. You don’t need to spend $100 on a good bottle of champagne or sparkling wine.
However, after saying all that I would not splurge if you are going to be making a cocktail such as a bellini.  If you like sweet use a Prosecco.  If you like a bit more dry go with a bottle of Gruet Brut.
Bellinis are the perfect drink to serve at a sip and see (you all know what that is, right?), a wedding shower, Easter brunch… Its springy and light and sweet. I like blueberries floating in mine, but you can use raspberries or put a strawberry on the edge of the glass.
You can make […]
2022-04-30T17:17:44+00:00April 29th, 2016|Starters, Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Roasted Spring Vegetables

Spring Vegetables
Roasting anything is the easiest way to cook and roasting vegetables is a no brainer.  You just drizzle olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper over whatever vegetable your family will eat and roast in the oven and you have yourself a side dish.
Roasting brings out the natural sweetness of veggies and the addition of vinegar helps them keep their color and off sets the sweetness with a tang.
You can use whatever vegetable you can find, but I like a mixture of colors.  And I’ll say it again, try radishes!  I promise they are so good and roasting makes them sweet.

Roasted Spring Vegetables

Such an easy way to make vegestables. Roasting them brings out the sweetness!

  • 1 lb. Baby carrots (if you can't find true baby carrots then use the ones in the bag)
  • 1 lb. Fingerling potatoes, cut in half
  • 1 bunch Radishes, tops trimmed and cut in half
  • 1 lb. Asparagus, cut into thirds
  • 1 bunch Baby spring onions, greens removed
  • 1 Tablespoon Shallots, chopped
  • 1 Tablespoon Apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon Parsley, Chopped
  • 1 […]
2022-04-30T17:27:54+00:00April 29th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Rosemary Chicken Sausages

There is a lot of bacon and sausage consumed in my house, especially if one or more of the boys has a friend sleep over. I can easily go through 2 pounds of bacon and a pound of sausage on a Saturday morning.  I try to buy the uncured, reduced fat, low sodium, but still its fatty breakfast meats. And, every now and then, and I mean every now and then I will force myself to try a piece or two or three-just to make sure it’s cooked it properly. 

So, I started thinking that if I am going to have to keep trying the bacon and sausage I cook, for the kids, then I need to come up with a recipe that is a bit “healthier”.  And the logical choice is chicken, but I hate the typical chicken/apple sausage. I don’t know why, but I don’t like fruit in my savory sausage.  The reason people put apples in chicken sausage is because it gives it some moisture.  Chicken can be very dry and the apples allow you to cook the chicken through, but […]
2018-02-15T21:28:24+00:00April 29th, 2016|Meats & Fish, Breakfast & Brunch|2 Comments

Cheesy Broccoli Bacon Quiche

When I say the word brunch what do you think of?  Bloody Mary’s, Mimosas, Quiche…  Oh yes Quiche!  It is an elegant egg dish with all kinds of refrigerator left overs thrown in it.  Once you know the basic quiche ingredients and techniques you can literally put anything you want in it and people will eat it. 
It is great served hot, warm, room temperature or cold.  You can serve it for breakfast, brunch, lunch or even dinner with a salad.  It could be the most versatile dish on the planet:) 
Since, as you know, I have 3 boys in my house I have to make things that will appeal to them so… I turned a light, veggie filled, girly recipe into a hearty man dish! Below is my recipe for Cheesy Broccoli Bacon Quiche. I had to throw in some vegetable, but if you really hate veggies then by all means leave them out.


