a Stefani Hood Blog

Southwest Spicy Chicken Bites

I promise I will post something about everyday weeknight meals, but it is the holiday season and that means small bites.  People ask me all the time what they can serve that is easy to eat, not messy and not sweet.  This is one of my go to recipes.  You can put it out on a buffet or you can pass them on a tray easily. I am not sure when I came up with this recipe or where the inspiration came from, but this is not some crazy, out of the blue appetizer.  I am sure many, many people have very similar recipes in their back pocket.

So here is my yummy, go-to party appetizer.  Be sure and make a lot because they do go fast since they are easy to pop in your mouth and hold on to your very important cocktail.

Southwest Spicy Chicken Bites

Small little bites that will tide people over until dinner is ready.

  • 1 large chicken breast, cut into bite sized cubes
  • 1/2 lb. Thin cut […]
2020-12-17T16:28:02+00:00December 11th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Hot Crawfish Dip

A very dear friend of mine, Rebecca, introduced me to this amazing dip!  She served it at her annual Christmas party several years ago and I remember about 4 of us stood around the food table and devoured this dip.  It was SO good!  It is rich, creamy, spicy and just YUM.  

I asked her for the recipe and I have made it a million times since then.  Every time I serve it or take it to a happy hour people rave over it.  
If you cannot find crawfish (I normally find it in the frozen section near the frozen shrimp) then you can use shrimp or even lobster.  You only need about 2 small lobster tails and I see them all the time in the fish department for about $8 a tail. 
It is best to serve this dip in a chafing dish, but if you do not have one then just remember to re-heat the dip every now an then throughout the party, if it lasts that long. 


1 (16oz) package frozen crawfish tails (thawed, rinsed and […]

2018-02-15T21:35:26+00:00December 11th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Baked Pumpkin French Toast

We are not huge breakfast eaters so I don’t spend a lot of time making elaborate breakfasts or brunches. Although, one day, I would love to host a fabulous brunch in my beautiful English garden with the sun shining down and flowing mimosas, but that will not be anytime in the near future for us.  At this stage in our lives having three boys means that our weekends are not our own. We either have some game to attend, a practice to attend, traveling to a tournament or volunteering to try and get our high schooler his service hours. Don’t get me wrong, I love this time in our loves, but I can promise you that we are not hosting beautiful, long, lazy brunches.  Someday….

So, I only have a couple breakfast recipes and I use them ALL the time.  They are great for holidays, guests that are visiting or taking to a friend in need.  Everyone always takes dinner to friends that are sick, mourning or have a new baby, but no one ever takes breakfast. This is a yummy “casserole” […]
2018-02-15T21:28:17+00:00December 11th, 2016|Breakfast & Brunch|0 Comments

Flank Steak with Bearnaise Sauce

Flank with Bearnaise 2

The holidays are definitely here because I have come down with the cold from HELL! This is the worst time of year to be in bed and when I say in bed, I mean IN BED! I have gotten nothing done-no shopping, no cards, no tree up, no cocktails:( But, I am on the upswing and finally feeling better. Thank the lord!  But, as you all know, Mom doesn’t get much time to lay in bed.  We still have to get the kids to school, fight over homework, feed the dog, feed the kids….

The other night the kids were hungry for dinner (they seem to be hungry every night) and I had not been to the grocery store in about a week so it was slim pickins.  I opened the freezer and fridge doors and waited for inspiration to hit me. And, it did!  I had a frozen flank steak, frozen french fries, half a bottle of white wine, eggs and some left over tarragon from Thanksgiving.  Keep in mind, this was at 5pm […]
2020-04-29T21:54:15+00:00December 6th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Thanksgiving Stove Top Potpourri

The week has finally arrived-Thanksgiving!  It is my favorite holiday as I have mentioned before.  No gifts to worry about, no tree to decorate, no holiday work parties… just food, drink and family.

