I know this will sound strange, but a sweet tooth is not a Hood thing, so I don’t have a ton of dessert recipes. This does not mean that my kids don’t eat candy and suck down a Dr. Pepper every chance they get, but I generally do not serve dessert unless it’s a holiday or at a dinner party. But this dessert is a childhood favorite of mine.
My grandmother used to make this and we, the grandkids, would sneak into the laundry room where this old refrigerator from, literally 1942, sat. We would use all our strength to open the door and hope there was frozen dessert in a pyrex dish in there. Many times all we would find was frozen chicken spaghetti casserole or fruit punch in a tupperware bowl with masking tape dating it back like 15 years. Seriously, my grandmother never threw out any food. God Bless her soul, but maybe that is why I don’t like leftovers, hummm? I’ll save that one for the therapist.
Frozen Dessert is nothing fancy, even the name is not fancy, but it’s so simple and yummy. I hope you enjoy!

Frozen Dessert
1 Packet Oreos, crushed
1- 1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream-in Texas we would only use Blue Bell, but use your favorite.
1 tub Cool Whip
Chocolate Syrup
Whipped Cream
Take ice cream out of freezer for about 15 minutes before so it thaws a bit.
In a large bowl, mix ice cream, Oreos and Cool Whip together. Pour into a freezer safe 9"x13" dish. Freeze overnight.
When ready to serve, cut into squares and drizzle chocolate syrup over and top with whipped cream.
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