Makes 8-10 servings

1 pre-made pie crust (the kind you roll out)
4 slices bacon
1 small head of broccoli, cut into small florets
5 eggs
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup […]
2018-02-15T21:28:24+00:00April 29th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Meyer Lemon and Blueberry Sconces

Ahhh Meyer Lemons the perfect spring fruit.  There is no way that a bowl of lemons doesn’t make you smile.
Meyer Lemons are typically available February-May which makes them even more special.  They are a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange and are a bit sweeter than a regular lemon which makes them the perfect addition to a dessert.  Their skin is thinner and has more of an orange tint and they are more round than a lemon.  
I find them in my grocery store in a bag near the regular lemons. Next time you see them buy a bag and give them a try.  You can use them in place of regular lemons in your tea, salad dressings, juiced over vegetables….
Below is a recipe for scones.  Now I am not a baker!!!  I hate following recipes exactly and with baking you have to or the cake, pastry or cookie won’t turn out right.  But, I wanted to use my Meyer lemons dammit!  So here is a quick yummy scone recipe.


Makes 8 Scones

2 cups […]
2018-02-15T21:28:24+00:00April 29th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie 2
Even though its supposed to be skinny season everyone loves comfort food. And every now and then a good hearty dinner is just what the skinny doctor ordered.  Comfort food to me is Mexican food, a big steak with mashed potatoes or chicken pot pie.  Its just one of those dishes that seems like its good for you because of the peas and carrots, but let’s face it it not “good” for you.  It’s just GOOD.
I make my pot pie in a pie dish, hummm, crazy!  I like the crust on the bottom and top.  I mean the crust is the best part, right?  Why just have the crust on the top?  I suppose if you are trying to cut out calories you could just put one crust on the top, but then we would not be friends. If you want to cut calories then have a grilled chicken salad. Don’t worry that recipe is coming:)
To make this recipe without using a can of cream of mushroom soup you need to make a roux. […]
2020-04-23T19:06:15+00:00April 28th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Broccoli Beef

Mid week dinner blahs!  Its spring and spring fever has set in, at least it has at my house!  We have one month left of school, activities, homework, early mornings…. I know we can get through this.  I am always so excited to get to summer and the more relaxed days, but I guarantee you that come July15 I will be begging for the routine of school and having a clean house, during the day. There is just no pleasing me:)  

But if your family is like mine, they still want to eat and you have to feed them.  They strangely want to eat everyday! So here is a quick dinner that the family will love.  


Makes 5-6 servings

1- 1lb. London Broil or flank steak
3 Tablespoons soy sauce
1 1/2 Tablespoon Sherry
2 teaspoons corn starch
1 large head of broccoli or small bag of pre-cut florets.
2 garlic cloves,  minced
1/2 cup chicken broth or water
2 Tablespoons oyster sauce
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2-3 Tablespoons canola oil or grapeseed oil
Slice the beef very thinly across the grain.  It helps to pop it in […]
2018-02-15T21:28:24+00:00April 28th, 2016|Meats & Fish|2 Comments

Chicken Salad

I could live off of pimento cheese and chicken salad.  And lucky for me those are two of the most healthy and low fat things I could love!  I mean why couldn’t I love quinoa pancakes- a friend of mine was talking about these amazing quinoa pancakes that she just loves and I just looked at her, like, really? I am not doubting they are good and she does have an amazing body, but that’s just not me.  Maybe in my next life?? 

You are probably wondering why I put in my bio that I like to cook healthy for my family, but then put things like chicken salad and pimento cheese recipes on this blog.  Well, when I say healthy I am talking about meals that are made mostly from scratch that you know what the ingredients are in the dishes.  I am talking about cutting down on the salt and cutting down on the fat when possible.  You cannot control those things at a restaurant unless you order a piece of grilled chicken and bowl of lettuce.  Trust me I have begged […]
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 20th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Puppy Chow

Puppy Chow, Muddy Buddies, Monkey Munch…Everyone has had this snack/candy/dessert.  My grandmother used to make it and I just remember loving it as a kid.  It is so easy and will be gobbled up in a flash.  I often give this to my boys before a game to give them some extra umph in case they have used all their energy being straight A honor students during the day. It has sugar, protein and easy to eat in the car. 