If you are hosting people this week and your house is a disaster, like mine, do not fear.  I swear our gremlin, Bill, comes in the middle of the night and messes everything up just to screw with me!  Yes, we do have a gremlin.  We named him Bill-I have no idea why. But, he comes in the middle of the night and moves my youngest son’s shoes so he cannot find them in the morning which causes extreme stress, yelling, crying….and Bill always gets blamed-never my son, go figure! Anyway, I digress. If you are hosting people and you are trying to get your house to look like a pinterest photo, good luck, but here is a quick way to welcome your guests.  Just put on a pot of stove top potpourri and your house will smell like the holidays instantly. Hand your guests a stiff drink the minute […]
2021-11-18T15:31:43+00:00November 21st, 2016|Starters|4 Comments

Spicy Pumpkin Soup

Ok, I think the country is finally having fall weather or maybe winter for some, but it has FINALLY cooled off in Texas. This is my favorite time of year!  I love Thanksgiving!  It is such a laid back, relaxing, comforting holiday.  You don’t have to worry about gifts or holiday cards or picking out outfits for parties.  It’s just family, football and good food!  

For some, the idea of having family in town gives them hives.  I think family, meaning in-laws, is like fish-it is only good for about 3 days. So, if you are hosting relatives at your house and the idea of going out to dinner and trying to get a table in the restaurant that the older people can hear, trying to order, keeping the kids entertained, not drinking too much to deal with all that, makes you want to curl up in a ball…then try to make a few quick meals at home.  It’s so much easier to just stay at home with a warm fire, a bowl of soup, the playstation upstairs entertaining the kids, a […]
2018-02-15T21:28:18+00:00November 17th, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Roasted Turkey

Turkey! The star of the show, kinda.  I love the big beautiful golden turkey at Thanksgiving, but for me the star of the show is the sides.  But, we are talking about turkey.  It is really not that hard-it just looks hard and takes some time. A couple things to remember is to put your frozen turkey in the fridge to thaw on MONDAY. Yes, it takes that long to thaw.  Then the next thing to remember is to let your turkey come to room temperature before you put it in the oven.  Put in on your counter about 2 HOURS prior to putting it in the oven.  If you follow those two tips you are way ahead of the game and the chances of your turkey coming out of that oven perfect are pretty high!
A couple other side notes…. keep an eye on the bottom of the roasting pan. You want liquid in the pan at all times, but you don’t want it overflowing or you will steam your turkey instead of roasting. And you also want to make sure […]
2020-11-24T18:58:33+00:00November 9th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Bourbon and Smoked Turkey Gravy

Gravy! I think it one of the hardest parts of a Thanksgiving menu. Not because making a gravy is hard, but because most gravy recipes call for the drippings from the turkey. When you finally have the drippings from the turkey it is time to get everyone off the couch to come to the table and the kitchen is crazy. That is not the time to be making one of the most important dishes. Gravy can make or break the turkey! So, make this recipe ahead of time and save yourself the frustration of trying to pull off a fabulous gravy 5 minutes before its time to eat.

You can make this recipe earlier in the day of Thanksgiving or you can make it up to a week in advance.


Bourbon and Smoked Turkey Gravy

This make ahead gravy is easy and delicious and takes the pressure off on the day of. Make up to […]
2019-11-27T19:17:00+00:00November 8th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Brisket Jalapeno Dressing

Brisket Dressing 2

There are a million different dressings or stuffings around the country.  Everyone has their “usual” that they expect every year on the table.  Well, we are no different.  In Texas we have a cornbread dressing, not a stuffing.

