The winter blues have definitely set in! Or maybe its the spring blues or fall blues? The weather can’t seem to decide what season it is so I am going to quit trying to cook for the season. I am just going to cook what the little people will eat. And, surprisingly, two out of my three boys will eat salmon-the third will just have to forage for himself:) Just kidding l feed him also. I normally just bake a chicken breast for the kid that HATES fish. I wish he would eat it, because it is so good for you and it balances out all the cheese-its, ice cream and Girl Scout Cookies, but I am going to pick my battles!

Cedar Wrapped Salmon
A delicious way to make salmon! Simple, clean, healthy!
- 4 (4-6oz) pieces skinless salmon
- 2 lemons, sliced
- Olive oil
- Salt and Pepper
- 12-15 sprigs of fresh dill
- 4 cedar wrapping papers and twine
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Place the cedar papers and twine in water to soak for about 30 minutes so they do not burn while cooking.
Once the papers are soaked remove and place on a cutting board. Place one piece of salmon on each paper. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Place 3 slices of lemon on each piece of fish. Top with a few springs of dill.
Wrap the sides of the paper over the fish and tie with twine.
Place each fish packet in a casserole dish or baking sheet.
Bake 20 minutes for medium well.
Serve with extra lemon if desired.
I appreciate the thought that getting kids cooking helps to combat childhood obesity. It makes sense to me that a person who learns to cook with real food ingredients instead of a bunch of processed shortcuts will develop an appreciation of real foods. It also makes sense to me that a diet based on those actual foods will help people, including children, to understand what they are really eating, and I think that kind of consideration is one of the keys to overcoming obesity.