Makes 9 cups

1/2 cup peanut butter, creamy
1/4 cup butter
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups powdered sugar
9 cups Chex Cereal (you can use Rice, Corn, Wheat or a mixture)
In a microwave safe bowl melt peanut butter, chocolate and butter. It normally takes 1 minute on high.  
Add vanilla and mix well.
In a large bowl pour in cereal.  Pour peanut butter/chocolate mixture over cereal and stir well.  Make sure all the cereal is covered in the chocolate.
In a large zip-lock bag add powdered sugar.  Add the cereal mixture, close the top and shake the bag.  You want the cereal completely […]
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 19th, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Baked Potato Soup

What to make for dinner after you have built your ark?  Here in Texas the weather has been so dreary and WET.  I just hope we see the sun soon.  I keep singing that song “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”, tomorrow…  Anyway, I asked my kids what they wanted for dinner last night and they all said Baked Potato Soup.  Soup normally is not enough to fill them up, but this soup is very hearty, meaning, not low calorie. But is so good!
It is called Baked Potato Soup because, I have in the past, baked the potatoes then mashed them.  But, last night I did not have time so I grabbed a bag of “pre-made” mashed potatoes at the grocery at about 5pm.  This is my new favorite find!!!  It cut about 45 minutes off my cooking time and we truly could not taste the difference.  
Let me know your thoughts!


Makes about 5 Full Servings

3 strips bacon
1 small onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
2 Tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
3 cups chicken broth
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 19th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Upside Down Pizza

Ya know those nights when you are just cooking for the kids because all you need is wine?  Well, this is the recipe for nights like that.  I have no idea where I found the recipe or how I came up with it, but I have been making it since the boys were little bitty.  This not something that I would make for my husband, not that he wouldn’t eat it, but it’s kinda kiddy.

This will take you about 15 minutes to make!


1 lb. ground meat (turkey, beef, turkey sausage, Italian sausage…)

1 Tablespoon olive oil
1/2 jar pasta sauce (24oz) or if you find an 12oz jar use that
1/2 medium onion, minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
1/4 cup sliced pepperoni
1 can of pre-made pizza dough (Pillsbury)
1/4 teaspoon Italian Seasoning
Preheat oven to 375°
In a large skillet, sauté onion and garlic for 2 minutes.  Add meat and brown.  When meat is cooked through stir in pasta sauce.
Spray a 8×8 pyrex dish with cooking spray. Pour meat mixture in dish. Sprinkle pepperoni and mozzarella on top.
Open pizza dough and roll […]
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 18th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Coconut Cake

This weekend was rainy and yucky.  The kids were in the house along with most of the neighborhood. Needless to say the house looks like a tornado came through it.  I wonder if insurance covers that? Seriously, there are about 500 gatorade bottles, goldfish and toilet paper all over the house.  I really have no idea why toilet paper was the “toy” of choice for them, but….  I have just closed the doors to all the rooms and have taken refuge in my office.  I am waiting for the cleaning fairy to come visit in the night.

Anyway, I made a cake for all the kids.  Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know…., but I was bored and we all know that sugar calms boys down!?  They did love it!!


1 box white cake mix, plus the ingredients for preparation (typically eggs, oil and water)

1-14oz can sweetened condensed milk (the most incredible creation on earth)
1-9oz tub of Cool Whip, thawed
1-8oz can of cream of coconut
2 cups shredded coconut
In a 9×13 pan, bake the cake according to the directions on the box.
Immediately after […]
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 18th, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Turkey Meatballs with Marinara

Trying to find recipes that are easy, healthy and taste like comfort food is hard. I love to cook, but dinner comes at the worst time of the day.  At 6pm the house is crazy and some sort of s*%t is hitting the fan and it is hard to start cooking. It is so much easier to just order take out, but ironically sitting down to a homemade dinner calms the beasts down.  

One trick/tip I can give you, if your house is anything like mine, is to take 5 minutes on Sunday or Monday morning and look at your calendar.  Figure out what days dinner at home is possible and then think of that many meals.  It makes life so much easier if you know on Tuesday that you are going to be making Turkey Meatballs with Marinara.  And on Tuesday at 4pm when your precious child tells you that they need a book for class tomorrow and you have to run to Barnes and Noble you are not stressed about dinner because you know what you are going to make.  And […]
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 18th, 2016|Pasta|0 Comments

Jagerschnitzel with Buttered Noodles

German food has always been a favorite of mine.  It is so homey and hearty and just yum.  I’m not saying it is diet friendly, but for a Sunday family dinner the cuisine is perfect. 