My paternal grandmother passed down our traditional Thanksgiving dressing and it is fabulous!  But, of course I cannot leave well enough alone and I have fiddled with it and come up with my own “Texas Thanksgiving Dressing”.  Some day I will post the original recipe.  But, for this year we are having Brisket Jalapeno Dressing. Typical cornbread dressing calls for breakfast sausage instead of brisket.  The grocery stores already have the extra large containers of sausage in stock. But, in my dressing I use a smoked brisket.  No, I do not smoke a brisket along with all the other dishes of Thanksgiving. I go buy about a pound of smoked sliced brisket from the BBQ restaurant down the street.  If you are really ambitious and want to smoke your own then by all means do it, but I […]
2019-11-21T19:56:44+00:00November 7th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Cranberry Pear Pear Relish

Who’s Thanksgiving table has the jellied canned cranberry sauce? Well, I have to admit that mine does, but only because my brother-in-law loves it.  But, you can’t blame hime, he is from Philly:) Just kidding, so is my husband and I love him anyway.  

But, I cannot in good conscience serve only the jellied guck with the lines in it from the can.  So, here is my cranberry “sauce” that I make every year.  It is a great combination of sweet and tart and pairs perfectly with juicy roasted turkey.


Cranberry Pear Pear Relish

Makes about 3 cups

2 Tablespoons butter
3 cups fresh cranberries
2 pears, peeled and diced
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/2 of an orange, zested
1/4 cup orange juice, about 1 orange

Combine all ingredients in a large sauce pan and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to medium and cook for about 10-15 minutes until the cranberries soften and begin to pop.  

Chill 2-3 hours before serving.

This can be made up to 4 days in advance.

*Warm up the leftovers and spoon over pancakes or waffles

2018-02-15T21:28:18+00:00November 7th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Roasted Root Vegetables

Roasted Root Vegetables are the easiest side dish you will make for Thanksgiving, I promise!  A monkey could do this or my 11 year old. So whichever you have on hand assign this dish to them. Ok…maybe cut up the vegetables for the monkey, but still.

Do not be too particular about the vegetables you buy.  Just buy what you like or what you think your family will eat. Even the non-veggie lovers will love these veggies.  The roasting makes them sweet and brings out the true deep flavor. 


Makes about 8-10 servings

1 lb. celery root, peeled and cut into chunks
1 lb. baby carrots with stems
1/2 lb. leeks, cut into chunks and rinsed well
1 lb. parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks
1/2 lb. frozen pearl onions
1/2 lb. Brussels Sprouts, cut in half
4 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 Tablespoons fresh chopped rosemary
1 Tablespoon fresh chopped thyme
Preheat oven to 425°
In a large bowl, combine prepared vegetables, olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme. 
Spread evenly between two baking sheets.  
Roast 20 minutes.  Stir vegetables and roast an additional […]
2018-02-15T21:35:56+00:00November 7th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Green Bean Casserole

Green Bean Casserole

I don’t think there is any table in America that does not have the traditional green bean casserole.  I HATE casseroles, but this one is just a classic and I love it!  There is nothing new or fancy about this recipe-just the same ole’ recipe off the mushroom soup can.

Trust me I have tried to make this dish a bit more modern, but it just never comes out as good as the original.  So here goes….


Green Bean Casserole

The classic green bean casserole! 
  • 1 can Condensed mushroom soup (Campbells)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 14.5oz cans cut green beans (not french cut), drained
  • 1 1/3 cup french fried onions, (French's Fried Onions in the can is the traditional)
  1. Preheat oven to 350°

  2. In a large bowl, combine soup, milk, soy sauce, pepper, green beans and 2/3 cup of onions.

  3. Pour mixture into a greased 1 1/2 quart casserole dish. 

  4. Bake for 25 minutes or until hot and bubbly.  

  5. Sprinkle with remaining onions and bake for an additional […]

2019-11-25T16:42:05+00:00November 7th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Bourbon Pecan Pie

Bourbon Pecan Pie 2

People say the best part about Thanksgiving is the pies!  I do not disagree.  Thanksgiving Thursday is pretty much the only day my family eats pies.  No one really loves Pumpkin Pie so we don’t tend to have that one, but we always have a traditional Texas Bourbon Pecan Pie.  Side note, the way us Texans say pecan is “PUH-KHAN” not “PEE-CAN”. Go ahead and say it out loud.  See???  Sounds better, right:)?

Here is the recipe we have been using for years for our Thanksgiving PUH-KHAN pie.

Bourbon Pecan Pie

A classic Southern dessert. This has a little twist with the Bourbon, but it will still remind you of your childhood. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream-YUM!
  • 1 Store bought pie crust (unless you really want to make your own, but why?)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup dark corn syrup
  • 4 Tablespoons butter, melted
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup (not pancake syrup)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 Tablespoons Bourbon
  • 1 1/2 cups pecan halves
  1. Preheat oven […]

2019-11-25T23:14:07+00:00November 7th, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Texas Chili

Halloween 2016 is in the books! I have to say I kinda liked it being on a Monday.  It was such a laid back night.  We got together with friends and had chili and maybe a little wine while the kids roamed the neighborhood.  We are very fortunate to live in an area where we can let the kids walk around alone. Now these are not toddlers roaming alone, but the 10 year olds did take over the neighborhood Monday night.

And, while the kids were trick or treating the parents were enjoying chili! Yes, it is chili season!! I brought a pot of my Texas chili to the party and everyone really like it. I have made this recipe for years and it is so good. Since it is TEXAS chili there are NO beans!  We do not put beans in our chili in the Lone Star State so if you have chili with beans it is not true Texas chili.
This chili recipe is all about the meat.  I use chunks of sirloin along with ground beef and chorizo.  I don’t make […]
2021-02-07T16:35:20+00:00November 3rd, 2016|Soups & Salads|0 Comments

Roasted Spaghetti Squash

As promised, here is another recipe for a healthy, easy squash dish.  Now, I know that some people (mostly those healthy, skinny, marathon runner, yoga people-no offense to my marathon yoga friends) say that they can make spaghetti squash and serve it with pasta sauce and meatballs and it tastes just like spaghetti and meatballs. GIVE ME A BREAK! That would never fly in my house.  Trust me I have tried and it was one of those order pizza nights. I learned from that mistake and now I just serve the damn vegetable on its own and my kids love it.  Go figure!
This is SO good and SO easy! Serve it with just about anything-grilled chicken, meatloaf, pork chops…. And you can change it up by mixing in sauteed mushrooms, alfredo sauce (ok thats not healthy, but it’s really good), ricotta, pesto, steamed broccoli…. the list is endless.
Give it a try!


Roasted Spaghetti Squash

A delicious and healthy side dish that is perfect any time of the year

  • 1 Large Spaghetti Squash
  • 3 Tablespoons Olive […]
2020-01-10T18:38:24+00:00October 28th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Roasted Butternut Squash

I think the Fall is the busiest time of the year and then you go right into the Holidays without a break-Good Lord! It is not even Halloween and I am already thinking about Christmas lights on the trees. Lights and the tree are about all I do to “decorate”. I am not a big “decorate for the holidays” kind of person.  I have never have been-maybe in my next life I can come back as my friend Susan:).  Thank the lord I had boys and they never notice that there are no Easter, Halloween or Valentines decorations up.  Score one for an all boy family!!! 

So, the fattest holiday, Thanksgiving is coming up, but we have a few weeks so lets concentrate on eating “healthy”. I mean after you devour the “kids” halloween candy this weekend.  I am going to TRY and post recipes that are lower calorie and lower fat than normal.  I know, you laugh! Notice I did not say low cal or low fat, I just said lowER.  To start this trend I have come up with a few […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00October 27th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Stuffed Bell Peppers

I hear all the time, “I wish I could cook like you do, but I just don’t have the time”.  My response is always the same, “I am not a gourmet cook and the things I cook for my family are EASY and healthy, I promise!”.  This week is crazy busy with football games, lacrosse practices, carpools, tutoring, husband out of town, broken drain the in front yard, two bat shit crazy dogs, dentist appointment, haircuts for the boys, a stupid pumpkin project due for history (really??), trying to get some sort of workout in….. a normal week, right? So, trust me when I say I get it that it is HARD to get a homemade dinner on the table. So, if you are new the cooking task then start small.  Plan on cooking ONE night this week.  Try a recipe on my blog that you think sounds good and give it a try.  I promise, promise none of my recipes are complicated, unless I state that on the recipe.  But, seriously I am a very lazy cook so not many […]