Most German food is very heavy and takes quite awhile to prepare.  Well…you know what I am going to say- I don’t have that kind of time and I don’t want to feed my family a fat bomb if I can avoid it.  I will, however, order a big ass plate of cheese fries with loads of ranch at Snuffer’s and tell myself “it’s okay” because it has all the food groups (potatoes-carbs, cheese-dairy and protein, bacon-protein, ranch dressing-dairy and chives-vegetables).
All kidding aside, I do try and lighten up any recipe if I can without loosing the integrity of the dish.  I’m sorry, but mashed cauliflower used as a pizza crust is not the same as pizza crust.  So, without loosing the German flavor of Jagerschnitzel, but trying to cut out as many calories as I can, here is my recipe. 
One note, I would suggest using egg noodles, such as […]
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 11th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

The Perfect Herby Eggs

I have a confession, I HATE eggs.  I know I am strange, but I cannot stand them, but my entire family loves them so I make them everyday.  I have gotten pretty good at whipping up some scrambled eggs or omelets.  And the nice thing about eggs is they take about 2 minutes to make.  

I started adding different ingredients to the eggs just to shake things up and this is the “recipe” everyone asks for in the morning.  Serve these with candied bacon and some juice and voilá you have a “fancy” breakfast.


Makes 1 serving

2 eggs
1 teaspoon milk
Pinch of salt and pepper
1 Tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese
1 Tablespoon fresh herbs of your choice, minced (chives, dill, basil, oregano)
1 dollop of butter
In a small bowl whisk all ingredients until foamy.  
Heat a non stick 8″ sauté pan over medium low heat.  Melt butter (I just use a small sliver from the butter stick).
Pour in eggs and stir continually with a spatula until the eggs are fluffy and cooked through. Remember low and slow with eggs.
Serve with bacon and toast.
2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 11th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Candied Bacon

Bacon! Oh yes the other white meat:)  I mean who doesn’t like bacon?  If you raised your hand you need to just stop reading right now! I’m not talking about that “turkey” bacon, I’m talking about BACON!  My kids think that a plate of bacon is a meal, ha!  

Ok, ok I do buy the uncured bacon only because it’s right next to the cured bacon and I am trying to be healthy. Seriously, there is no real taste difference in the two, just buy your favorite brand.  
The trick to this bacon is the corn meal it gives it some crunch. If I am serving these for a party then cut the bacon into thirds and serve them in a bowl.  Your guests will LOVE them!


1lb. thick cut bacon (thick cut is key)

3 cups brown sugar

3 Tablespoons yellow corn meal

Preheat oven to 350°

Line a baking sheet with heavy duty aluminum foil.  Place a baking rack or cookie cooling rack on
top of foil.  Spray with cooking spray.

In a mixing […]

2018-02-15T21:28:25+00:00April 11th, 2016|Starters, Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Heaven help me, but the little people don’t have school today so that means lots of boys over. I have to say it is fun having boys, but it is loud and crazy especially when there are about 12.  They are all so cute and funny and so polite. I really think boys are more polite than girls are in the teen years. Any boy that walks in my house always says, “Hi Mrs. Hood” or “thanks for having me”.  I mean, awe…

I do love having a house full of kids, but these little buggers can EAT. I normally just serve them microwaved Bagel Bites (gross, by the way) or corny dogs or pizza.  However, I thought I would try and earn a sticker today and make them a fun snack.  Now we eat these for dinner, but they are perfect for an afternoon snack or party.  

I used to make these chicken lettuce wraps in the crock pot, but I kept forgetting to start 100 hours in advance so I tweaked it a bit. […]

2018-02-15T21:28:26+00:00April 8th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments
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