2022-01-04T22:34:31+00:00October 26th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Blue Cheese and Pear Tart

So, I was at Costco (the greatest place on earth) and they had PEARS!  My family loves pears.  I promptly bought two boxes, yes that is 24 pears.  Seems like a lot, right? Nope-they are almost all gone.  We use them in smoothes in the morning, snacks after school, in yogurt… They are such a great fruit and very Fallish.  

The other day I was thinking about Fall and how I wish it would get here!  I mean it is the end of October and it is 90 degrees. I am not sure that we are ever going to see Fall. I am hot and cranky and I need some cool weather-now! But since I can’t make it turn cooler I have been thinking about how I could make some cool weather dishes.  Specifically how I could use some of the pears I bought in an appetizer that could be served at a party since party season is right around the corner. But, I wanted to come up with an dish that the pears did not turn brown while sitting […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00October 20th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Carrot Salad

I mentioned before that I am trying to incorporate more vegetables and salads into our meal rotation.  I know that making a main course and then a side dish is not easy. Trust me there are many nights that I serve sliced flank steak and a glass of milk and call it a day! But, keeping with the cupcake mom image I am trying to portray, I need to start serving more well rounded meals, right?  So, if I have to serve a main dish and a side dish the side better be easy!

Most kids and adults love carrots, especially with ranch. But, I can’t very well serve carrots and ranch as a side dish, or can I? No!  As a “food blogger” I should be making more complicated things, uh yeah, no! So, below is an EASY recipe that is very, very common in France.  They serve it cold as a side dish and many times you can find it on sandwiches in France as well. This is one of those “recipes” that is a pinch of this and a pinch of […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00October 18th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Grilled Artichokes

Ah artichokes!  I love them and thankfully so does my entire family.  If I see fresh artichokes in the grocery store I immediately buy a few.  They have a short season of March to May with normally a bumper crop in October.  Well…its October!!!  

I was at Costco (one of my favorite places on earth) and they had a bag of 4 artichokes that looked beautiful so of course I bought them. Side note, be sure and buy the ones that are green, firm and heavy.  They need to look fresh, not brown on the tips and starting to flower out.  
Once you get home with your fresh artichokes try and cook them within a couple days.  Store them in the fridge until you are ready to use.  When that time comes, snip off the thorns on the tips of the leaves with kitchen shears and cut off the end of the stem, but not all of it-it is edible.  
This vegetable looks daunting, but it is one of the easiest side dishes or appetizers to make.  And, they are fun to eat […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00October 17th, 2016|Starters, Sides|0 Comments

Baked Chimichangas

Sunday nights I ask my kids what they want me to cook for the week and I get the same answer every time. One of those requests is Baked Chimichangas. They are really good, but honestly my husband is not a huge fan.  Not because they don’t taste fabulous, but because they aren’t really a “meal” in his book.  So, I make these when he is out of town and I need a quick dinner. I had a very busy night last night so I made these about 3:30 in the afternoon.  I kept them warm in the oven until 3:45!  That is when they walked in the door starving and inhaled 2 each.  I explained that the chimichangas were for dinner and that I was not making a second meal.  They shrugged their shoulders and dispersed to do homework. And about 6pm they ate the rest.  I hope they had a glass of milk to round it out, but I can’t be certain. We obviously did not make it to the table for a family dinner-the dogs were very sad that […]

2023-12-18T23:59:16+00:00October 12th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Autumn Brussels Sprout Salad

When Fall hits we want comfort food.  Who does not love warm soups, stews, pot roast….? Yes, I love those things also and so does my family, but my waist does not.  It is so hard to find healthy Fall recipes that still taste like comfort foods. 

This recipe is such a great salad to serve as a main course or as a side dish or to take to a holiday party or Thanksgiving dinner.  It saves in the fridge for about 3 days and it still tastes great and has a wonderful crunch.  I love crunch so anything that gives me that crunchy texture in recipes I am a fan.  
You can alter this recipe to fit what you like or what your family likes.  I have to be honest and say that my boys are not huge fans of this recipe, but that does not stop me from making it.  I figure one day they will begin to love veggies. But, if your kids love veggies then make this salad.  You can add shredded chicken, blue cheese crumbles, pomegranate seeds, […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00October 10th, 2016|Soups & Salads, Sides|0 Comments

Chow Mein

Last week was a really busy week and we ate out several times.  It was easy for me to not have to cook, but my kids kept asking me for a dinner at home.  I know, so strange! My kids do not like to go out to eat. So, in a desperate mad rush to come up with something to feed them I made Chow Mein.  If I had planned I would have had chicken to put in the chow mein, but I did not and the kids got a vegetarian dinner.  And…they loved it.  There is just something about Chinese food and kids.  They like the salty, umami flavors.  

This is truly a pantry meal.  The only thing I put in it that came from the fridge was the cabbage and some sad looking carrots.  But, this is one of those dishes that you can put in anything you like or have on hand and it will be delicious. Add chicken, edamame, bean sprouts, bok choy, mushrooms, broccoli….. the list is long. 
You can also use chow mein noodles, but I did not […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00October 9th, 2016|Pasta|0 Comments

Toffee Bars

I feel like we are finally in a rhythm with school-kids are going to bed on time, because they are exhausted.  I can happily say that my kids wake up happy 3 out of 5 school days. That’s good, right?  We have cut down the amount of after school activities considerably and this year our house has gone from three kids to two. Which, by the way, makes a huge difference!  What were we thinking when we decided to go for the third??  I’m just kidding!!  The third child makes life so fun and adds such a fun dynamic to our family.  But, it is more chaotic for sure.  

So, now that we are parenting experts (martinis help with that illusion) we have had time to enjoy family dinners.  A trick I have learned is to ask trivia questions during dinner.  It keeps them engaged and it also gets us off of the typical “how was your day”?  Years ago when we started this I found an OLD Junior Trivial Pursuit game and took the questions out of it and that is what […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00October 3rd, 2016|Desserts|0 Comments

Baked Ziti

So, we finally got some Fall weather and I could not be more excited!  First, you don’t sweat through your clothes by 10am.  Second, all those beautiful fall dishes you are seeing in magazines and on Pinterest you actually feel like making now because it feels like pumpkin season.  And third, most importantly, you get to wear bulkier clothes to cover up all those areas that don’t look like they did when you were 25. Frankly, I think the third reason is the reason I look so forward to fall/winter:) 

Anyway, I digress-let’s talk about all the fattening food you can make and tell yourself that you will work out and work off in April. This recipe for Baked Ziti is super easy and is not as calorie laden as most ziti recipes, but it is still pasta.  It saves beautifully if you want to make it in advance.  It is a fabulous dish to take to a new neighbor or someone that has just had a baby. There is nothing like getting a warm meal from a neighbor or family member after you […]
2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00September 27th, 2016|Pasta|0 Comments

Beef Stroganoff

If I can find a dinner that I can make in advance and that still tastes good I get excited!  Dinner comes at the WORST time of day for moms with kids that can’t drive.  You are trying to get everyone everywhere, at the same time, and help with homework and get dinner on the table.  Then if you throw in a few extra surprises like, feeding the dog, buying a poster board for a project that is due tomorrow, answering the door (why does FedEx and UPS always deliver at 6pm?) it makes getting family dinner ready next to impossible. 

This is a family favorite that I can make when I have time and either keep on the stove or if it is really early I can keep it in the fridge until dinnertime.  
The recipe calls for Sirloin, but use the most tender cut of beef you can find or afford.  And if you can only find Sirloin then cut it as thin as possible and against the grain to make it less tough.  


Makes 4-6 […]

2018-02-15T21:28:19+00:00September 19th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments

Israeli Couscous with Basil Pesto

Here is another quick side dish that goes with just about anything you make for a main.  I like Israeli Couscous better than regular couscous because it has more of a bite to it and it doesn’t clump as badly. But, if you prefer the smaller granules then use regular couscous.

This is also a great side dish to take to a party if you are going to a pot luck or take to a picnic or make and save for lunch throughout the week.  It saves beautifully and it can be eaten hot or cold.

Israeli Couscous with Basil Pesto

A delicious side dish that is easy to make and can be adjusted to your liking. Add cherry tomatoes, feta, toasted pine nuts… the possibilies are endless.

  • 1 Cup Israeli couscous
  • 1 1/2 Cups Water
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • zest of half a lemon
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 2 Tablespoons Prepared Basil Pesto
  • 1/4 Cup Parmesan, grated
  • 1 Tablespoon Fresh Parsley, chopped
  1. In a medium sized pot, heat water until it comes to a boil.  Add salt and couscous.  Stir to […]

2021-03-09T19:00:26+00:00September 19th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Peas with Pancetta

I feel like yummy side dishes only come out during the holidays or if there is an outdoor BBQ party.  I admit that cooking a main dish and two sides every night is hard, especially when there is a dog that must lay right in front of the stove while I am cooking.  I swear I am going to break my neck falling over that damn dog.  

In my house we normally have a main dish and a VERY easy side, such as salad or roasted potatoes or sauteed spinach. But, we get tired of those all the time so I have worked to find some new sides that are just as easy and delicious. The first one is Peas with Pancetta.  If you cannot find pancetta then just use bacon.  However, there is a difference between bacon and pancetta.  Both are pork belly and both are cured, but bacon is smoked after it is cured.  So, by using pancetta in this dish you get the salty, pork flavor without the smokey elements of American bacon.  Sometimes bacon can make a […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 19th, 2016|Sides|0 Comments

Apple Cider Cocktail

It’s Fall and that means Homecoming! The football games are in full swing and the parties and tailgates are in even more full swing.  Let’s face it that the reason we have Homecoming is so that we have an excuse to get together and have a party! 

When you think of Homecoming you think of crisp evenings and falling leaves.  That is unless you live in the South. We do not get our Fall until about October so the September tailgates and parties are still a bit warm. But, we want it to be Fall so bad! So, how do we make it feel like Fall when it is 93 degrees outside? We put the pumpkins out and we serve “fallish” dishes.  Here is a cocktail that is perfect for those warm Fall nights, or days:) It is not served hot and it still has a bit of a refreshing hint to it.  Plus, it is a great way to use up all the basil that you have planted, before it dies. 


Makes 1 drink

2 oz. Vodka (or 4 […]
2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 17th, 2016|Starters|0 Comments

Chipotle Raspberry Pork Tenderloin

Yesterday was my youngest son’s birthday and we went out for a big family dinner, so no cooking at my house.  Because it was his birthday he begged me to let him stay up a little bit later than usual.  Being the best mom in the whole world, I let him.  I don’t know about other parents out there, but do you ever think about what they will remember when they are older?  Will they remember the night I let them stay up and watch that movie, on a school night.  Or… will they remember that time I chased them around the house with “Mr. Spoon” because they were throwing the football in the house and broke a window? I always wonder and then feel guilty and let them get away with some things that I know in my heart of hearts I should shut down.  Well, last night was one of those nights.  He stayed up late and the DEVIL woke up this morning! The devil also woke up in the other boy as well.  Needless to say it was […]

2018-02-15T21:28:20+00:00September 13th, 2016|Meats & Fish|0 Comments
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